Court rules definition

Court rules means the rules adopted by the supreme court under section 5 of article VI of the state constitution of 1963, including the most recent amendments.
Court rules means the Rules Governing the Courts of the State of
Court rules means Rules of the High Court made under section 25 of the High Court Act 1991;

Examples of Court rules in a sentence

  • In the event of any dispute over any part or portion of this Agreement, the matter shall be resolved in accordance with the existing King County Superior Court Rules for mandatory arbitration.

More Definitions of Court rules

Court rules means the Rules of Court made under section 16 of the Supreme Court Ordinance [Cap. 2.02] and includes any special or general orders issued by the Chief Justice under section 17 of that Ordinance;
Court rules means the Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey. "Knowledge" means actual knowledge.
Court rules means all rules of practice and procedure of any court in any jurisdiction under the laws of the United States, duly adopted by a governing body having authority in the jurisdiction to promulgate any rules of practice and procedure for the courts, and shall encompass all other rules of practice and procedure imposed by any federal, state, county, city or municipal government, authority, body, commission, council, legislature, court, agency, board or organization, or other governmental, legislative, judicial or regulatory body, as used to calculate dates. Court Rules shall include all applicable Court Holidays (as defined below). “Court Holidays” shall mean all days on which the court or other similar tribunal is closed or does not convene whether in observance of, or pursuant to, its own rules and procedures, Court Rules or local, state or national holidays as to calculate dates. CRC will use its commercially reasonable efforts periodically to monitor publicly available online sources for changes in the court rules comprising the Rule Sets, and to update the Rule Sets for use by End User. CRC will have no explicit or implicit obligation with regard to the accuracy and currency of the Rule Sets, other than as stated in the preceding sentence. End User is responsible for verifying the accuracy and currency of information obtained from the Rule Sets, including Court Holidays. CRC shall in no event be held liable or responsible for any damages resulting from missed dates. CRC IS NOT LICENSED TO PRACTICE LAW IN ANY JURISDICTION AND DOES NOT RENDER LEGAL ADVICE. ACCORDINGLY, USE OF THE RULE SETS IS FOR PROFESSIONALS SKILLED IN THE AREAS COVERED THEREBY. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, THE RULE SETS ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS. CRC MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND TITLE. CRC DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE RULE SETS WILL BE WITHOUT ERRORS, UNINTERRUPTED, FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS OR THAT THE DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED; UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL CRC OR ANYONE ELSE ASSOCIATED WITH CREATING, DEVELOPING, PRODUCING OR DISTRIBUTING THE COURT RULES DATA INDEMNIFY YOU OR BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, DIRECT OR INDIRECT DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM THE USE, OR THE INABILITY TO USE, THE COURT RULES DATA, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS, LOST USE, LOST DATA, OR THOSE DAMA...
Court rules means Rules of High Court made under section 25 to the High Court Act 1991;
Court rules means the local rules of procedure established by a Court as well as any rules promulgated by any Court governing use of PeachCourt.
Court rules as defined in Section 10.6(h).
Court rules means Rules of High Court made under section 25 to the High Court Act 1991;