Exclusion grounds. The mandatory and optional exclusion grounds are given in attachment to these Tender Specifications. By submitting this tender, the tenderer certifies that he is not in any of the cases of exclusion listed in the Articles 67 to 70 of the Law of 17 June 2016 and the Articles 61 to 64 of the Royal Decree of 18 April 2017. The contracting authority will verify the exactitude of this Declaration on honour for the tenderer with the best tender. For that purpose, the contracting authority will ask the tenderer concerned to provide information or documents allowing the contracting authority to verify the tenderer's personal situation by the fastest means and within the term set by the contracting authority. The contracting authority will itself ask for information or documents that it can obtain free of charge by digital means from the instances that manage the information or documents.
Exclusion grounds. The obligatory and facultative grounds for exclusion are given in attachment to these Tender Specifications.
Exclusion grounds. Please answer the following questions in full. Note that every organisation that is being relied on to meet the selection must complete and submit the Part 1 and Part 2 self-declaration.
Exclusion grounds. Exclusion grounds
Exclusion grounds. The mandatory and facultative grounds for exclusion are given in the ESPD and the declaration on honour regarding the exclusion grounds. The contracting authority is to check the Declaration on honour on the basis of the following documents:
Exclusion grounds. The obligatory and facultative grounds for exclusion are given in attachment to these Tender Specifications. By submitting his tender together with the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) the tenderer declares officially on his honour that: 1° he is not in one of the mandatory or facultative exclusion cases, which must or may lead to his exclusion; 2° he fulfils the selection criteria established by the contracting authority in this contract; The tenderer can either complete the ESDP given in attachment, or generate his document via the website: xxxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/tools/espd/filter The contracting authority will ask the tenderer, if necessary, at any time during the procedure, to provide all or part of the supporting documents, if necessary to ensure the smooth proceeding of the procedure. The tenderer is not required to submit any supporting documents or other evidence if and to the extent that the contracting authority has the possibility to directly obtain certificates or relevant information by accessing a free national database in a Member State. With the exception of the exclusion grounds relating to tax and social security, the tenderer that is in one of the mandatory or optional exclusion situations can prove on his own initiative that he has paid or undertaken to pay compensation for any prejudice caused by the criminal offence or the fault, clarified totally the facts and circumstances by collaborating actively with the authorities in charge of the enquiry and taken concrete specific technical, organisational and personnel measures to prevent a new criminal offence or a new fault. Conflicts of interests- Revolving doors (Art. 51 Royal Decree of 18 Arpil 2017). Without prejudice to Articles 6 and 69, paragraph 1, 5° of the Law, a conflict of interest is also considered any (‘revolving doors’) situation in which a natural person who has worked for a contracting authority as an internal staff member, whether in a hierarchy relation or not, as a concerned civil servant, public officer or any other person linked whatsoever to the contracting authority, would later intervene under a public contract awarded by this contracting authority and where a relation exists between the former activities that the above person conducted for the contracting authority and the activities he or she conducts under the contract. The application of above-mentioned provision is limited however to a two-year term from the resignation of said person or any other ty...
Exclusion grounds. The mandatory and optional exclusion grounds are given in attachment to these Tender Specifications. By submitting his tender together with the signed Declaration on honour – exclusion criteria, the tenderer certifies that he is not in any of the cases of exclusion listed in the Articles 67 to 70 of the Law of 17 June 2016 and the Articles 61 to 64 of the Royal Decree of 18 April 2017. The exclusion grounds apply to :
Exclusion grounds. A tenderer who is found to be in any of the situations listed in Annex B Section 1 will be excluded from further consideration.
Exclusion grounds. The following exclusion grounds are applicable throughout the term of the Framework Agreement:
Exclusion grounds. 75 By submitting this tender, the tenderer certifies that he is not in any of the cases of exclusion listed in the Articles 67 – 70 of the Law of 17 June 2016 and the Articles 61 – 64 of the Royal Decree of 18 April 2017.