Leave Donation An employee may donate vacation leave, sick leave, or personal holiday to another employee for purposes of the leave sharing program under the following conditions: A. The College approves the employee’s request to donate a specified amount of vacation leave to an employee authorized to receive shared leave; and 1. The full-time employee’s request to donate leave will not cause their vacation leave balance to fall below eighty (80) hours. For part-time employees, requirements for vacation leave balances will be prorated; and 2. Employees may not donate excess vacation leave that they would not be able to take due to an approaching anniversary date; except when the request for vacation leave was denied and the vacation leave was deferred. B. The College approves the employee’s request to donate a specified amount of sick leave to an employee authorized to receive shared leave. The employee’s request to donate leave will not cause their sick leave balance to fall below one hundred seventy-six (176) hours after the transfer. C. The College approves the employee’s request to donate all or part of their personal holiday to an employee authorized to receive shared leave. 1. That portion of a personal holiday that is accrued, donated as shared leave, and then returned during the same calendar year to the donating employee, may be taken by the donating employee in full day increments. 2. An employee will be allowed to split the personal holiday only when donating a portion of the personal holiday to the shared leave program. D. No employee may be intimidated, threatened, coerced, or financially induced into donating leave for purposes of this program.
Fares and Travel Allowance All Employees shall be entitled to receive the fares and travel allowance as follows:
First Aid Attendants a) Designated First Aid Attendants shall receive their job rate of pay plus the Ticket Premium rate. All other employees holding valid First Aid Tickets shall receive a premium of five cents (5¢) per hour over and above their job rate. There shall be no stacking or pyramiding of premiums. b) Where a company is paying a bonus or premium(s) greater than set out above, it shall keep such policy in effect. c) Effective July 1, 1994, premiums for designated First Aid Tickets shall be: Xxxxx 0 - $0.85 per hour Xxxxx 0 - $0.50 per hour
Completion of Concrete Pours and Emergency Work (a) Except as provided in this sub-clause an Employee shall nor work or be required to work in the rain. (b) Employees shall not be required to start a concrete pour in Inclement Weather. (c) Where a concrete pour has been commenced prior to the commencement of a period of Inclement Weather Employees may be required to complete such concrete pour to a practical stage and for such work shall be paid at the rate of double time calculated to the next hour, and in the case of wet weather shall be provided with adequate wet weather gear. (d) If an Employee’s clothes become wet as a result of working in the rain during a concrete pour the Employee shall, unless the Employee has a change of dry working clothes available, be allowed to go home without loss of pay. (e) The provisions of clauses 32.7(c) and 32.7(d) hereof shall also apply in the case of emergency work where the Employees concerned and their delegates agree that the work is of an emergency nature and can start and/or proceed.
Leave Donation Program Employees may donate paid leave to a fellow employee who is otherwise eligible to accrue and use sick leave and is employed by the same Agency. The intent of the leave donation program is to allow employees to voluntarily provide assistance to their co-workers who are in critical need of leave due to the serious illness or injury of the employee or a member of the employee's immediate family. The definition of immediate family as provided in rule 123:1-47-01 of the Administrative Code shall apply for the leave donation program. A. An employee may receive donated leave, up to the number of hours the employee is scheduled to work each pay period, if the employee who is to receive donated leave: 1. Or a member of the employee's immediate family has a serious illness or injury; 2. Has no accrued leave or has not been approved to receive other state-paid benefits; and 3. Has applied for any paid leave, workers' compensation, or benefits program for which the employee is eligible. Employees who have applied for these programs may use donated leave to satisfy the waiting period for such benefits where applicable, and donated leave may be used following a waiting period, if one exists, in an amount equal to the benefit provided by the program, i.e. fifty six hours (56) pay period may be utilized by an employee who has satisfied the disability waiting period and is pending approval, this is equal to the seventy percent (70%) benefit provided by disability. B. Employees may donate leave if the donating employee: 1. Voluntarily elects to donate leave and does so with the understanding that donated leave will not be returned; 2. Donates a minimum of eight hours; and 3. Retains a combined leave balance of at least eighty hours. Leave shall be donated in the same manner in which it would otherwise be used except that compensatory time is not eligible for donation. C. The leave donation program shall be administered on a pay period by pay period basis. Employees using donated leave shall be considered in active pay status and shall accrue leave and be entitled to any benefits to which they would otherwise be entitled. Leave accrued by an employee while using donated leave shall be used, if necessary, in the following pay period before additional donated leave may be received. Donated leave shall not count toward the probationary period of an employee who receives donated leave during his or her probationary period. Donated leave shall be considered sick leave, but shall never be converted into a cash benefit. D. Employees who wish to donate leave shall certify: 1. The name of the employee for whom the donated leave is intended; 2. The type of leave and number of hours to be donated; 3. That the employee will have a minimum combined leave balance of at least eighty hours; and 4. That the leave is donated voluntarily and the employee understands that the donated leave will not be returned. E. Appointing authorities shall ensure that no employees are forced to donate leave. Appointing authorities shall respect an employee's right to privacy, however appointing authorities may, with the permission of the employee who is in need of leave or a member of the employee's immediate family, inform employees of their co-worker's critical need for leave. Appointing authorities shall not directly solicit leave donations from employees. The donation of leave shall occur on a strictly voluntary basis.
Ambulance Escort Where a nurse is assigned to provide patient care for a patient in transit, the following provisions shall apply: i) Where a full-time nurse performs such duties during her or his regular shift, the full-time nurse shall be paid her or his regular rate of pay. Where a full-time nurse performs such duties outside her or his regular shift or on a day off, she or he shall be paid the appropriate overtime rate. ii) Where a part-time nurse performs such duties during an assigned shift, she or he shall be paid her or his regular rate of pay. Where a part-time nurse continues to perform such duties in excess of her or his assigned shift, she or he shall be paid the appropriate overtime rate. (b) Where such duties extend beyond the nurse's regular shift, the Hospital will not require the nurse to return to regular duties at the hospital without at least eight (8) hours of time off. Where such time off extends into the nurse's next regularly scheduled shift she or he will maintain her or his regular earnings for that full shift. (c) Hours spent between the time the nurse is relieved of patient care responsibilities and the time the nurse returns to the hospital or to such other location agreed upon between the Hospital and the nurse will be paid at straight time or at appropriate overtime rates, if applicable under Article 14. 01. It is understood that the nurse shall return to the hospital or to such other location agreed upon between the Hospital and the nurse at the earliest opportunity. Prior to the nurse's departure on escort duty, or at such other time as may be mutually agreed upon between the Hospital and the nurse, the Hospital will establish with the nurse arrangements for return travel. (d) The nurse shall be reimbursed for reasonable out of pocket expenses including room, board and return transportation and consideration will be given to any special circumstances not dealt with under the foregoing provisions. NOTE 1: (Note 1 applies to full-time nurses only) The Hospital agrees to continue to pay any greater monetary benefit for ambulance escort duty if such greater benefit has been paid by the Hospital immediately prior to this Agreement. This note applies at Hospitals where this superior condition exists as of December 14, 1987. NOTE 2: (Note 2 applies to part-time nurses only) The Hospital agrees to continue to pay any greater monetary benefit for ambulance escort duty if such greater benefit was paid by the Hospital under a Collective Agreement immediately prior to this Agreement. This note applies at Hospitals where this superior condition exists as of December 14, 1987.
Building Access The authorized representatives of the Union shall upon request have access to the District’s premises at any reasonable time for the purpose of adjusting grievances, investigating working conditions, or ascertaining that provisions of this Agreement are being adhered to; provided the representatives check in with the front office, following school protocol to receive a visitor’s badge, they do not interfere with employees in the performance of their duties. The Union shall furnish the District with the names of its authorized representatives.
FARES AND TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE In lieu of the basic daily excess fares and travel pattern allowance prescribed by Clause 38.1.1 of the award, a payment per day shall be made for each day worked (including RDO’s). This payment shall in no way limit or be construed as a payment in substitution for any other entitlement arising under Clause 38 of the award. Payments shall be as follows: ⮚ 1/3/03 $22.50 per day ⮚ 1/3/04 $23.40 per day ⮚ 1/3/05 $24.55 per day The cost of Citylink tolls or similar will be reimbursed for those employees who are required by the company to use their own vehicle during working hours, but not for travel to and from work.
Increasing Seat Belt Use in the United States E.O. 13043, amended by E.O. 13652, requires Recipients to encourage employees and contractors to enforce on-the-job seat belt policies and programs when operating company- owned, rented or personally-owned vehicle.
Control Area An electric power system or combination of electric power systems to which a common automatic generation control scheme is applied in order to: (1) match, at all times, the power output of the generators within the electric power system(s) and capacity and energy purchased from entities outside the electric power system(s), with the load within the electric power system(s); (2) maintain scheduled interchange with other Control Areas, within the limits of Good Utility Practice; (3) maintain the frequency of the electric power system(s) within reasonable limits in accordance with Good Utility Practice; and (4) provide sufficient generating capacity to maintain operating reserves in accordance with Good Utility Practice.