Elimination Of Former Section 20 Sample Clauses

Elimination Of Former Section 20. 3: Holidays – Floating‌ The parties agree that the elimination of Section 20.3 of this Article 20 will be implemented effective upon approval of the SCLEA MOU by the Board of Supervisors. Hours accrued prior to the elimination of former section covering Holidays – Floating Holiday will remain in the employee’s Compensatory Bank. Such compensatory time may be taken off on a day mutually agreeable to the employee and the county or paid per Article 14.13 – Requests for Compensatory Time Payments.
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Related to Elimination Of Former Section 20

  • Tax Law Section 5-A Section 5-a of the Tax Law, requires certain Contractors awarded State Contracts for commodities, services and technology valued at more than $100,000 to certify to the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance (DTF) that they are registered to collect New York State and local sales and compensating use taxes. The law applies to Contracts where the total amount of such Contractors’ sales delivered into New York State are in excess of $300,000 for the four quarterly periods immediately preceding the quarterly period in which the certification is made, and with respect to any affiliates and subcontractors whose sales delivered into New York State exceeded $300,000 for the four quarterly periods immediately preceding the quarterly period in which the certification is made. A Vendor is required to file the completed and notarized Form ST-220-CA with OGS certifying that the Vendor filed the ST-220-TD with the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance (DTF). Please note that the NYS Department of Taxation and Finance should receive the completed Form ST-220-TD, not OGS. OGS should only receive the Form ST-220-CA. Proposed Contractors should complete and return the certification forms within five (5) business days of request (if the forms are not completed and returned with Vendor Submission). Failure to make either of these filings may render a Vendor non- responsive and non-responsible. Each Vendor shall take the necessary steps to provide properly certified forms within a timely manner to ensure compliance with the law. Website links to the Contractor certification forms and instructions are provided below. Form No. ST- 220-TD must be filed with and returned directly to DTF and can be found at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx/pdf/current_forms/st/st220td_fill_in.pdf. Unless the information upon which the ST-220-TD is based changes, this form only needs to be filed once with DTF. If the information changes for the Contractor, its affiliate(s), or its subcontractor(s), a new Form No. ST-220-TD must be filed with DTF. Form ST-220-CA must be submitted to OGS. This form provides the required certification that the Contractor filed the ST-220-TD with DTF. This form can be found at xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx/pdf/current_forms/st/st220ca_fill_in.pdf. Vendors may call DTF at 000-000-0000 for any and all questions relating to §5-a of the Tax Law and relating to a company's registration status with the DTF. For additional information and frequently asked questions, please refer to the DTF web site: xxxx://xxx.xxx.xx.xxx.

  • Miscellaneous Sections a. General Mail Facility Administrative Building – by Tour

  • Effect of Withdrawal The Company shall not be dissolved by the dissolution or other event of withdrawal of a Member if any Member remains to carry on the business of the Company.

  • Notification of Limitations on Contributions San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code (the “Conduct Code”) Section 1.126 prohibits any person who contracts with the City for selling or leasing any land or building to or from the City whenever such transaction would require the approval by a City elective officer or the board on which that City elective officer serves, from making a contribution to such an officer, or candidate for such an office, or committee controlled by such officer or candidate at any time from the commencement of negotiations for such contract until the termination of negotiations for such contract or three months has elapsed from the date the contract is approved by the City elective officer, or the board on which that City elective officer serves. San Francisco Ethics Commission Regulation 1.126-1 provides that negotiations are commenced when a prospective contractor first communicates with a City officer or employee about the possibility of obtaining a specific contract. This communication may occur in person, by telephone or in writing, and may be initiated by the prospective contractor or a City officer or employee. Negotiations are completed when a contract is finalized and signed by the City and the contractor. Negotiations are terminated when the City and/or the prospective contractor end the negotiation process before a final decision is made to award the contract. Through its execution of this Agreement, Tenant acknowledges that it is familiar with the provisions of Article III, Chapter 2 of City's Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code, and sections 87100 et seq and sections 1090 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California, and certifies that it does not know of any facts which constitute a violation of said provisions and agrees that if it becomes aware of any such fact during the term of this Agreement it shall immediately notify City.

  • Reciprocal Compensation Arrangements Pursuant to Section 251(b (5) of the Act

  • Non-Voluntary Provisions 2.10.1 This Agreement incorporates certain rates, terms and conditions that were not voluntarily negotiated by SBC-13STATE, but instead resulted from determinations made in arbitrations under Section 252 of the Act or from other requirements of regulatory agencies or state law (individually and collectively, a “Non-Voluntary Arrangement”). SBC-13STATE has identified some, but not all, of the Non-Voluntary Arrangements contained in this Agreement, by designating such provisions with asterisks. If any Non-Voluntary Arrangement is modified as a result of any order or finding by the FCC, the appropriate Commission or a court of competent jurisdiction, any Party may, by providing written notice to the other Party, require that any affected Non-Voluntary Arrangement (and any related rates, terms and conditions) be deleted or renegotiated, as applicable, in good faith and this Agreement amended accordingly. If such modifications to this Agreement are not executed within sixty (60) calendar days after the date of such notice, a Party may pursue its rights under Section 10.

  • Effect of Leave Without Pay No benefits or time credit such as sick leave or vacation shall be earned during the period when an employee is absent on leave without pay.

  • Suspension of Rules Relating to Recalcitrant Accounts The United States shall not require a Reporting [FATCA Partner] Financial Institution to withhold tax under section 1471 or 1472 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code with respect to an account held by a recalcitrant account holder (as defined in section 1471(d)(6) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code), or to close such account, if the U.S. Competent Authority receives the information set forth in paragraph 2 of Article 2 of this Agreement, subject to the provisions of Article 3 of this Agreement, with respect to such account.

  • Pursuant to Section 2.1 of this Agreement, the Seller conveyed to the Trust all of the Seller’s right, title and interest in its rights and benefits, but none of its obligations or burdens, under the Purchase Agreement including the Seller’s rights under the Purchase Agreement and the delivery requirements, representations and warranties and the cure or repurchase obligations of AmeriCredit thereunder. The Seller hereby represents and warrants to the Trust that such assignment is valid, enforceable and effective to permit the Trust to enforce such obligations of AmeriCredit under the Purchase Agreement. Any purchase by AmeriCredit pursuant to the Purchase Agreement shall be deemed a purchase by the Seller pursuant to this Section 3.2 and the definition of Purchased Receivable.

  • Incorporation of Administrative Code Provisions by Reference The provisions of Chapters 12B and 12C of the San Francisco Administrative Code are incorporated in this Section by reference and made a part of this Agreement as though fully set forth herein. Contractor shall comply fully with and be bound by all of the provisions that apply to this Agreement under such Chapters, including but not limited to the remedies provided in such Chapters. Without limiting the foregoing, Contractor understands that pursuant to §§12B.2(h) and 12C.3(g) of the San Francisco Administrative Code, a penalty of $50 for each person for each calendar day during which such person was discriminated against in violation of the provisions of this Agreement may be assessed against Contractor and/or deducted from any payments due Contractor.

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