Disclaimer Regarding Financial and Legal Advice Sample Clauses

Disclaimer Regarding Financial and Legal Advice. The information on the GuideStar Site is provided for educational and informational purposes only. Such information or materials do not constitute and are not intended to provide legal, accounting, or tax advice and should not be relied on in that respect. We suggest that You consult an attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor to answer any financial or legal questions. Before you act on any information you’ve found on the GuideStar Site, you should confirm any facts that are important to your decision. IF YOU RELY ON ANY INFORMATION OR SERVICE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE GUIDESTAR SITE, YOU DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE OR LOSS YOU MAY INCUR THAT RESULTS FROM YOUR USE OF THE GUIDESTAR SITE OR ANY MATERIAL OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY THE GUIDESTAR SITE. Disclaimer Regarding Documents Uploaded to the GuideStar Web Site You are solely responsible for the documents you upload to the GuideStar Web site. You are advised not to upload Schedule B (List of Contributors) with the Form 990 for a public charity. You are advised to block any signatures, social security numbers, and personal addresses from documents that you upload. GuideStar reserves the right to refuse any document. In addition, GuideStar has the right to terminate any document at any time for any reason. GuideStar and its affiliates make no representations or warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, regarding any of the documents on the GuideStar Web site. GuideStar will not be held liable for any damages. Termination; Equitable Remedies GuideStar may terminate these Terms of Use (including Your rights hereunder) at any time, with or without notice and with or without cause. Terms of these Terms of Use that, by their nature, survive the termination or expiration of these Terms of Use, shall so survive. You acknowledge and agree that any unauthorized use or disclosure by You of the GuideStar Site or any infringement or violation of GuideStar's intellectual property rights, shall cause GuideStar irreparable injury for which GuideStar could not be fully compensated by money damages. You agree that, in the event of such a violation, GuideStar would be entitled to seek and recover (in addition to any other available remedies) preliminary and permanent injunctive relief without the necessity of posting bond or security, and further that GuideStar would be entitled to recover from You its attorneys' fees and costs incurred in seeking and obtainin...
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Related to Disclaimer Regarding Financial and Legal Advice

  • No Legal Advice Client acknowledges the importance of complying with its obligations under applicable law and agrees that it will consult with legal counsel as appropriate regarding the acquisition and use of Reports.Client understands and acknowledges that Sapphire Check is not a law firm and does not provide legal advice in connection with Sapphire Check’s furnishing of Reports to Client or Client’s use of such Reports. Client understands that any communications by Sapphire Check’s employees or representatives regarding searches, verifications, or the content of reports are not to be considered or construed as legal advice.Client shall consult with counsel as appropriate before deciding whether to act upon information reported by Sapphire Check. Client understands that sample forms or documents made available by Sapphire Check to Client, including, but not limited to, sample disclosure notices, written authorizations, and adverse action notices are offered solely as a courtesy and should not be construed as legal advice.Laws governing the content of such documents frequently change.Accordingly, Client shall consult with counsel to make sure that it is using appropriate documents that comply with any and all applicable federal, state, and local laws.Use of Sapphire Check’ssample documents or processes—including any process designed to obtain the consumer’s consent to the background check—is entirely optional.Therefore, if Client chooses to use Sapphire Check’s sample documents or processes in part or whole, Client agrees that such documents/processes should be considered its own (not that of Sapphire Check), and that Client has consulted with its own legal counsel to the extent necessary regarding the use of such documents/processes.Client shall indemnify and hold harmless Sapphire Check, its affiliates, and subsidiaries and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and insurers from and against any and all damages, penalties, losses, liabilities, judgments, settlements, awards, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses) arising out of or in connection with any third-party claims, assertions, demands, causes of action, suits, proceedings or other actions, whether at law or in equity,related to Client’s use of sample forms, sample documents, or processes made available by Sapphire Check.

  • CERTIFICATION AND DISCLOSURE REGARDING PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FEDERAL TRANSACTIONS (SEP 2007). This clause applies only if this contract exceeds (i) $100,000 if included in Buyer's customer RFP or customer contract issued before October 1, 2010 or (ii) $150,000 if included in Buyer's customer RFP issued on or after October 1, 2010, or if the prime contract was issued prior to October 1, 2010 but was amended after October 1, 2010 to increase the Simplified Acquisition Threshold.

  • Information and Technical Advice At the request of a Party, or upon its own initiative, the arbitration panel may obtain information from any source, including the Parties involved in the dispute, which it deems appropriate for the arbitration procedure. The arbitration panel also has the right to seek the opinion of experts as it deems appropriate. Any information obtained in this manner must be disclosed to each of the Parties and submitted for their comments. Interested parties are authorised to submit amicus curiae briefs to the arbitration panel in accordance with the rules of procedure.

  • LEGAL, ACCOUNTING AND ENVIRONMENTAL ADVICE The parties acknowledge that any information provided by the brokerage is not legal, tax or environmental advice.

  • Legal Advice On issues that are legal in nature, the Manager will be entitled to receive and act upon the advice of legal counsel of its own selection, which can be counsel for the Trust, and will be without liability for any action taken or thing done or omitted to be done in accordance with this Management Agreement in good faith conformity with such advice.

  • No Tax or Legal Advice Such Purchaser understands that nothing in this Agreement, any other Transaction Document or any other materials presented to such Purchaser in connection with the purchase and sale of the Securities constitutes legal, tax or investment advice. Such Purchaser has consulted such legal, tax and investment advisors as it, in its sole discretion, has deemed necessary or appropriate in connection with its purchase of Securities.

  • Representations Warranties Exclusive Remedies and Disclaimers 10. Mutual Indemnification

  • STATEMENT OF LIABILITY The State will demonstrate reasonable care but shall not be liable in the event of loss, destruction, or theft of contractor-owned items to be delivered or to be used in the installation of deliverables. The contractor is required to retain total liability until the deliverables have been accepted by the “authorized agency official.” At no time will the State be responsible for or accept liability for any contractor- owned items.

  • Not Legal Advice During the Term, Taboola may provide recommended privacy policy or disclosure language to Publisher. Publisher acknowledges that it shall not rely on such recommended language as, or as a substitute for, legal advice and that Publisher itself is solely responsible for any disclosures in its privacy policy or on its website.

  • Representations, Warranties and Covenants of Recipient Recipient represents, warrants and covenants for the benefit of the Grantor as follows:

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