Distributor may disconnect Sample Clauses
Distributor may disconnect. The Trader must, subject to clause 29.1, include in its Customer Agreement a provision to the effect that if the Customer breaches the provisions of its Customer Agreement that require it to give the Distributor access to the Distributor’s Equipment on the Customer’s Premises, and the breach is material or persistent, the Distributor may disconnect the Customer’s ICP from the Network and access the Customer’s Premises to reclaim the Distributor’s Equipment, provided that:
(a) if access was required for a purpose described in clause 11.1(a), (b), (d), or (g), the Distributor or Trader gave the Customer 10 Working Days’ notice of access being required (if access is required for a purpose described in clause 11.1(c), (e), or (f), such notice is not required); and
(b) if access is required for a purpose described in clause 11.1(h), the Distributor or Trader gave the Customer 10 Working Days’ notice of access being required (unless the period of notice is specified under the relevant law, in which case the notice period specified under the relevant law applies); and
(c) if the disconnection is a Temporary Disconnection, the Distributor has complied with the relevant provisions of Schedule 6.
Distributor may disconnect. The Retailer will, subject to clause 27.1, include in its Consumer Contracts a provision to the effect that if the Consumer breaches the provisions of its Consumer Contract that require it to give the Distributor access to the Distributor’s Equipment on the Consumer’s Premises, and the breach is material or persistent, the Distributor may disconnect the Consumer’s ICP from the Network and access the Consumer’s Premises to reclaim the Distributor’s Equipment, provided that:
(a) if access was required for a purpose described in clause 13.1(a), (b), (d) or (g), the Distributor or Retailer gave the Consumer 10 Working Days’ notice of access being required (if access is required for a purpose described in clause 13.1(c), (e) or (f), such notice is not required); and
(b) if the disconnection is a Temporary Disconnection, the Distributor has complied with clause S6.15 of schedule 6.
Distributor may disconnect. The Retailer will, subject to clause 27.1, procure in its agreements with Consumers that if the Consumer fails to reasonably grant to the Distributor access rights to the Distributor’s Equipment on the Consumer’s Premises:
(a) where access is required under clause 13.1(a), (b), (d) or (g), after the Distributor or Retailer has given the Consumer 10 Working Days’ written notice of access being required; or
(b) where access is required under clause 13.1(c), (e) or (f), immediately, the Distributor may disconnect the Consumer’s Point of Connection from the Network and go onto the Consumer’s Premises to reclaim the Distributor’s Equipment provided that where the Distributor requires access under clause 13.1(a), (b), (d) or (g), the Distributor will only take such action between the hours of 8:00am and 7:00pm on Working Days.
Distributor may disconnect. The Trader must, subject to clause 29.1, include in its Customer Agreement a provision to the effect that if the Customer breaches the provisions of its Customer Agreement that require it to give the Distributor access to the Distributor’s Equipment on the Customer’s Premises, and the breach is material or persistent, the Distributor may disconnect the Customer’s ICP from the Network and access the Customer’s Premises to reclaim the Distributor’s Equipment, provided that: if access was required for a purpose described in clause 11.1(a), (b), (d) or (g), the Distributor or Trader gave the Customer 10 Working Days’ notice of access being required (unless the period of notice is specified under the relevant law, in which case the notice period specified under the relevant law applies); and if the disconnection is a Temporary Disconnection, the Distributor has complied with the relevant provisions of Schedule 6.