Easements and Licences in Respect of Statutory Functions Sample Clauses

Easements and Licences in Respect of Statutory Functions. Te Runanga and the Crown agree that the vesting of the fee simple estate in the Bed of Muriwai (Coopers Lagoon) in Te Runanga shall be subject to the granting of easements and licences over the Bed of Muriwai (Coopers Lagoon) to enable the Selwyn District Council (or its statutory successor) to fulfil its statutory functions of clearing drains, of maintaining a channel through the lagoon and a piped culvert to the sea, of clearing the culvert of gravel, and of extending the culvert to accommodate movement of the coastal gravel bank occasioned by weather or by erosion, in the form annexed in Attachment 11.38.
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Related to Easements and Licences in Respect of Statutory Functions

  • Certifications and Licenses CONTRACTOR shall be certified by the California Department of Education (hereinafter referred to as “CDE”) as an NPS/A. All NPS/A services shall be provided consistent with the area of certification and licensure specified by CDE Certification and as defined in California Education Code, section 56366 et seq and within the professional scope of practice of each provider’s license, certification and/or credential. A current copy of CONTRACTOR’s NPS/A certification or a waiver of such certification issued by the CDE pursuant to Education Code section 56366.2 must be provided to LEA on or before the date this Agreement is executed by CONTRACTOR. This Master Contract shall be null and void if such certification or waiver is expired, revoked, rescinded, or otherwise nullified during the effective period of this Master Contract. Total student enrollment shall be limited to capacity as stated on CDE certification. and to capacity as stated in Section 24 of the Master Contract. In addition to meeting the certification requirements of the State of California, a CONTRACTOR that operates a program outside of this State shall be certified and all staff persons providing services to pupils shall be certified and/or licensed by that state to provide, respectively, special education and related services and designated instruction and related services to pupils under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1400 et seq.). If CONTRACTOR is a licensed children’s institution (hereinafter referred to as “LCI”), CONTRACTOR shall be licensed by the state, or other public agency having delegated authority by contract with the state to license, to provide nonmedical care to children, including, but not limited to, individuals with exceptional needs. The LCI must also comply with all licensing requirements relevant to the protection of the child, and have a special permit, if necessary, to meet the needs of each child so placed. If the CONTRACTOR operates a program outside of this State, CONTRACTOR must obtain all required licenses from the appropriate licensing agency in both California and in the state where the LCI is located. With respect to CONTRACTOR’s certification, failure to notify the LEA and CDE in writing of any changes in: (1) credentialed/licensed staff; (2) ownership; (3) management and/or control of the agency; (4) major modification or relocation of facilities; or (5) significant modification of the program may result in the suspension or revocation of CDE certification and/or suspension or termination of this Master Contract by the LEA.

  • CERTIFICATION AND LICENSES CONTRACTOR shall be certified by the California Department of Education (hereinafter referred to as “CDE”) as a nonpublic, nonsectarian school/agency. All nonpublic school and nonpublic agency services shall be provided consistent with the area of certification specified by CDE Certification and as defined in California Education Code, section 56366 et seq and within the professional scope of practice of each provider’s license, certification and/or credential. A current copy of CONTRACTOR’s nonpublic school/agency certification or a waiver of such certification issued by the CDE pursuant to Education Code section 56366.2 must be provided to LEA on or before the date this contract is executed by CONTRACTOR. This Master Contract shall be null and void if such certification or waiver is expired, revoked, rescinded, or otherwise nullified during the effective period of this Master Contract. Total pupil enrollment shall be limited to capacity as stated on CDE certification. In addition to meeting the certification requirements of the State of California, CONTRACTOR that operates a program outside of this State shall be certified or licensed by that state to provide, respectively, special education and related services and designated instruction and related services to pupils under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1400 et seq.). If CONTRACTOR is a licensed children’s institution (hereinafter referred to as “LCI”), CONTRACTOR shall be licensed by the state, or other public agency having delegated authority by contract with the state to license, to provide nonmedical care to children, including, but not limited to, individuals with exceptional needs. The LCI must also comply with all licensing requirements relevant to the protection of the child, and have a special permit, if necessary, to meet the needs of each child so placed. If the CONTRACTOR operates a program outside of this State, CONTRACTOR must obtain all required licenses from the appropriate licensing agency in both California and in the state where the LCI is located. A current copy of CONTRACTOR’s licenses and nonpublic school/agency certifications, or a validly issued waiver of any such certification must be provided to LEA on or before the date this Master Contract is executed by CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR must immediately (and under no circumstances longer than three (3) calendar days) notify LEA if any such licenses, certifications or waivers are expired, suspended, revoked, rescinded, challenged pursuant to an administrative or legal complaint or lawsuit, or otherwise nullified during the effective period of this Master Contract. If any such licenses, certifications or waivers are expired, suspended, revoked, rescinded, or otherwise nullified during the effective period of this Master Contract, this Master Contract shall be null and void. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if current (re)certification documents are not available through no fault of the NPS/A, this Master Contract shall remain in effect until such documents are made available to the NPS/A, which shall in turn submit copies of same to the LEA within five (5) business days of receipt by the NPS/A. The NPS/A shall, within five (5) business days of any change in the status of its approved capacity to serve a specific number of pupils notify the LEA of the change.

  • Exclusion of liens and commissions No Paying Agent shall exercise any lien, right of set-off or similar claim against any person to whom it makes any payment under Clause 8.1 (Payments by Paying Agents) in respect thereof, nor shall any commission or expense be charged by it to any such person in respect thereof.

  • Permits and Licenses The Contractor shall observe and comply with all laws, rules, and regulations affecting services under this Agreement. The Contractor shall procure and keep in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement all permits and licenses necessary to accomplish the Work contemplated in this Agreement. END OF EXHIBIT EXHIBIT C SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SLEEPING ROOMS

  • Permits and License Contractor represents and warrants that it will comply with all applicable laws and maintain all permits and licenses required by applicable city, county, state, and federal rules, regulations, statutes, codes, and other laws that pertain to this Contract.

  • COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, LICENSES, PERMITS, AND INSURANCE POLICIES A. For each Term of this Agreement, Concessionaire shall obtain, pay for, maintain, and comply with all licenses, permits, certifications, authorizations, approvals, or any other documents required by all applicable government agency having jurisdiction over the Concession Premises or the conduct of Concessionaire's operations thereon. Concessionaire shall provide Department with written evidence that such applicable licenses, permits, authorizations, or other required documents have been obtained prior to commencement of the activity or operation covered by the license, permit, authorization, or other documentation. No operation shall begin until Concessionaire has provided such written evidence to Department.

  • Intellectual Property Rights and Indemnification Any intellectual property which originates from or is developed by a Party shall remain in the exclusive ownership of that Party. No license in patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret, or other proprietary or intellectual property right now or hereafter owned, controlled or licensable to a Party, is granted to the other Party or shall be implied or arise by estoppel. It is the responsibility of each Party to ensure at its own cost that it has obtained any necessary licenses in relation to intellectual property of third Parties used by it to receive any service or to perform its respective obligations under this Agreement.

  • Intellectual Property Matters A. Definitions

  • Contracts Concerning Use of Project The Recipient agrees that during the Agreement Term it will not contract with any Private Person for use of the Project or any portion thereof or the facility or facilities of which the Project is a part for any Private Business Use unless all of the conditions of subparagraph F.3.a., subparagraph F.3.b. or subparagraph F.3.c. are met:

  • Use of State Facilities Where there is available appropriate meeting space in buildings owned or leased by the State, MSEA-SEIU shall be allowed reasonable use of such space at reasonable times for specific meetings, including space suitable for meetings in private between MSEA-SEIU staff representatives or stewards and employees in the investigation and processing of grievances. In addition, in buildings owned or leased by the State that have video conferencing facilities, MSEA-SEIU may be allowed reasonable use of those facilities. Advance arrangements for the use of State facilities shall be made with the department or agency concerned. MSEA-SEIU shall reimburse the State for any additional expense incurred in allowing use of such space. No other employee organization, except such as have been certified or recognized as the bargaining agent for other State employees, shall have the right to meeting space in State facilities for purposes pertaining to terms and conditions of employment of employees. The use of State facilities for meetings shall be in non-work areas or where work is not in progress. Other than meetings in private between MSEA- SEIU staff representatives or stewards and employees in the investigation and processing of grievances, all meetings in State facilities shall be during the off- duty time of employees attending and, in all instances, attendance shall be voluntary. Arrangements for any meetings in State facilities will be made so as to avoid interference with the department's or agency's operations or violation of the department's or agency's security.

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