Employee Participation The Employer will assist employees' participation in health promotion and health education programs. Health promotion and health education programs that have been endorsed by the Employer (Minnesota Management & Budget) will be considered to be non-assigned job-related training pursuant to Administrative Procedure 21. Approval for this training is at the discretion of the Appointing Authority and is contingent upon meeting staffing needs in the employee's absence and the availability of funds. Employees are eligible for release time, tuition reimbursement, or a pro rata combination of both. Employees may be reimbursed for up to one hundred (100) percent of tuition or registration costs upon successful completion of the program. Employees may be granted release time, including the travel time, in lieu of reimbursement.
Eligibility for Employer Contribution This section describes eligibility for an Employer Contribution toward the cost of coverage.
Maintaining Eligibility for Employer Contribution The employer's contribution continues as long as the employee remains on the payroll in an insurance eligible position. Employees who complete their regular school year assignment shall receive coverage through August 31.
Program Participation By participating in the CRF Program, Grantee agrees to: a. Not increase any Eligible Household’s rent through January 2021; b. Waive all costs, fees and charges incurred by Eligible Households as a result of non- payment or partial payment of rent during the impacted months; c. Not consider non-payment or partial payment by Eligible Households during impacted months when considering renewal of an Eligible Household’s lease, or, share this information with other rental properties, credit bureaus and tenant screening companies; d. Not initiate new Eligible Household evictions for non-payment of rent and must suspend all pending evictions of Eligible Households for nonpayment of rent for the duration of the rental payment assistance; e. Not issue a notice to vacate to Eligible Households for nonpayment of rent until the end of the Eviction Relief Period; and f. Not require Eligible Households to vacate the unit until 30 days after such notice.