ELIGIBILITY FOR ATTENDING THE EGM. Holders of Sinopec Corp.'s H shares whose names appear on the register of members of Sinopec Corp. maintained by Hong Kong Registrars Limited and holders of domestic shares whose names appear on the domestic shares register maintained by China Registration and Clearing Company Limited Shanghai Branch Company at the close of business on Tuesday, 18 November 2003 are eligible to attend the EGM. In order to be eligible to attend and vote at the EGM, all transfers accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with the share registrars for H shares of Sinopec Corp. in Hong Kong not later than 4:00 p.m. on Monday, 17 November 2003.


  • Eligibility for Leave All regular full-time employees shall be eligible for paid leave. Further, all regular part-time employees shall receive paid leave on a ration of paid leave time accrued to the number of hours worked in the work week. All non-regular part-time, temporary, and seasonal employees will not be eligible to receive paid leave.

  • NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES REGARDING THE SAFELY SURRENDERED BABY LAW CONTRACTOR shall notify and provide to its employees, a fact sheet regarding the Safely Surrendered Baby Law, its implementation in Orange County, and where and how to safely surrender a baby. The fact sheet is available on the Internet at xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx.xxx for printing purposes. The information shall be posted in all reception areas where clients are served.

  • By the Executive Other than for Good Reason The Executive may terminate his employment hereunder other than for Good Reason (as defined in Section 5(f) below) at any time upon the provision of 60 days written notice to the Company. In the event of termination of the Executive pursuant to this Section 5(e), the Board may elect to waive the period of notice or any portion thereof.

  • Eligibility for Group Participation This section describes eligibility to participate in the Group Insurance Program.

  • Maintaining Eligibility for Employer Contribution The employer's contribution continues as long as the employee remains on the payroll in an insurance eligible position. Employees who complete their regular school year assignment shall receive coverage through August 31.

  • Eligibility for Employer Contribution This section describes eligibility for an Employer Contribution toward the cost of coverage.

  • ELIGIBILITY FOR COVERAGE Any employee and the dependents of an employee who meet and continue to meet the eligibility requirements described in this Contract, will be entitled to apply for coverage under this Contract. These eligibility requirements are binding upon you and your eligible dependents. We may require acceptable documentation that an individual meets and continues to meet the eligibility requirements (e.g. proof of residency, copies of a court order naming the Subscriber as legal guardian, or appropriate adoption documentation, as described in Part IV. ENROLLMENT AND EFFECTIVE DATE OF COVERAGE).

  • Eligibility for Benefits 1. Sick Leave Bank benefits are available only when the member personally has a severe medical hardship (catastrophic illness or serious accident). 2. Benefits can be received only after all accumulated sick leave and vacation days have been exhausted. 3. Any member receiving Worker's Compensation or disability benefits shall not be eligible to receive benefits from the Sick Leave Bank. 4. A member who is on leave of absence, suspended, or terminated from the Xxxxxxx County Board of Education shall not be eligible for Sick Leave Bank benefits. 5. The form, entitled "Request For Sick Leave Benefits" and physician's statement are required before the SLB Review Committee will consider a request for benefits. The physician's statement shall include a history of the illness, date the illness began, a diagnosis and prognosis, and any other related information. 6. Approval by the Sick Leave Bank Review Committee is required prior to the receiving of benefits. 7. Normal pregnancies, childbirth, childcare, or child adoption shall not be considered as eligible reasons for Sick Leave Bank benefits. 8. A four (4)-member Sick Leave Bank Review Committee, consisting of two (2) members appointed by the President of the Association and two (2) appointed by the Superintendent, shall have the responsibility of receiving requests, verifying the validity of requests and approval or denial of requests. Any approval of a request must have the support of at least three (3) members of the committee Sick Leave Bank Review Committee. The Sick Leave Bank Review Committee shall develop its rules of procedure and shall give wide distribution to said rules upon approval of the President of the Association and the Superintendent.

  • Eligibility for Holiday Pay A. An employee must be paid for all or a portion of both the regularly scheduled working assignment immediately prior to a holiday and the regularly scheduled working assignment immediately after that holiday in order to receive holiday pay. With County approval, compensatory time earned for working on a holiday or for a holiday falling on a regularly scheduled day off may be taken on the first scheduled working day after the holiday. B. A new employee whose first working day is the day after a holiday shall not be paid for that holiday. C. An employee who elects paid County retirement on a holiday shall be paid for the holiday. D. An employee who is terminating employment for reasons other than paid County retirement and whose last day as a paid employee is the day before a holiday shall not be paid for that holiday. E. Only regular, limited-term and probationary employees shall be eligible for holiday pay.

  • Leave With Pay for Family-Related Responsibilities (a) For the purpose of this clause, “family” is defined as: (i) spouse (including common law spouse resident with the employee); (ii) children (including xxxxxx children, children of legal or common-law partner and xxxx of the employee); (iii) parents (including step-parents or xxxxxx parents), father-in-law, mother-in-law; (iv) brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister; (v) grandparents and grandchildren of the employee; (vi) any relative, residing in the employee’s household or with whom the employee permanently resides; or (vii) any relative for whom the employee has a duty of care, irrespective of whether they reside with the employee. (b) The total leave with pay which may be granted under this clause shall not exceed thirty-seven decimal five (37.5) hours in a fiscal year. (c) At the request of an employee, leave with pay for family related responsibilities may be granted as follows: (i) to take a dependent family member for medical or dental appointments, or for appointments with school authorities or adoption agencies; the employee who requests a leave pursuant to this clause should make every reasonable effort to schedule these appointments to minimize or preclude his or her absence from work; (ii) for the temporary care of a sick member of the employee's family and to provide the employee with time to make alternate care arrangements where the illness is of a longer duration; (iii) for needs directly related to the birth or adoption of his or her child; (iv) to attend school functions, if the supervisor was notified of the functions as far in advance as possible; (v) to provide for the employee’s child in the case of an unforeseeable closure of the school or daycare facility; (vi) seven decimal five (7.5) hours out of the thirty-seven decimal five (37.5) hours stipulated in paragraph (b) above may be used to attend an appointment with a legal or paralegal representative for non-employment related matters, or with a financial or other professional representative, if the supervisor was notified of the appointment as far in advance as possible.