Project Cost An updated cost spreadsheet reflecting the current forecasted cost vs. the latest approved budget vs. the baseline budget should be included in this section. One way to track project cost is to show: (1) Baseline Budget, (2) Latest Approved Budget, (3) Current Forecasted Cost Estimate, (4) Expenditures or Commitments to Date, and (5) Variance between Current Forecasted Cost and Latest Approved Budget. Line items should include all significant cost centers, such as prior costs, right-of-way, preliminary engineering, environmental mitigation, general engineering consultant, section design contracts, construction administration, utilities, construction packages, force accounts/task orders, wrap-up insurance, construction contingencies, management contingencies, and other contingencies. The line items can be broken-up in enough detail such that specific areas of cost change can be sufficiently tracked and future improvements made to the overall cost estimating methodology. A Program Total line should be included at the bottom of the spreadsheet. Narratives, tables, and/or graphs should accompany the updated cost spreadsheet, basically detailing the current cost status, reasons for cost deviations, impacts of cost overruns, and efforts to mitigate cost overruns. The following information should be provided:
Estimated Number of Participating Households Approximately 6,460. This figure is based on loans with unpaid principal balances ranging from $200,000 to $400,000 with an average funding of $5,000.00.
Construction Cost 3.1. Construction Cost does not include the fees of the ARCHITECT/ENGINEER and consultants, the cost of the land, rights- of-way, or other costs, which is the responsibility of the State as provided in Paragraphs 2.2 through 2.3. or any of the contingencies available for the project unless specifically stated otherwise. 3.2. Labor furnished by the State for the Project, however, with respect only to the construction of such components thereof as have been designed by the ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, shall be included in the Construction Cost at current market rates. Materials and equipment furnished by the State shall be included at current market prices, except that used materials and equipment shall be included as if purchased new for the Project.
Isolation Allowance Employees in the following Communities shall receive an Isolation Allowance of $74.00 per month. Alert Bay Xxxxx Lake Chetwynd Xxxxxx Creek Xxxxx Lake Fort Xxxxxx Fort St. Xxxxx Fort St. Xxxx Xxxxxx Lake Gold River Hazelton Houston Hudson Hope Kitimat XxXxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Nakusp New Denver Port Xxxxx Port Hardy Port XxXxxxx Pouce Coupe Prince Xxxxxx Xxxxx Charlotte Islands Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Tahsis Terrace Tofino Tumbler Ridge Valemount Vanderhoof Waglisla
REDUCTION IN WORK FORCE (a) In the event of a reduction in the work force, regular full-time and regular part-time employees shall be laid off in reverse order of seniority, provided that there are available employees with greater seniority who are qualified and have the ability to do the work of the employees laid off. The Employer shall give regular employees written notice of layoff or normal pay for that period in lieu of notice as follows: i) One (1) weeks’ notice after three (3) consecutive months of employment, ii) Two (2) weeks’ notice after twelve (12) consecutive months of employment, iii) Three (3) weeks’ notice after three (3) consecutive years, plus one additional week for each additional year of employment to a maximum of eight (8) weeks. iv) Employees shall be entitled to Group Termination notice/pay pursuant to Section 64 of the Employment Standards Act. (b) Laid-off regular employees shall retain their seniority and perquisites accumulated up to the time of layoff, for a period of one (1) year and shall be rehired, if the employee possesses the capability of performing the duties of the vacant job on the basis of the posting procedure. If a laid-off employee is not recalled to work within twelve (12) calendar months of layoff, such employee may be terminated by written notification at the expiration of the twelve (12) calendar month period. Laid-off employees failing to report for work of an ongoing nature within seven (7) days of the date of receipt of notification by registered mail shall be considered to have abandoned their right to employment. Employees required to give two (2) weeks' notice to another Employer shall be deemed to be in compliance with the seven
Relocation Allowance An employee who is promoted and required by agency policy to relocate his residence shall be granted time off with pay for one workday for this purpose. In addition, the employee shall be granted travel time to the new location based on the most direct route. No employee will be credited with more than the number of hours in the employee’s regular workday and such time shall not be counted as hours worked for the purpose of computing compensatory time or overtime.
Termination Costs If a Party elects to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Article 2.3.1 above, the terminating Party shall pay all costs incurred (including any cancellation costs relating to orders or contracts for Attachment Facilities and equipment) or charges assessed by the other Parties, as of the date of the other Parties’ receipt of such notice of termination, that are the responsibility of the terminating Party under this Agreement. In the event of termination by a Party, all Parties shall use commercially Reasonable Efforts to mitigate the costs, damages and charges arising as a consequence of termination. Upon termination of this Agreement, unless otherwise ordered or approved by FERC: 2.4.1 With respect to any portion of the Connecting Transmission Owner’s Attachment Facilities that have not yet been constructed or installed, the Connecting Transmission Owner shall to the extent possible and with Developer’s authorization cancel any pending orders of, or return, any materials or equipment for, or contracts for construction of, such facilities; provided that in the event Developer elects not to authorize such cancellation, Developer shall assume all payment obligations with respect to such materials, equipment, and contracts, and the Connecting Transmission Owner shall deliver such material and equipment, and, if necessary, assign such contracts, to Developer as soon as practicable, at Developer’s expense. To the extent that Developer has already paid Connecting Transmission Owner for any or all such costs of materials or equipment not taken by Developer, Connecting Transmission Owner shall promptly refund such amounts to Developer, less any costs, including penalties incurred by the Connecting Transmission Owner to cancel any pending orders of or return such materials, equipment, or contracts. If Developer terminates this Agreement, it shall be responsible for all costs incurred in association with Developer’s interconnection, including any cancellation costs relating to orders or contracts for Attachment Facilities and equipment, and other expenses including any System Upgrade Facilities and System Deliverability Upgrades for which the Connecting Transmission Owner has incurred expenses and has not been reimbursed by the Developer. 2.4.2 Connecting Transmission Owner may, at its option, retain any portion of such materials, equipment, or facilities that Developer chooses not to accept delivery of, in which case Connecting Transmission Owner shall be responsible for all costs associated with procuring such materials, equipment, or facilities. 2.4.3 With respect to any portion of the Attachment Facilities, and any other facilities already installed or constructed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, Developer shall be responsible for all costs associated with the removal, relocation or other disposition or retirement of such materials, equipment, or facilities.
REDUCTION IN FORCE A. In any reduction in the bargaining unit as a result of budgetary actions or curriculum and/or administrative organization, every effort will be made to transfer affected teachers to other similar positions within the school system where vacancies exist and for which the affected teachers are certified. B. If no similar positions are available, rehired retirees, provisionally certificated teachers and non- tenured teachers in the subjects and/or grade levels affected will be laid off or separated from the active employment rolls prior to tenured teachers in the same subjects and/or grade levels. If it becomes necessary to lay off tenured teachers, they shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority. An appropriate seniority list will be made available for inspection when a tenured teacher has been laid off and disputes a seniority ranking. The seniority list will be developed from the last date of employment and furnished to the Association. If there is a tie, the affected teachers will have seniority calculated as defined in Article I, Section B.7. Teachers on an unpaid leave of absence shall retain accrued seniority. Teachers on military leave, Association leave and on layoff shall continue to accrue seniority during that time. A countywide list of all certificated personnel employed as of July 1 of each year shall be compiled and available upon request of FCTA. The list will indicate name, date of first employment, date of current employment and department and location code. C. Teachers on layoff shall be placed on a priority recall list in accordance with their seniority. The teachers shall be recalled as vacancies become available in accordance with their position on the list and their certification for said vacancies. D. When vacancies become available, the teacher will be notified of the vacancy by phone and email sent to the last known address. The teacher so notified shall notify the responsible administrator, in writing, in not more than ten (10) days after receipt of notification of the vacancy as to whether or not the position will be accepted. The teacher may decline the first offer of employment. If the teacher declines the second offer of a position, reemployment rights shall be forfeited. All teachers shall remain on the priority recall list for a maximum of three (3) years. E. While a layoff continues, no new teachers shall be hired except in those unique circumstances where (a) there are no teachers on the priority recall list qualified to fill the vacancy or (b) all qualified teachers on the priority recall list decline the offer to fill the vacancy. F. Any layoff due to reduction in force shall not be subject to any dismissal procedure required elsewhere in this Agreement. G. Teachers recalled under these provisions shall have restored to them all previously accrued sick leave and personal leave. H. The Board and the Association recognize that appropriate governmental agencies that have jurisdiction may promulgate rulings and/or regulations that may impact this Article. If such rulings or regulations cause any provisions to be in conflict, the parties shall meet within ten (10) days for the purpose of renegotiating only the provision(s) held to be contrary.
Total Project Cost With regard to any Real Property acquired prior to or during the development, construction or improvement stages, all hard and soft costs and expenses paid or incurred by or on behalf of the Corporation that are in any way related to the development, construction, improvement or stabilization (including tenant improvements) of such Real Property, including, but not limited to, any debt, whether borrowed or assumed, land and construction costs.
Indirect Cost Rates The System Agency may acknowledge an indirect cost rate for Grantees that is utilized for all applicable Grant Agreements. For subrecipients receiving federal funds, indirect cost rates will be determined in accordance with applicable law including, but not limited to, 2 CFR 200.414(f). For recipients receiving state funds, indirect costs will be determined in accordance with applicable law including, but not limited to, TxGMS. Grantees funded with blended federal and state funding will be subject to both state and federal requirements when determining indirect costs. In the event of a conflict between TxGMS and applicable federal law or regulation, the provisions of federal law or regulation will apply. Grantee will provide any necessary financial documents to determine the indirect cost rate in accordance with the Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) and TxGMS.