Ex VAT. Per Item Total inc. packaging (and Delivery if specified in Schedule 3 (Contract Data Sheet)) Item Number Consignee Address (XY code only)
Ex VAT. This has been calculated by x Companys working xxx days each, totalling xxx days @ £xxx. All charges are exclusive of VAT.
Ex VAT. Per Item Total inc. Packaging (and Delivery if specified in Schedule 3 (Contract Data Sheet) ) See Annex A to Schedule 2 for Contractor Deliverables Total Firm Price Item Number Consignee Address (XY code only) As per Individual Orders
Ex VAT. Per Item Total inc. packaging (and delivery if specified in the Purchase Order)
Ex VAT. Regional Workshops Per Workshop COP Side Events Per Event Externally conducted MTR Per Event Externally conducted CPR Per Event Notes to the Pricing Schedule 1. The costs in the above pricing schedule include: travel and subsistence, project management, web hosting and uploads to the web, distribution of Darwin materials and productions of application material, to deliver the Contract as specified.
Ex VAT. Per Item Total inc. packaging (and delivery if specified in the Purchase Order) 1 N/A N/A Delivery of a working prototype with draft drawings, in accordance with SC1A ITT Annex B (SOR). XY 0 Within 1 month of Contract Award 1 [Information Redacted] [Information Redacted]
Ex VAT. Per Item Total inc. packaging (and delivery if specified in Schedule 3 (Contract Data Sheet) ) 1 N/A N/A Short Sleeve Jacket XY Commercial Packaging EA 2 N/A N/A Protective Short Lite XY Commercial Packaging XX 0 X/X X/X Total Firm Price Item Number Consignee Address (XY code only) 1 000 XXXXX XXX XXXXXXXX, XXXX XXXXXXXX: GANNET SAR FLIGHT:
Ex VAT. Per Item Total inc. packaging (and Delivery if specified in Schedule 3 (Contract Data Sheet)) Item Number Consignee Address (XY code only) Annex B to Schedule 2 (Schedule of Timescales) for Contract No: DTEC/EG/298 For: Provision of Marketing Services for the Defence Engineering Graduate and Apprentice Training Schemes Task Timescale
Ex VAT. Per Item (including any packaging, travel, delivery and importing) Total Price
Ex VAT. Per Item Firm Price (£) Ex VAT -Total Item Number Consignee Address (XY code only) Item Number Payment Schedule