Emergency Services The parties recognize that in the event of a strike or lockout, situations may arise of an emergency nature. To this end, the Employer and the Union will agree to provide services of an emergency nature.
Emergency Service If you are unable to reach Administrator at 877.634.0964 and you require emergency repair, you may contact any manufacturer authorized service repair facility listed in Your phone book or online. Mail Administrator Your original repair bill along with the technician’s report and a copy of the Agreement to the address at the top of this Agreement for reimbursement. All coverage and exclusions in this Agreement will apply.
Emergency Situations If the condition is an emergency, this will be communicated to the Contractor with the request that corrections are to be accomplished immediately. The Contractor shall respond to the notice in emergency situations within twenty-four hours. If the Contractor fails to respond within this time limit, the Owner may correct the defect and charge the Contractor for the Work. If it is determined the complaint is not the responsibility of the Contractor, the Contractor shall be promptly paid for the cost of the corrective work. The Contractor shall give notice in writing to the Owner when corrections have been completed.
Emergency Situation In the event of an emergency situation beyond our reasonable control, such as an "act of God," war, fire, or natural disaster, services involving your account could be available only in a modified or reduced form or could be entirely unavailable. Unless expressly prohibited by applicable law, you agree that we will have no liability to you for such modification, reduction, or unavailability of services caused by an emergency situation.
Emergency Escalation Escalation is strictly for purposes of notifying and investigating possible or potential issues in relation to monitored services. The initiation of any escalation and the subsequent cooperative investigations do not in themselves imply that a monitored service has failed its performance requirements. Escalations shall be carried out between ICANN and Registry Operators, Registrars and Registry Operator, and Registrars and ICANN. Registry Operators and ICANN must provide said emergency operations departments. Current contacts must be maintained between ICANN and Registry Operators and published to Registrars, where relevant to their role in escalations, prior to any processing of an Emergency Escalation by all related parties, and kept current at all times.
Emergency Repairs a) The landlord must post and maintain in a conspicuous place on the residential property, or give to the tenant in writing, the name and telephone number of the designated contact person for emergency repairs. b) If emergency repairs are required, the tenant must make at least two attempts to telephone the designated contact person, and then give the landlord reasonable time to complete the repairs. c) If the emergency repairs are still required, the tenant may undertake the repairs, and claim reimbursement from the landlord, provided a statement of account and receipts are given to the landlord. If the landlord does not reimburse the tenant as required, the tenant may deduct the cost from rent. The landlord may take over completion of the emergency repairs at any time. d) Emergency repairs must be urgent and necessary for the health and safety of persons or preservation or use of the residential property and are limited to repairing i) major leaks in pipes or the roof,
Emergency Closure Where there is a temporary closure as a result of an immediate emergency or a planned temporary closure due to renovations, repairs, or moves, the Employer will: a) First offer to the affected employees the choice of taking either a vacation day or an unpaid leave of absence with no loss of seniority or benefits; thereafter, at the Employer's discretion, one of the following: b) Reassign staff to another location; c) Reschedule the lost hours within two (2) pay periods; or d) Decide not to do either (b) or (c), in which case employees shall still be paid for their regularly scheduled hours which they did not work as a result of the temporary layoff.
Emergency Relief Notwithstanding anything in this Section 8.5 to the contrary, either party may seek from a court any provisional remedy that may be necessary to protect any rights or property of such party pending the establishment of the arbitral tribunal or its determination of the merits of the controversy.
Emergency Service Leave Where employees' services are required for emergency operations by request from Provincial Emergency Programs or appropriate police authority, leave from work as required may be granted without loss of basic pay. If any remuneration, other than for expenses, is received, it shall be remitted to the Employer.
Emergency Operations 6:01 In the event of an emergency which could endanger the health or safety of the public, employees shall unite to meet the emergency and shall, until the danger has been brought under control, perform such duties as may be required of them regardless of their occupation.