Duration 11 Sample Clauses

Duration 11. 6.2.1 Type A is leave of one (1) semester at full pay or one (1) year at half pay. Type B is leave at full pay of up to one hundred percent (100%) reassigned time for up to one (1) year in duration. Leaves shall normally commence at the beginning of a semester.
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Related to Duration 11

  • Duration 23.01 This Agreement shall continue in effect until June 30, 2021 and shall remain in effect from year to year thereafter unless either party gives the other party written notice of termination or desire to amend the agreement.

  • Duration Period This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2002 and shall continue in effect until June 30, 2005, subject to the Association’s right to negotiate over a successor agreement as provided in Article II. This Agreement shall not be extended orally, and it is expressly understood that is shall expire on the date indicated, unless it is extended in writing.

  • Duration of Services The obligation of GGP to perform any individual Service described in or contemplated by this Section L shall terminate upon the earliest to occur of (a) 18 months following the Distribution Date, (b) five days following written notice of termination of such Services by Spinco to GGP and (c) the applicable termination date pursuant to Article IX of the Agreement. GGP agrees to use appropriate and reasonable efforts, as mutually agreed upon by the parties and at Spinco’s cost, to (i) ensure that any terminated Service is integrated into Spinco’s broader business processes and/or (ii) complete any individual Service in this Section L requested by Spinco prior to the termination described in the prior sentence.

  • Duration/Termination 1. This License Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period, subject to termination in accordance with the provisions of article 6.2 and 6.3. Except based on these provisions, parties are not allowed to terminate the License Agreement.

  • DURATION & RENEWAL 22.01 This agreement shall be effective from the 1st day of March, 2011 up to and including the 28th day of February 2014. Either party shall be entitled to give notice in writing to the other party as provided in the Canada Labour Code, of its desire to bargain with a view to the renewal of the expiring collective agreement at any time within a period of 90 days before the expiry date of the agreement. Following such notice to bargain, the parties shall meet within 15 days of the notice or within such further period as the parties mutually agree upon.

  • DURATION, COMMENCEMENT AND PLACE 5.1 The Licence will commence on the Commencement Date.

  • Duration of Force Majeure An Interconnection Party shall not be responsible, or considered to be in Breach or Default under this Interconnection Service Agreement, for any non-performance, any interruption or failure of service, deficiency in the quality or quantity of service, or any other failure to perform any obligation hereunder to the extent that such failure or deficiency is due to Force Majeure. An Interconnection Party shall be excused from whatever performance is affected only for the duration of the Force Majeure and while the Interconnection Party exercises Reasonable Efforts to alleviate such situation. As soon as the non-performing Interconnection Party is able to resume performance of its obligations excused because of the occurrence of Force Majeure, such Interconnection Party shall resume performance and give prompt notice thereof to the other parties.

  • Agreement Duration The term of the Agreement shall begin and end on the dates indicated in the Standard Grant Agreement, unless extended or terminated earlier in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions. The Grantee shall be eligible for reimbursement for work performed on or after the date of execution through the expiration date of this Agreement, unless otherwise specified in Attachment 2, Special Terms and Conditions. However, work performed prior to the execution of this Agreement may be reimbursable or used for match purposes if permitted by the Special Terms and Conditions.

  • Fixed Term This Agreement is concluded for a fixed term specified in the ‘Contract Term’ section of the Order Form. Neither Party can terminate this Agreement for convenience, however any rights of termination for cause remain unaffected.

  • Duration of Review This Articulation Agreement shall be effective from the date of affixing signatures and is subject to annual review by all parties affixing signatures. Any changes must be written and reflected in a new agreement. If no changes are indicated by the annual review, continuance of this agreement will remain in effect until terminated. Either party may terminate this agreement immediately without cause on 90 days written notice. In the event this agreement is terminated, students who are impacted shall have the opportunity to obtain credit according to the terms herein. Morehead State University ( MSU ) Responsibilities MSU shall be responsible for: ● Ensuring all institutional policies apply to articulated credit courses. ● Ensuring articulated credit is properly documented on postsecondary transcript in accordance with this agreement. ● Providing KDE with current postsecondary primary point of contact information to be published for general inquiries related to this Articulation Agreement and notifying KDE when updates are applicable. Secondary School (K-12) Responsibilities Secondary School (K-12) shall be responsible for: ● Providing detailed information to students in writing (i.e., a syllabus) consistent with the public postsecondary institution policy, which shall include the nature of the course and the expectations and requirements that correspond to its official catalog description. Course requirement information must include course prerequisites, course content, grading policy, attendance requirements, course completion requirements, performance standards, information on adding and dropping courses and other related course information. ● Promoting articulated credit opportunities among qualified high school students, parents and high school faculty. ● Ensuring proper Technical Education Data System (TEDS) data entry is maintained to allow for student testing. ● Ensuring articulated credit documentation (e.g., high school transcript with state course codes identified, CTE EOP assessment certificate(s), industry certification certificate(s)) is provided to the student upon meeting requirements. This document was completed by: bdavis Digitally signed by bdavis Date: 2018.12.10 14:14:21 -05'00' Articulation Agreement Kentucky Department of Education And Xxxxxxxx State University In Reference to Production Crop Career and Technical Education End-of-Program Assessment Agreement Number: AG - 18-19 - 0008 Signature Page The Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) and Morehead State University ( MSU ) enter into this Articulation Agreement on this 10 day of December , 20 18 . This Articulation Agreement shall be effective from the date of affixing signatures and is subject to annual review by all parties affixing signatures. Any changes must be written and reflected in a new agreement. If no changes are indicated by the annual review, continuance of this agreement will remain in effect until terminated. Either party may terminate this agreement immediately for cause or may terminate without cause on 90 days written notice. In the event this agreement is terminated, students who are impacted shall have the opportunity to obtain credit according to the terms herein. In testimony thereof, witness the duly authorized signatures of the parties hereto: Kentucky Department of Education Xxxxx X. Xxxxx, Ph.D. Commissioner of Education Date Morehead State University signed by Xxx Xxxxxx 1/3/2019

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