Employer Notification/Intervention Sample Clauses

Employer Notification/Intervention. Upon request of the victim, the Program must notify employer(s) that the employee was a victim or witness to a crime to ask the employer to minimize any loss of pay or other benefits, which may have resulted because of the crime or the employee’s participation in the criminal justice system.
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Related to Employer Notification/Intervention

  • Interventions 1. Door to balloon time

  • Intervention If the Commission finds deficiencies in the School's performance or legal compliance, the Commission and the School shall follow the Intervention Protocol attached as Exhibit D. Intervention may be initiated when the Commission finds that the School has failed to:

  • Early Intervention Services (EIS) In accordance with Rhode Island General Law §27-20-50, this agreement provides coverage for Early Intervention Service. Early Intervention Services are educational, developmental, health, and social services provided to children from birth to thirty-six (36) months. The children must have been certified by the Rhode Island Department of Human Services to enroll in an approved Early Intervention Services program. Services must be provided by a licensed Early Intervention provider and rendered to a Rhode Island resident. We cover Early Intervention Services as defined by the Rhode Island Department of Human Services including, but not limited to, the following: • speech and language therapy; • physical and occupational therapy; • evaluation; • case management; • nutrition; • service plan development and review; • nursing services; and • assistive technology services and devices. See the Summary of Medical Benefits for the maximum benefit limit and the amount that you pay.

  • Sick Leave Verification Process a. The new school district shall provide the employee with the necessary verification form at the time the employee receives confirmation of employment in the school district.

  • Tobacco Use Counseling and Intervention This plan covers smoking cessation programs when prescribed by a physician in accordance with R.I. General Law §27-20-53 and ACA guidelines. Smoking cessation programs include, but are not limited to, the following: • Smoking cessation counseling must be provided by a physician or upon his or her referral to a qualified licensed practitioner. • Over-the-counter and FDA approved nicotine replacement therapy and/or smoking cessation prescription drugs, prescribed by a physician, and purchased at a pharmacy. See the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits for details on coverage. Vaccinations/Immunizations This plan covers adult and pediatric preventive vaccinations and immunizations in accordance with current guidelines. Our allowance includes the administration and the vaccine. If a covered immunization is provided as part of an office visit, the office visit copayment and deductible (if any) will apply. Travel immunizations are covered to the extent that such immunizations are recommended for adults and children by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The recommendations are subject to change by the CDC. Preventive Screening/Early Detection Services This plan covers preventive screenings based on the ACA guidelines noted above. Preventive screenings include but are not limited to: • mammograms; • pap smears; • prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests; • flexible sigmoidoscopy; • double contrast barium enema; • fecal occult blood tests, screening for gestational diabetes, and human papillomavirus; and • genetic counseling for breast cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA). This plan covers colonoscopies in accordance with R.I. General Laws § 27-18-58. Covered healthcare services include an initial colonoscopy or other medical tests or procedures for colorectal cancer screening and a follow-up colonoscopy if the results of the initial test are abnormal. Contraceptive Methods and Sterilization Procedures for Women This plan covers the following contraceptive services: • FDA approved contraceptive drugs and devices requiring a prescription; • barrier method (cervical cap, diaphragm, or implantable) fitted and supplied during an office visit; and • surgical and sterilization services for women with reproductive capacity, including but not limited to tubal ligation. Breastfeeding Counseling and Equipment This plan covers lactation (breastfeeding) support and counseling during the pregnancy or postpartum period when provided by a licensed lactation counselor. This plan covers manual, electric, or battery operated breast pumps for a female member in conjunction with each birth event.

  • Control Area Notification At least three months before Initial Synchronization Date, Interconnection Customer shall notify Distribution Provider in writing of the Control Area in which the Generating Facility will be located. If Interconnection Customer elects to locate the Generating Facility in a Control Area other than the Control Area in which the Generating Facility is physically located, and if permitted to do so by the relevant transmission tariffs, all necessary arrangements, including but not limited to those set forth in Article 7 and Article 8 of this GIA, and remote Control Area generator interchange agreements, if applicable, and the appropriate measures under such agreements, shall be executed and implemented prior to the placement of the Generating Facility in the other Control Area.

  • Contractor’s Federal Employment Verification Certification The Contractor is registered with, authorized to use, is using and will continue to use, the federal work authorization program throughout the term of the contract, and holds the following authorization: User Identification Number: Date of Authorization: Date WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner, for the consideration set forth herein, the adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by each party, agree as follows:

  • Medical Benefits - Prescription Drugs Administered by a Provider (other than a pharmacist) This plan covers prescription drugs as a medical benefit, referred to as “medical prescription drugs”, when the prescription drug requires administration (or the FDA approved recommendation is administration) by a licensed healthcare provider (other than a pharmacist). Please note: Specialty prescription drugs meeting these requirements or recommendations are covered as a pharmacy benefit and not a medical benefit. These medical prescription drugs include, but are not limited to, medications administered by infusion, injection, or inhalation, as well as nasal, topical or transdermal administered medications. For some of these medical prescription drugs, the cost of the prescription drug is included in the allowance for the medical service being provided, and is not separately reimbursed.

  • Medical Verification The Town may require medical verification of an employee’s absence if the Town perceives the employee is abusing sick leave or has used an excessive amount of sick leave. The Town may require medical verification of an employee’s absence to verify that the employee is able to return to work with or without restrictions.

  • Sick Leave Verification The Employer will not require verification for absences of less than 3 consecutive work days. Such verification or proof may be given to the supervisor/manager or Human Resources according to departmental policy. The Employer will not make unreasonable requests for sick leave verification.

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