Ad Hoc Tasks Sample Clauses
Ad Hoc Tasks. The State shall define deliverables that align with the scope of work by meeting with the Contractor on a bi-weekly basis. Ad hoc tasks shall be reduced to writing and approved by both parties and added to the work plan on a monthly basis.
Ad Hoc Tasks. The State shall define deliverables as aligned in the scope of work by meeting with the Contractor on a bi-weekly basis in order to define and confirm inclusion of additional deliverable development as identified by the State. Ad hoc tasks shall be reduced to writing and approved by both parties on a Task Order form and added to the work plan on a bi-weekly basis. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, VHCIP Contract Administrator Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA) 000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, XX 00000-0000 xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xx.xx (o) 000-000-0000 Should the status of any third party or Subrecipient change, the Contractor is responsible for updating the State within fourteen (14) days of said change. The maximum dollar amount payable under this agreement is not intended as any form of a guaranteed amount. The Contractor will be paid for products or services actually performed as specified in Attachment A up to the maximum allowable amount specified in this agreement. State of Vermont payment terms are Net 30 days from date of invoice, payments against this contract will comply with the State’s payment terms. The payment schedule for delivered products, or rates for services performed, and any additional reimbursements, are included in this attachment. The following provisions specifying payments are:
1. Contractor invoices shall be submitted no more frequently than monthly, but no later than quarterly, and shall include the number of hours worked during the specified billing period and the total amount billed.
2. The State shall pay the Contractor for deliverables rendered as outlined in each approved Task Order based on an all-inclusive hourly rate as listed in the table below: Key Personnel Hourly Rate Xxxxxx Xxxxxx $200.00
3. Contractor bills monthly for work done each month, there are no monthly minimums or maximums. If Contractor doesn’t do any work in a given month, the State does not incur any expense.
4. No benefits or insurance will be reimbursed by the State.
5. Invoices should reference this contract number and be submitted to: Business Office, Contracting Unit Department of Vermont Health Access 000 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx 000 Xxxxxxxxx, XX 000000
6. The total maximum amount payable under this contract shall not exceed $100,000.
Ad Hoc Tasks. 1. The State shall define deliverables as aligned in the scope of work by meeting with the Contractor on a bi-weekly basis in order to define and confirm inclusion of additional deliverable development as identified by the State.
2. Ad hoc tasks shall be reduced to writing and approved by both parties on a Task Order form and added to the work plan on a bi-weekly basis.
Ad Hoc Tasks. Unless specifically agreed otherwise, payment for a call-off agreement for ad hoc tasks is to be invoiced when the work has been completed or when the Customer has requested the Laboratory to discontinue its work. The Laboratory must invoice in accordance with the orders placed. Travel and accommodation expenses are to be invoiced with the specific task for which the expenses were incurred, on the first day of the following month. The invoice must be accompanied by vouchers documenting the expenses incurred by the Laboratory.
Ad Hoc Tasks. For ad hoc tasks that are ordered under item 3.2 of the Contract, the Supplier’s remuneration is calculated as an actual hourly fee, see hourly rates in Appendix 2, for Consultant/Senior Consultant categories. The Supplier’s remuneration, however, may not exceed an amount equal to the Supplier’s maximum price for the ad hoc task, see item 3.2.
Ad Hoc Tasks. The Laboratory will be paid according to time spent on ad hoc tasks at the hourly rates listed in annex 2 C pertaining to the employees relevant for the task. Prior to the conclusion of a call-off agreement for ad hoc tasks, the Laboratory must prepare an estimate of its charges for the relevant ad hoc task, see point 6 of annex 1 to the Framework Agreement. The estimate must be based on the hourly rates listed in annex 2c and the expected time expenditure. In its estimate, the Laboratory must also state the anticipated date of completion of the ad hoc task and the employees allocated to the ad hoc task. The estimate is to be forwarded to the Customer for approval. The estimate must include all of the Laboratory's expenditures. However, the Customer is to reimburse any travel and accommodation expenses separately pursuant to the provisions in point
Ad Hoc Tasks. The services to be delivered, see point 3.1, include any assistance required to perform said services. Therefore, the Laboratory must provide the assistance which is required and is a natural part of the services as described in 3.1. The performance of ad hoc tasks is subject to separate payment, see point 7. As stated in section 6 of annex 1 to this Framework Agreement, the Customer may order the Laboratory to perform ad hoc tasks which are not covered by the services in this Framework Agreement. Such ad hoc tasks may include calculations of the total energy consumption/energy efficiency of products; technological development trends; market conditions; as well as assisting the Danish Energy Agency in the Agency's national and international work to improve the energy efficiency of energy-related products. The Laboratory is to make the required resources and competencies available for the performance of ad hoc tasks. Prior to ordering an ad hoc task, the Customer must provide the Laboratory with a written description of the task to be performed. If, on the basis of information from the Laboratory, the Customer wants to order an ad hoc task to be performed by the Laboratory, such order must be made in writing. The Parties are to agree a deadline for delivery; see also point 14.3 on delays. If the Parties agree this ordering procedure is unnecessary due to the nature of the services, another specific procedure may be agreed. The Customer is not obliged to have a task performed to completion, and the Customer may decide, without notice, that an ad hoc task is to be terminated. The ad hoc task is considered terminated when the Laboratory has delivered what the Customer ordered, or when the Customer notifies, in writing, that the task has been terminated. From this point, the Laboratory will no longer be entitled to additional payment. An agreement for the performance of a service and/or ad hoc task must be continued and completed according to the terms of this Framework Agreement, even if this Framework Agreement has been terminated or lapsed. Payment to the Laboratory for completion of an ad hoc task will be determined on the basis of an hourly rate, see point 7, according to this Framework Agreement. Invoicing and payment will take place according to point 8 of this Framework Agreement.
Ad Hoc Tasks. At the request of the State, the Contractor shall perform ad hoc tasks mutually agreed upon in writing via Task Order. Tasks may include additional reporting to support the GMCB’s regulatory duties such as the Health Resource Allocation Plan.
Ad Hoc Tasks
Ad Hoc Tasks