Estimated Cost Sample Clauses

Estimated Cost. Estimated costs by construction phases for Specified Roads listed in A7 are stated by segments in the Schedule of Items. Such estimated costs are subject to adjustment under B3.3, B5.2, B5.21, B5.212, B5.25, and B5.26. Appropriately adjusted costs shall be made a part of a revised Schedule of Items and shown as adjustments to Timber Sale Account. The revised Schedule of Items shall supersede any prior Schedule of Items when it is dated and signed by Contracting Officer and a copy is furnished to Purchaser.
Estimated Cost. Estimated costs by construction phases for Specified Roads listed in AT7 are stated by segments in the Schedule of Items. Such estimated costs are subject to adjustment under BT3.3, BT5.2, BT5.21, BT5.212, BT5.25, and BT5.26. BT5.25 Construction Cost Adjustment. Contracting Officer, as provided in BT5.21, BT5.212, BT5.251, BT5.252, and BT5.253, shall adjust Specified Road construction cost estimates in the Schedule of Items and show the adjustments as credits or debits to Timber Sale Account in the month when the road segment is accepted. BT5.251 Variation in Quantities. (a) This Item applies only to differences between quantities shown in the Schedule of Items and measured quantities actually constructed and accepted that are not covered under BT5.252 or BT5.253. Only changes in quantities where other than contract quantity or lump sum is specified in the Schedule of Items are subject to this Item.
Estimated Cost. Estimated costs by construction phases for Specified Roads listed in A7 are stated by segments in the Schedule of Items. Such es- timated costs are subject to adjustment under B3.3, B5.2, B5.21, B5.212, B5.25, and B5.26. Appropriately adjusted costs shall be made a part of a revised Sched- ule of Items and shown as adjustments to Integrated Resource Account. The revised Schedule of Items shall supersede any prior Schedule of Items when it is dated and signed by Contracting Officer and a copy is fur- nished to Contractor.
Estimated Cost. The estimated cost for services under this Work Authorization is $9,486.84. This amount is based upon the costs outlined in the Estimated Cost Proposal attached hereto as EXHIBIT “D”.
Estimated Cost. Estimated costs by construction phases for Specified Roads listed in AT7 are stated by segments in the Schedule of Items. Such estimated costs are subject to adjustment under BT3.3, BT5.2, BT5.21, BT5.212, BT5.25, and BT5.26. BT5.25 Construction Cost Adjustment. Contracting Officer, as provided in BT5.21, BT5.212, BT5.251, BT5.252, and BT5.253, shall adjust Specified Road construction cost estimates in the Schedule of Items and show the adjustments as credits or debits to Timber Sale Account in the month when the road segment is accepted. BT5.251 Variation in Quantities. (a) This Item applies only to differences between quantities shown in the Schedule of Items and measured quantities actually constructed and accepted that are not covered under BT5.252 or BT5.253. Only changes in quantities where other than contract quantity or lump sum is specified in the Schedule of Items are subject to this Item. (b) Adjustments to the Specified Road construction cost for variation in quantities shall be computed at unit rates established in the Schedule of Items for units of work actually constructed and measured in accordance with specified method of measurement shown in the Schedule of Items and described in the specifications identified in AT7, except that: (i) When quantity of authorized work performed or material furnished by Purchaser, under any item shown in the Schedule of Items and covered by this Item, is more than 115 percent of original quantity, use Current Unit Rates to calculate the adjustment for that portion of work above 115 percent of original quantity. (ii) When quantity of authorized work performed or material furnished by Purchaser, under any item shown in the Schedule of Items and covered by this Item, is less than 85 percent of original quantity, Forest Service shall make a revised estimate of cost for such work. Any revised estimate shall use the same procedures as those used in original estimates using rates comparable to those used in computing the most recent cost estimate for the timber sale. The revised cost estimate shall take into account any increase or decrease in unit rates that results from a reduction in quantity of work.
Estimated Cost. Estimated costs by construction phases for Specified Roads listed in AT.7 are stated by segments in the Schedule of Items. Such estimated costs are subject to adjustment under DT.3, FT.2, FT.2.1, FT.2.1.2, FT.2.5, and FT.2.6. Appropriately adjusted costs shall be made a part of a revised Schedule of Items and shown as adjustments to Integrated Resource Account. The revised Schedule of Items shall supersede any prior Schedule of Items when it is dated and signed by Contracting Officer and a copy is furnished to Contractor.
Estimated Cost. The cost estimate (2018 U.S. dollars) for the Transmission Project is $479 million, including 30% contingency, consistent with the independent cost estimate used by the NYISO in the evaluation and selection and as documented in the AC Transmission Public Policy Transmission Planning Report, dated April 8, 2019. The estimated cost is not all inclusive and does not include, among other things, (i) the creation of the Xxx Xxxxxx Capacitor Bank Station to house the two new 135 MVAR 345 kV capacitor banks, (ii) the Rock Tavern to Sugarloaf component, (iii) the installation of two new 750 MVA 345 kV PARs at a new Dover station, (iv) real estate and land acquisition costs, facility acquisition and removal costs, and costs incurred as a result of the Connecting Transmission Owner(s) to the extent that the foregoing costs were not assumed in the NYISO’s evaluation and selection, and (v) project development costs incurred by the Developer prior to selection of the Transmission Project by the NYISO Board of Directors.
Estimated Cost. Estimated costs by con- struction phases for Specified Roads listed in AT7 are stated by segments in the Schedule of Items. Such esti- mated costs are subject to adjustment under BT3.3, BT5.2, BT5.21, BT5.212, BT5.25, and BT5.26. Appropriately ad- justed costs shall be made a part of a revised Schedule of Items and shown as adjustments to Integrated Resource Account. The revised Schedule of Items shall supersede
Estimated Cost. For the scope of services outlined within this proposal, we estimate a total cost of about Initial site visit by Senior engineer, P.E. 4 hours $ 150.00 $ 600.00 Mobe/demobe of drill rig 1 Lump Sum $ 300.00 Coring of existing pavement at 2 locations 2 each $ 80.00 $ 160.00 Drilling/sampling of 37 borings to 15 feet 555 feet $ 18.00 $ 9,990.00 Locate/identify/mark borings by graduate engineer 6 hours $ 85.00 $ 510.00 Field logging of soil samples by qualified technician 48 hours $ 65.00 $ 3,120.00 Limited traffic control (cones, signs, technician as flagman during drilling along Dallas Street and California Street) 1 Lump Sum $ 600.00 Grouting of 2 boreholes 30 feet $ 9.00 $ 270.00 Vehicle Charge 60 hours $ 7.50 $ 450.00 Sub-Total $ 16,000.00 Atterberg Limits (ASTM D4318) 80 each $ 60.00 $ 4,800.00 % Pass No. 200 Sieve (ASTM D1140) 48 each $ 46.00 $ 2,208.00 Moisture Content (ASTM D2216) 260 each $ 9.00 $ 2,340.00 Unconfined Compression (ASTM D2166) 32 each $ 44.00 $ 1,408.00 Standard Xxxxxxx Test (ASTM D698) 2 each $ 175.00 $ 350.00 California Bearing Ratio, 3-Points per set (ASTM D1883) 6 each $ 185.00 $ 1,110.00 Sub-Total $ 12,216.00 Senior engineer, P.E. 28 hours $ 150.00 $ 4,200.00 Graduate engineer 72 hours $ 85.00 $ 6,120.00 Engineering Assistant 20 hours $ 60.00 $ 1,200.00 Sub-Total $ 11,520.00 TOTAL FOR THE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION $ 39,736.00
Estimated Cost. The Designated Entity was not the sponsor of the Transmission Project and, therefore, did not independently develop a cost estimate for the Designated Project that was submitted to the NYISO under the Public Policy Transmission Planning Process. The NYISO developed an independent, non-binding cost estimate used in its evaluation and selection and as documented in the Long Island Public Policy Transmission Planning Report, dated June 13, 2023.