EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEES. The only performance guarantees applicable to the Aircraft are those set forth in this Attachment.
EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEES. The Guarantees are exclusive and are provided in lieu of any and all other performance and weight guarantees of any nature which may be stated, referenced or incorporated in the Specification or any other document.
EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEES. 6.1 The only performance guarantees applicable to the Aircraft are those set forth in this document. The performance guarantees set forth herein are established between Buyer and Embraer and may not be transferred or assigned to others, unless by previous written consent of Embraer.
EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEES. P.A. No. 03807 AERO-B-BBA4-M17-0911 SS17-0655 Attachment to Letter Agreement No. LA-1704707 LEAP-1B27 Engines
EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEES. The only [****] applicable to the Aircraft are those set forth in this Attachment. P.A. No. 03735, AAL-PA-03735-LA-1106663 Attachment, Page 9 of 11 AERO-B-BBA4-M12-0761 SS12-0372 BOEING PROPRIETARY AAL-PA-03735-LA-1106664 American Airlines, Inc.
EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEES. The Guarantees are exclusive and are provided for in lieu of any and all other performance, noise and weight guarantees of any nature which may be stated, referenced or incorporated in the Specification or any other document. 11 UNDERTAKING REMEDIES Should any Aircraft fail to meet any of the Guarantees contained in this Letter Agreement, the Seller will, before, at, or after delivery of the affected Aircraft, use its best endeavours to correct the deficiency to comply with the subject guarantee. [DELETED] [DELETED] [DELETED]
EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEES. A. No. 3219 AERO-B-BBA4-M12-0692 SS12-0343 Attachment A to Letter Agreement No. AAL-PA-3219-LA-08838 [****]
EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEES. The Guarantees are exclusive and are provided in lieu of any and all other performance and weight guarantees of any nature which may be stated, referenced or incorporated in the Specification or any other document with the exception of the A320 Family NEO Aircraft Performance Retention Guarantee.
EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEES. The only performance guarantees applicable to the Aircraft are those set forth in this Attachment. “[***]” This information is subject to confidential treatment and has been omitted and filed separately with the commission.
EXCLUSIVE GUARANTEES. The only [*CTR] applicable to the Aircraft are those set forth in this Attachment.