REDUCTION IN FORCE. A. In any reduction in the bargaining unit as a result of budgetary actions or curriculum and/or administrative organization, every effort will be made to transfer affected teachers to other similar positions within the school system where vacancies exist and for which the affected teachers are certified.
B. If no similar positions are available, rehired retirees, provisionally certificated teachers and non- tenured teachers in the subjects and/or grade levels affected will be laid off or separated from the active employment rolls prior to tenured teachers in the same subjects and/or grade levels. If it becomes necessary to lay off tenured teachers, they shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority. An appropriate seniority list will be made available for inspection when a tenured teacher has been laid off and disputes a seniority ranking. The seniority list will be developed from the last date of employment and furnished to the Association. If there is a tie, the affected teachers will have seniority calculated as defined in Article I, Section B.7. Teachers on an unpaid leave of absence shall retain accrued seniority. Teachers on military leave, Association leave and on layoff shall continue to accrue seniority during that time. A countywide list of all certificated personnel employed as of July 1 of each year shall be compiled and available upon request of FCTA. The list will indicate name, date of first employment, date of current employment and department and location code.
C. Teachers on layoff shall be placed on a priority recall list in accordance with their seniority. The teachers shall be recalled as vacancies become available in accordance with their position on the list and their certification for said vacancies.
D. When vacancies become available, the teacher will be notified of the vacancy by phone and email sent to the last known address. The teacher so notified shall notify the responsible administrator, in writing, in not more than ten (10) days after receipt of notification of the vacancy as to whether or not the position will be accepted. The teacher may decline the first offer of employment. If the teacher declines the second offer of a position, reemployment rights shall be forfeited. All teachers shall remain on the priority recall list for a maximum of three (3) years.
E. While a layoff continues, no new teachers shall be hired except in those unique circumstances where (a) there are no teachers on the priority recall lis...
REDUCTION IN FORCE. 2.8.1 If it becomes necessary because of federal contract modifications, insufficient funds, loss of enrollment, or an emergency caused by an act of nature, to decrease the number of unit members, the following principles shall apply in determining the order of unit members to be laid off (not in order of priority):
(1) Last-in, first-out within subject area.
(2) Job Performance. Management will not assess relative job performance in an arbitrary or capricious manner. Upon written request from an affected unit member or the AFT, management will explain in writing how job performance affects the order of layoff. A unit member with more than 10 (ten) years of service will be exempt from lay-off until all those with less service in the areas in which the unit member is certified and qualified have been terminated. Before an action to terminate personnel through layoff is taken, the Contract Training Manager will send a written notice to the affected unit member(s) and the AFT no less than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the effective date of lay- off. Upon notice from the Navy that a program is to be discontinued, reduced in funding, or personnel are going to be laid off, the District must within three (3) working days of receipt of such notice send a written notice to the AFT communicating the Navy’s decision.
2.8.2 “Within subject area” is defined as the department the unit member has worked in: i.e., AC&R School, Electrical School, JIT School, and Culinary Specialist School, etc. However, a more senior unit member whose position is affected by the layoff or who is affected by “bumping” due to the layoff, and who is qualified and certified, in accordance with the Statement of Work, to teach in another job assignment in another department, will be allowed to displace a more junior unit member in the other job assignment. The District will determine which junior unit member will be displaced under this provision, based on the needs of the programs and on the qualifications and certification status of the junior employees.
2.8.3 No new unit member appointments shall be made while there are unit members who were laid off within the past twenty-four (24) months due to reduction-in- force and who are qualified for the position and who are available for reinstatement Reinstatements shall be made in the reverse order of the layoff (last laid-off, first re-hired).
REDUCTION IN FORCE. A reduction in force will be recognized when either a full position is eliminated or a reduction in FTE within a job classification.
1. Should there be an FTE reduction that does not result in a position being eliminated, the least senior regular employee within the job classification will be subject to an FTE reduction. Throughout BVSD the reduction in FTE will occur in the following manner:
a. After temporary and probationary employees have been reduced, the least senior regular employee within the job classification at the school/department being reduced in FTE will be the employee impacted at that school/department. The reduced employee may then exercise their right to displace the least senior employee within the job classification that holds the FTE the more senior employee had before the school/department was reduced in FTE. The seniority impact would continue until only the last senior employee(s) are impacted. No further reductions will occur outside of the job classification. Note: This will not apply to Transportation Bus Drivers and Bus Assistant positions as they have a bidding process each year for their assignments.
2. Should there be a position completely eliminated, the following will take place:
a. District seniority, rather than departmental seniority, shall prevail when reducing the number of employees within a department or in laying off employees from the District.
b. When it becomes necessary to implement a reduction in force, the following procedure shall be observed:
i. Temporary employees in the affected job classification(s) will be removed first.
ii. Probationary employees in the affected job classification(s) will be removed next.
iii. The regular employee(s) in the affected job classification(s) with the least seniority will be removed next.
iv. A regular employee removed under clause “c” above will displace the employee with the least seniority in the job classification at or below his/hers, within the department, according to the reverse order of job progression.
v. A regular employee who cannot displace another employee in his/her own department under “d” above, because he/she does not have sufficient seniority or the qualifications to perform the job satisfactorily, will displace the employee with the least seniority in the District whose job he/she can perform.
c. A regular employee displaced from his/her job classification under this procedure will receive a minimum of thirty days notice.
d. Any regular employee displace...
REDUCTION IN FORCE. 8.1 In the event it is necessary to have a reduction in staff, the SUPERINTENDENT, in accordance with the provisions set forth in this article, shall determine which EMPLOYEES are to be retained. In the event of layoff, the order of reduction shallbe:
8.1.1 PROBATIONARY employees within the job classification shall be laid off first.
8.1.2 Full-time regular (non-probationary) EMPLOYEES shall be laid off in the inverse order of seniority within the job classification.
8.2 The UNION and the EMPLOYEES shall be given written notice of layoff at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date of the layoff.
8.3 EMPLOYEEs who previously held another position within the bargaining unit may request, in writing, within five (5) business days of notification to the Reduction in Force and shall be given the opportunity to bump back into that position provided their seniority allows and they meet the minimum requirements for the position.
8.4 The EMPLOYEE with the most seniority in the job classification held at the time of lay off will be called back first. All EMPLOYEES who have been laid off shall have the right of written recall within their job classification for a period of twelve (12) months from the date oflayoff.
8.4.1 When Bus Drivers/Bus Attendants are laid off due to a Reduction in Force, the riffed EMPLOYEE(s) may move to the substitute pool. The riffed EMPLOYEE shall have the right of first refusal to any substitute assignment in their job classification. If the riffed EMPLOYEE fails to accept three (3) substitute assignments in their job classification, the EMPLOYEE will lose his / her first refusal right but will retain the right of recall.
8.5 An EMPLOYEE's failure to respond affirmatively within twenty-one (21) calendar days from the postmark date of the District's letter, sent by Certified Mail, to the EMPLOYEE's address on file in the Human Resources Office shall result in termination of the EMPLOYEE's rights of recall.
8.6 The SUPERINTENDENT agrees that no new EMPLOYEES shall be hired in any job classification as long as there are EMPLOYEES on layoff in that classification who have recall rights unless a sufficient number of positions exist to employ those with recall rights and new EMPLOYEES, thus guaranteeing that EMPLOYEES on layoff have a position available. When hiring new part- time employees in a RIF'd classification under this agreement, a RIF'd EMPLOYEE will be given first right of refusal to the part time position in their classificati...
REDUCTION IN FORCE. It is understood and agreed that in addition to the above designated and related duties, full-time professional staff shall participate fully in the activities of institutional councils and/or committees. The employment status of the Employee shall be as follows: Executive/Managerial Appointment , not subject to tenure. Professional/Managerial Appointment , not subject to tenure. Other conditions of Employment:
REDUCTION IN FORCE. In the event the Board determines to reduce the number of employees in the bargaining unit by layoff during the term of this Agreement, where qualifications are equal, the order of layoff shall be in reverse order of seniority as an employee of the Shore Collaborative. Qualifications shall consist of evaluation and professional capabilities, such factors to be determined solely by the Collaborative Board in a non- arbitrary or capricious manner. For purpose of this article, total continuous time as a full-time professional employee of Shore Collaborative, in a permanent position covered by this Agreement, in months and days shall be used to compute an employee's length of service (seniority). An employee shall acquire seniority beginning from the date of his or her employment. For the purposes of this article, the length of service of an employee shall be broken and no prior periods of employment with the Board shall be counted if such employee:
A. voluntarily resigns his or her employment; or
B. is discharged for cause. An approved leave of absence shall not constitute a break in service, for purposes of this article, however seniority shall not continue to accrue during such leave. Each fall the Executive Director shall post a seniority list of all employees covered by this Agreement. The list shall show date of hire and the program in which the employee is working, and a copy will be forwarded to the President of this Association. This list shall be deemed to be accurate unless challenges to its accuracy are submitted in writing to the Executive Director within fifteen (15) working days from publication of the list. An employee who is on layoff shall, for one (1) school year after the effective date of layoff retain first preference to recall rights in inverse order of layoff to a position from which he or she is laid off provided he or she is qualified, certified, and meets the needs of the Collaborative. If a laid off employee refuses an offer of recall, his or her name shall be removed from the recall List, and recall rights shall be terminated.
REDUCTION IN FORCE. 23.1 The size of the workforce at any time is within the sole discretion of the Hospital. The parties acknowledge that throughout this Article, the determination of whether an employee is qualified for a position is within the sole discretion of the Hospital.
23.2 The Parties agree that in the event the Hospital determines that it will layoff bargaining unit members, informal discussions will take place to address issues related to the layoff no later than Five (5) days before the layoff. Nothing in these discussions will be inconsistent with this Article.
23.3 Layoffs will be accomplished by functional Department. Probationary employees in the affected functional Department will be laid off first. Traveler/Temporary nurses who were not hired because of specialized skills will be laid off next. In the event further layoffs are necessary, volunteers will be laid off. If additional layoffs are necessary the least senior employee(s) in the affected functional department will be laid off.
23.4 An employee who has been selected for layoff pursuant to this Article has the right to fill a posted bargaining unit position provided he or she is qualified for that position. If the employee declines to fill such position he or she will be laid off.
23.5 If there is no posted bargaining unit position for which the employee selected for layoff is qualified he or she has the right:
a. To displace a probationary bargaining unit employee provided he or she is qualified for that employee’s budgeted position; or,
b. To displace a Traveler/Temporary nurse who was not hired because of specialized skills; or,
c. To displace the least senior employee in the unit provided he or she is qualified for that employee’s budgeted position; or,
d. Be laid off.
REDUCTION IN FORCE. A. A reduction in force is defined as the involuntary elimination of a regular nurse’s position or an involuntary reduction of a regular nurse’s scheduled hours or shifts.
B. For purposes of this article, “qualified” means that the nurse is able to be precepted on site at the Medical Center up to six weeks of assuming the new role or position.
REDUCTION IN FORCE. A. In the event a reduction in force becomes necessary the Superintendent shall notify the Association of such necessity in writing with an explanation of the reasons. Such notification shall be prior to formal School Board action relating to such reduction in force.
B. The Board shall determine the subject areas and/or programs, and the positions in which reductions must be made. The Association shall be notified of such determinations.
C. Certification, contract type, seniority, and level of degree shall be sequentially used, as outlined below, to determine the order of layoff. For non-certified positions, the sequence shall begin with seniority. The employee’s status on the date of official notice to the Association of a reduction in force shall be used to determine his/her placement within the above factors.
1. Certification for each teacher shall be established. If a teacher has certification in two or more teaching areas, s/he will designate which teaching area will be the determiner of certification for purposes of layoff.
a. If a teacher is teaching out-of-field and has completed less than half the requirements for said certification when a layoff occurs, his/her status shall be determined by the area of current certification. If half or more of the requirements have been completed when a layoff occurs, a teacher’s status may be determined as if s/he had certification in the out-of-field area.
b. The parties recognize that in certain subjects/disciplines and/or programs within an area of certification, or in a program utilizing “any area of certification,” specific preparation and/or experience may be required. These may include:
1) Recency of teaching experience in the subject/discipline and/or program.
2) An appropriate combination of licenses, documentation and/or recency of work experience necessary to meet program and/or industry needs.
3) Documentable skills needed to address student needs in a specific program excluding those based solely upon supplemental activities in Appendix B.
c. Prior to a layoff, if the District has determined there is a need to utilize the provisions in 1.b. above, the parties shall mutually identify the subjects/disciplines and/or programs to which this shall apply, and what specific preparations and/or experience will be required.
2. Contract type shall be used to determine the order of layoff in the following sequence:
a. Temporary Contract
b. Annual Contract
c. Professional Services or Continuing Contract
3. Seni...