Endodontic Services. Root canal therapy;
Endodontic Services. Procedures performed by properly licensed Dentists for the treatment of nonvital teeth. By way of description, such services include: Pulpal therapy and root canal filling.
Endodontic Services. The treatment of teeth with diseased or damaged nerves (for example, root canals).
Endodontic Services. Treatment of disease of the pulp chamber and pulp canal.
Endodontic Services. Root canal therapy; Pulpotomy and pulpectomy services for partial and complete removal of the pulp of the tooth; Periapical services to treat the root of the tooth.
Endodontic Services. Procedures usually employed by a dentist for the treatment of teeth with diseased or damaged nerves (i.e., root canals).
Endodontic Services i) Pulpotomy (ODA 32221, 32222, 32231, 32232) ii) Pulpectomy (ODA 32311- 32314, 32321, 32322)
Endodontic Services. 1. Treatment of pulp chamber.
2. Root canal therapy for permanent teeth. 3 . Apexification and peripheral services.
Endodontic Services. Treatment of pulp chamber. Root canai therapy for permanent teeth. and peripheral services.
Endodontic Services. Treatment of Pulp Chamber Pulpotomy Root Canal Therapy Root canals Periapical Services Apicoectomy/apical curettage Retrofilling Other Endodontic Procedures