Expert’s obligations Sample Clauses

Expert’s obligations. 4.1. Expert’s general obligations On signing the Agreement, the Expert undertakes to provide the warranties and supporting documents listed in Schedule 1. The Expert must be 18 or older. Throughout the Agreement, the Expert undertakes to: - never harm Internet users, and/or other Experts and/or the Brand, and/or iAdvize, in any way whatsoever, and not to transfer corrupted files (for instance, files containing a computer virus) via the Solution; - not to use the Solution to promote a competitor of the Brand or of iAdvize; - not to generate in any way false Conversations in order to artificially swell out its/his/her remuneration; and - report to the ibbü team any suspicious Conversations with an Internet User and, depending on the situation, block the Internet Users via the blocking feature provide in the Solution; - not to communicate its/his/her login identifiers to the Solution, not to allow a third party to make Conversations instead of it/him/her and not to subcontract Services covered by the Agreement in any way.
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Expert’s obligations. 4.1. Expert’s general obligations On signing the Agreement, the Expert undertakes to provide the warranties and supporting documents listed in Schedule 1. Throughout the Agreement, the Expert undertakes to: - never harm Internet users, and/or other Experts and/or the Brand, and/or iAdvize, in any way whatsoever, and not to transfer corrupted files (for instance, files containing a computer virus) via the Solution; - not to use the Solution to promote a competitor of the Brand or of iAdvize; - not to generate in any way false Contacts in order to artificially swell out its/his/her remuneration; and - not to communicate its/his/her login identifiers to the Solution, not to allow a third party to make Contacts instead of it/him/her and not to subcontract Services covered by the Agreement in any way.
Expert’s obligations. Based on this Agreement, the Expert is obliged to take actions for the Contracting Entity, listed in detail in the document: Description of the subject of the order, attached as Annex no.1. Annex No. 1 lists tasks for the Expert in the field of strategic, thematic and sectoral priority areas of the Xxxxxxxxxxx Research Network, e.g. clean and smart mobility, digital transformation, health, sustainable economy and energy/foresight of socio-technical transition, innovation policy/international funds (choose as appropriate). The tasks referred to in par. 1 The Contracting Entity shall order the Expert by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Expert 2 days before the commencement of the task/deadline for task completion and 24 hours in the case of ad hoc tasks.

Related to Expert’s obligations

  • FIRM’S OBLIGATIONS 3.1 Firm shall comply with the Rules and this Agreement at all times and shall timely pay all fees established in accordance with the Rules.

  • TRANSNET’S OBLIGATIONS 8.1 Transnet undertakes to promptly comply with any reasonable request by the Supplier/Service Provider for information, including information concerning Transnet's operations and activities, that relates to the Goods/Services as may be necessary for the Supplier/Service Provider to provide the Goods/Services, but for no other purpose. However, Transnet's compliance with any request for information is subject to any internal security rules and requirements and subject to the observance by the Supplier/Service Provider of its confidentiality obligations under this Agreement.

  • Client’s Obligations 4.1 The Client shall:

  • Rights/Obligations (a) The Union and the Employer agree that there must be mutual respect for the rights and obligations of the Union and the Employer and the representatives of each.

  • Student’s Obligations The Student agrees as follows

  • City’s Obligations 1. The City will disclose those parts of records the Contractor has marked as “proprietary” information only to authorized persons unless:

  • COUNCIL’S OBLIGATIONS Save as otherwise expressly provided, the obligations of the Council under the Contract are obligations of the Council in its capacity as a contracting counterparty and nothing in the Contract shall operate as an obligation upon, or in any other way xxxxxx or constrain the Council in any other capacity, nor shall the exercise by the Council of its duties and powers in any other capacity lead to any liability under the Contract (howsoever arising) on the part of the Council to the Provider.

  • Agent’s Obligations The Agent shall:

  • RESIDENT’S OBLIGATIONS Resident agrees as follows:

  • Agency’s Obligations Pursuant to this contract, the Agency agrees to provide the specific services detailed herein and shall be responsible for the following:

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