Emergency Escalation Escalation is strictly for purposes of notifying and investigating possible or potential issues in relation to monitored services. The initiation of any escalation and the subsequent cooperative investigations do not in themselves imply that a monitored service has failed its performance requirements. Escalations shall be carried out between ICANN and Registry Operators, Registrars and Registry Operator, and Registrars and ICANN. Registry Operators and ICANN must provide said emergency operations departments. Current contacts must be maintained between ICANN and Registry Operators and published to Registrars, where relevant to their role in escalations, prior to any processing of an Emergency Escalation by all related parties, and kept current at all times.
Emergency Escalation initiated by ICANN Upon reaching 10% of the Emergency thresholds as described in Section 6 of this Specification, ICANN’s emergency operations will initiate an Emergency Escalation with the relevant Registry Operator. An Emergency Escalation consists of the following minimum elements: electronic (i.e., email or SMS) and/or voice contact notification to the Registry Operator’s emergency operations department with detailed information concerning the issue being escalated, including evidence of monitoring failures, cooperative trouble-‐shooting of the monitoring failure between ICANN staff and the Registry Operator, and the commitment to begin the process of rectifying issues with either the monitoring service or the service being monitoring.
Emergency Work Employees who are required to report for emergency work on non- workdays, or outside of their regular hours of work on a scheduled workday or on holidays which they are entitled to have off, shall be paid overtime compensation for the actual work time and for travel time in connection therewith, but such travel time shall not exceed one-half (1/2) hour.
Emergency Service If you are unable to reach Administrator at 877.634.0964 and you require emergency repair, you may contact any manufacturer authorized service repair facility listed in Your phone book or online. Mail Administrator Your original repair bill along with the technician’s report and a copy of the Agreement to the address at the top of this Agreement for reimbursement. All coverage and exclusions in this Agreement will apply.
Emergency Thresholds The following matrix presents the emergency thresholds that, if reached by any of the services mentioned above for a TLD, would cause the emergency transition of the Registry for the TLD as specified in Section 2.13 of this Agreement. DNS Service (all servers) 4-hour total downtime / week DNSSEC proper resolution 4-hour total downtime / week EPP 24-hour total downtime / week RDDS (WHOIS/Web-based WHOIS) 24-hour total downtime / week Data Escrow Breach of the Registry Agreement as described in Specification 2, Part B, Section 6.
Emergency Situation In the event of an emergency situation beyond our reasonable control, such as an "act of God," war, fire, or natural disaster, services involving your account could be available only in a modified or reduced form or could be entirely unavailable. Unless expressly prohibited by applicable law, you agree that we will have no liability to you for such modification, reduction, or unavailability of services caused by an emergency situation.
Emergency Duty (1) This clause applies if: (a) an employee is directed to attend for duty to meet an emergency; and (b) the employee would not ordinarily have been on duty at that time; and (c) the employee was not given notice of the direction before ceasing ordinary duty; and (d) the employee is not at a classification above the salary barrier or an AGS fee earner. (2) However, the Secretary may decide that this clause applies to an employee at a classification above the salary barrier (unless they are an AGS fee earner). (3) For the time on duty, the employee is to be paid: (a) at the rate of double time; and (b) for at least 2 hours. (4) The time on duty is taken to include time necessarily spent in travelling to and from duty. (5) This clause does not apply if the employee is subject to a restriction direction. (6) Clause 3.23 (rest relief after overtime) does not apply to overtime worked in circumstances covered by this clause unless the actual time worked is at least 3 hours for each attendance.
Catastrophic Leave Program Leave credits, as defined below, may be transferred from one (1) or more employees to another employee, on an hour-for-hour basis, in accordance with departmental policies upon the request of both the receiving employee and the transferring employee and upon approval of the employee's appointing authority, under the following conditions: A. The receiving employee is required to be absent from work due to injury or the prolonged illness of the employee, employee's spouse, registered domestic partner, a domestic partner listed on an “Affidavit for Enrollment of Domestic Partners,” submitted to employee benefits, parent or child, has exhausted all earned leave credits, including but not limited to sick leave, compensatory time, holiday credits and disability leave and is therefore facing financial hardship. B. The transfers must be for a minimum of four (4) hours and in whole hour increments thereafter. C. Transfers shall be allowed to cross-departmental lines in accordance with the policies of the receiving department. D. The total maximum leave credits received by an employee shall normally not exceed five hundred twenty (520) hours; however, if approved by his/her appointing authority, the total leave credits may be up to one thousand forty (1,040) hours. Total leave credits in excess of one thousand forty (1,040) hours will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the appointing authority subject to the approval of the Chief Administrative Officer. E. The transfers are irrevocable, and will be indistinguishable from other leave credits belonging to the receiving employee. Transfers will be subject to all taxes required by law. F. Leave credits that may be transferred under this program are defined as the transferring employee’s vacation credits or up to twenty-four (24) hours of sick leave per fiscal year. G. Transfers shall be administered according to the rules and regulations of the Auditor and Controller, and made on a form prescribed by the Auditor and Controller. Approvals of the receiving and donating employee, the donating employee's appointing authority and the receiving employee's appointing authority (in the case of an interdepartmental transfer) will be provided for on such form. H. This program is not subject to the Grievance Procedure of this Agreement.
Emergency Mode Operation Plan Contractor must establish a documented plan to enable continuation of critical business processes and protection of the security of electronic County PHI or PI in the event of an emergency. Emergency means any circumstance or situation that causes normal computer operations to become unavailable for use in performing the work required under this Agreement for more than twenty-four (24) hours.
Emergency Escalation initiated by Registrars Registry Operator will maintain an emergency operations department prepared to handle emergency requests from registrars. In the event that a registrar is unable to conduct EPP transactions with the registry for the TLD because of a fault with the Registry Service and is unable to either contact (through ICANN mandated methods of communication) the Registry Operator, or the Registry Operator is unable or unwilling to address the fault, the registrar may initiate an emergency escalation to the emergency operations department of ICANN. ICANN then may initiate an emergency escalation with the Registry Operator as explained above.