Reducing Text Messaging While Driving Pursuant to Executive Order 13513, 74 FR 51225 (Oct. 6, 2009), Recipient should encourage its employees, subrecipients, and contractors to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving, and Recipient should establish workplace safety policies to decrease accidents caused by distracted drivers.
TEXT MESSAGING WHILE DRIVING In accordance with Executive Order (EO) 13513, “Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving,” any and all text messaging by Federal employees is banned: a) while driving a Government owned vehicle (GOV) or driving a privately owned vehicle (POV) while on official Government business; or b) using any electronic equipment supplied by the Government when driving any vehicle at any time. All cooperators, their employees, volunteers, and contractors are encouraged to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging when driving company owned, leased or rented vehicles, POVs or GOVs when driving while on official Government business or when performing any work for or on behalf of the Government.
Carry Forward to a Subsequent Year If you do not withdraw the excess contribution, you may carry forward the contribution for a subsequent tax year. To do so, you under-contribute for that tax year and carry the excess contribution amount forward to that year on your tax return. The six percent excess contribution penalty tax will be imposed on the excess amount for each year that it remains as an excess contribution at the end of the year. You must file IRS Form 5329 along with your income tax return to report and remit any additional taxes to the IRS.
Voice Grade Unbundled Copper Sub-Loop Unbundled Sub-Loop Distribution – Intrabuilding Network Cable (aka riser cable)