Certifications and Licenses Sample Clauses
Certifications and Licenses. CONTRACTOR shall be certified by the California Department of Education (hereinafter referred to as “CDE”) as an NPS/A. All NPS/A services shall be provided consistent with the area of certification and licensure specified by CDE Certification and as defined in California Education Code, section 56366 et seq and within the professional scope of practice of each provider’s license, certification and/or credential. A current copy of CONTRACTOR’s NPS/A certification or a waiver of such certification issued by the CDE pursuant to Education Code section 56366.2 must be provided to LEA on or before the date this Agreement is executed by CONTRACTOR. This Master Contract shall be null and void if such certification or waiver is expired, revoked, rescinded, or otherwise nullified during the effective period of this Master Contract. Total student enrollment shall be limited to capacity as stated on CDE certification. and to capacity as stated in Section 24 of the Master Contract. In addition to meeting the certification requirements of the State of California, a CONTRACTOR that operates a program outside of this State shall be certified and all staff persons providing services to pupils shall be certified and/or licensed by that state to provide, respectively, special education and related services and designated instruction and related services to pupils under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1400 et seq.). If CONTRACTOR is a licensed children’s institution (hereinafter referred to as “LCI”), CONTRACTOR shall be licensed by the state, or other public agency having delegated authority by contract with the state to license, to provide nonmedical care room and board to children, including, but not limited to, individuals with exceptional needs. The LCI must also comply with all licensing requirements relevant to the protection of the child, and have a special permit, if necessary, to meet the needs of each child so placed. If the CONTRACTOR operates a program outside of this State, CONTRACTOR must obtain all required licenses from the appropriate licensing agency in both California and in the state where the LCI is located. With respect to CONTRACTOR’s certification, failure to notify the LEA and CDE in writing of any changes in: (1) credentialed/licensed staff; (2) ownership; (3) management and/or control of the agency; (4) major modification or relocation of facilities; or (5) significant modification of the program may result ...
Certifications and Licenses. Provide a detailed explanation outlining the licenses and certifications that are i) required to be held, and ii) actually held by your organization (including third parties and subcontractors that you use). Has your company maintained these certifications on an ongoing basis? If not, when and why did your company lose any referenced certifications? NOTE: Provide copies of any of the certificates or licenses included in your response in Proposal Form 5 -
Certifications and Licenses. Subsequent to the adoption of this CBA, fees and costs for procuring and renewing certifications and licenses that employees are required by the Town to obtain and maintain shall be paid by the Town, except when such certifications and licenses are required to be possessed by the employees as a condition of employment (hiring). This policy does not apply to certifications and licenses mandated by state or federal law or regulation. (Note: This paragraph may be further modified by mutual agreement prior to signing.)
Certifications and Licenses. The Employer will reimburse employees for required fees to obtain (except a CDL) and renew any required licenses and certifications if said licenses and certifications are a condition of employment by the Employer.
Certifications and Licenses. The College’s educational programs lead to knowledge and skills for a stated major. The College does not guarantee that completion of the educational programs will necessarily be sufficient to obtain a certification or a license issued by a public or private agency. A third party may administer examinations for certifications and licenses and further study and a fee may be required.
Certifications and Licenses. Provide a copy of all current licenses, registrations and certifications issued by federal, state and local agencies, and any other licenses, registrations or certifications from any other governmental entity with jurisdiction, allowing Respondent to provide the products and services included in their proposal which can include, but not limited to licenses, registrations or certifications. M/WBE, HUB, DVBE, small and disadvantaged business certifications and other diverse business certifications, as well as manufacturer certifications for sales and service must be included if applicable. Please also list and include copies of any certificates you hold that would show value for your response and was not already included with the requested information above. Bifma e3 Level 3 Certification Indoor Air Quality Gold Certification Practice Green Health Certification ISO 14001 Certification (The rest of this page is intentionally left blank) O.R.C. Chapter 9.24 prohibits CCOG from awarding a contract to any entity against whom the Auditor of State has issued a finding for recovery, if such finding for recovery is “unresolved” at the time of award. By submitting a proposal, a Respondent warrants that it is not now, and will not become, subject to an “unresolved” finding for recovery under O.R.C. Chapter 9.24 prior to the award of any contract arising out of this RFP, without notifying CCOG of such finding. The Proposal Review Team will not evaluate a proposal from any Respondent whose name, or the name of any of the subcontractors proposed by the Respondent, appears on the website of the Auditor of the State of Ohio as having an “unresolved” finding for recovery. Is your company the subject of any unresolved findings for recoveries? ☐ Yes ☒ No
Certifications and Licenses. Transporter shall maintain all certifications and licenses required by state or local governmental authorities in connection with the provision of Transportation Services.
Certifications and Licenses. Refrigeration, Pesticide Applicators, Master Electrician license, Backflow Inspector $0.60/hr. Primary Asbestos Handlers $0.60/hr. Back-up Asbestos Handler, as assigned $0.75/hr. Pool Certification $0.60 hr.
Certifications and Licenses. A. PARAMEDIC/EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN The District shall provide for the continuing educational needs, to include any certifications required by the District’s Medical control physician, of all personnel maintaining a paramedic or EMT license. Courses that must be taken off duty shall be compensated at time and a half.
Certifications and Licenses. Public Sector Experience