Construction Cost 3.1. Construction Cost does not include the fees of the ARCHITECT/ENGINEER and consultants, the cost of the land, rights- of-way, or other costs, which is the responsibility of the State as provided in Paragraphs 2.2 through 2.3. or any of the contingencies available for the project unless specifically stated otherwise. 3.2. Labor furnished by the State for the Project, however, with respect only to the construction of such components thereof as have been designed by the ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, shall be included in the Construction Cost at current market rates. Materials and equipment furnished by the State shall be included at current market prices, except that used materials and equipment shall be included as if purchased new for the Project.
Estimated Cost Estimated costs by construction phases for Specified Roads listed in A7 are stated by segments in the Schedule of Items. Such estimated costs are subject to adjustment under B3.3, B5.2, B5.21, B5.212, B5.25, and B5.26. Appropriately adjusted costs shall be made a part of a revised Schedule of Items and shown as adjustments to Timber Sale Account. The revised Schedule of Items shall supersede any prior Schedule of Items when it is dated and signed by Contracting Officer and a copy is furnished to Purchaser.
Cost Ability to meet completion dates in proposed project schedule