COMPANY NAME The Members may change the name of the Company or operate under different names, provided a majority of the Members agree and the name complies with Section 00-00-000 of the Act.
Contractor Name Business License #: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Telephone: Facsimile: Email: * If you are an independent contractor you are required to obtain a business license with the City of Thousand Oaks. Contractor certifies under penalty of perjury that Contractor is a Sole Proprietor Corporation Limited Liability Company Partnership Nonprofit Corporation Other [describe: ]
CONTRACT NAME The name of this contract is Prepaid Mental Health Plan - Four Corners Community Behavioral Health Inc.
Print Name Designation ...................................
CONTRACTOR NAME CHANGE An amendment is required to change the Contractor's name as listed on this Agreement. Upon receipt of legal documentation of the name change the State will process the amendment. Payment of invoices presented with a new name cannot be paid prior to approval of said amendment.
FULL NAME OF AGREEMENT The full name of this Agreement is the PDL NPDL/PFLG Slot Charter Agreement ("Agreement").
Witness Name Address: The Corporate Seal of THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR EDUCATION affixed to this deed is authenticated by: ……………………….. Duly Authorised ANNEXES
Full Name Position: ................................................ Position: ................................................ Date: ..................................................... Date: .....................................................
Name of Agreement 1.2.1 This Agreement shall be called the Primary Principals’ Collective Agreement and referred to as “PPCA” or “the Agreement”.
Name of Xxxxx(s) 2. The named person's role in the firm, and