Airfare 5.1 The County will only reimburse up to a coach price fare for air travel. 5.2 The County will exclude any additional charges due to personal preference or personal convenience of the individual traveling (i.e., seat preference charges, airline upgrades, etc. will not be an allowable reimbursement) 5.3 Air travel expenses must be supported with receipt copy of an airline ticket or an itinerary with actual ticket price paid. If tickets are purchased through a website, vendor must submit a copy of the webpage showing the ticket price if no paper ticket was issued. 5.4 Cancellation and/or change flight fees may be reimbursed by the County but vendor must provide the Williamson County Auditor with documentation in writing from a County department head providing authorization for the change. 5.5 The County will not reimburse vendor for tickets purchased with frequent flyer miles.
Domestic Violence The Company agrees to recognize that employees sometimes face situations of violence or abuse in their personal life that may affect their attendance or performance at work. For that reason, the Company and the Union agree, when there is adequate verification from a recognized professional (i.e. doctor, lawyer, registered counsellor), an employee who is in an abusive or violent situation will not be subjected to discipline if the absence can be linked to the abusive or violent situation. Absences which are not covered by sick leave or disability insurance will be granted as absent with permission without pay.
Domestic Leave 6.6.1 The employer shall grant the employee leave on pay as a charge against their sick leave entitlement when the employee is absent from work to attend to a person who is dependent on the employee for care. This shall not preclude the employer from granting additional leave in accordance with clause 6.10 below. 6.6.2 Approval is not to be given for absence during or in connection with the birth of an employee’s child. Such situations should be covered by leave without pay. 6.6.3 The production of a medical certificate or other evidence of illness may be required.
Domestic Steel The Recipient shall use and cause all of its Contractors and subcontractors to comply with domestic steel use requirements pursuant to Section 153.011 of the Ohio Revised Code;
Protective Footwear Effective January 1, 2002, and on that date for each subsequent calendar year, the Hospital will provide $80 per calendar year to each full-time and $45 per calendar year to each regular part-time employee who is required by the Hospital to wear safety footwear during the course of his duties. The employees who will be required to wear safety footwear will be negotiated locally and set out in the Local Provisions Appendix. Note: The existing central language designating the classifications of employees which are deemed to require appropriate safety footwear shall be transferred to the local appendix.
Meals Meals charged to the School District should represent mid-fare selections for the hotel/meeting facility or general area, consistent with the maximum allowable reimbursement amount set by the Board. Tips are included with meal charges. Expense forms must explain the meal charges incurred. Alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed.
Trips Any trip for the purpose of extra or co-curricular activities and assigned by the Employer in accordance with the provisions of Article 15.02, Awarding of Trips will be paid from the time the employee leaves their home base to the time they return to their home base at the B-1.02, Tier 1 rate of pay. Drivers are limited to a maximum number of hours as set out in federal Department of Transportation regulations.
Relocation Costs If relocation occurs after the Commencement Date, then Landlord shall pay Tenant's reasonable third-party costs of moving Tenant's furnishings, telephone and computer wiring, and other property to the Substitute Premises, and reasonable printing costs associated with the change of address.
Domestic Violence Leave Domestic or Sexual Violence Leave will be granted in accordance with the
Lodging Board members should request conference rate or mid-fare room accommodations. A single room rate will be reimbursed. Board members should pay personal expenses at checkout. If that is impossible, deductions for the charges should be made on the expense form.