Final Reduction in Security Sample Clauses

Final Reduction in Security. Release of security upon Final Acceptance of the Works by the Township shall be authorized by Council.
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Related to Final Reduction in Security

  • REDUCTION IN STAFF 15.1 Procedure According to provisions of Missouri Statute 168.124, the Board of Education may place on leave of absence as many teachers as necessary because of decrease in enrollment, school district reorganization, or financial conditions. Whenever the Board anticipates a reduction in teaching staff, the superintendent or his/her designee will notify the officials of the Association concerning the anticipated reduction in the teaching staff. A meeting between the Association officials and the superintendent or his/her designee will be scheduled for purposes of discussing the proposed reduction in staff within two weeks (2) following the above notification. Individual teachers will not be contacted prior to the above meeting. In placing teachers on leave, the Board shall be governed by the following provisions:

  • Staff Reduction In the event the District adopts a reduced educational program by reason of financial necessity, including but not limited to, levy failure and/or decreased State or Federal support, certificated employees who will be retained to implement the District’s reduced or modified program and those certificated employees who will be non-renewed from employment or adversely affected in contract status shall be identified by the provisions contained in this Article. If the District is only reducing provisional employees, the following procedures do not need to be implemented.

  • Reduction in scope of agreement for fault 19.1.1 If the Grantee does not comply with an obligation under this Agreement and the Commonwealth believes that the non‐compliance is incapable of remedy, or if the Grantee has failed to comply with a notice to remedy, the Commonwealth may by written notice reduce the scope of the Agreement.

  • Reduction of Compensation If the Firm fails to meet the submission date by less than thirty days for the draft report and/or working papers submitted to the Office of the State Auditor for review and approval or by less than thirty days from the completion date for the final reports and/or corrections to the working papers prescribed herein, the District may, with the consent of the Office of the State Auditor, reduce the agreed compensation by an amount not to exceed ten percent of the total contract price for the applicable fiscal year. If reports and/or corrections to the working papers are overdue by 30 days or more, the District may reduce, with the consent of the Office of the State Auditor, the agreed compensation by an amount not to exceed twenty percent of the total contract price for the Rev. 10/20 applicable fiscal year.

  • Reduction A. No regular employee or limited-term regular employee shall be reduced to a position in a lower class for reasons of unsatisfactory performance or physical disability except for reasonable cause.

  • Bond Reduction Upon Purchaser’s writ- ten request, Contracting Officer shall redetermine the amount of Purchaser’s performance bond to an amount not less than Purchaser’s remaining obligations, including the value of Included Timber remaining on Sale Area, plus the estimated cost of uncompleted work required of Purchaser and any unpaid xxxxxxxx due on the timber sale. Contracting Officer shall provide written notice of the re- determined amount to Purchaser and to Purchaser’s surety. Similarly, Contracting Officer shall report to Pur- chaser in writing the amount of deposited cash or depos- ited securities required thereafter, if such deposits exist in lieu of a surety bond. As soon as security for the performance of this con- tract or the settlement of Claims incident thereto is no longer necessary, appropriate notice shall be given to surety or deposits that may have been made in lieu of surety bond shall be returned to Purchaser, subject to the conditions in B9.5.

  • Salary on Reduction A. 1. When a probationary employee is reduced to a class not previously occupied by the employee, the employee shall receive the recruiting step for the lower class and shall receive a new merit increase eligibility date as provided in Section 3.C., above, or the employee's salary and merit increase eligibility date may be determined by the Chief Human Resources Officer.

  • PERSONNEL REDUCTION Section 1 In the event of layoffs in connection with decreasing the work force, and the recall to work of people so laid off, the following consideration shall govern. Skill and ability as determined by reference to the employee's work record, and length of service shall be the determining factors; however, employees shall be laid off by category of seniority. There shall be three (3) seniority categories: probationary, 1 year to 5 years seniority, and over 5 years seniority. In case of layoff, all employees in the lowest seniority category shall be laid off before proceeding to layoff of anyone in a more senior category. Where skill and ability within a category are approximately equal, length of service shall govern. Employees having the same seniority within a category shall draw lots to determine the order of layoff. No new employees shall be hired until all laid off employees have been given the opportunity to be re-hired. Employees who have been laid off will be offered re-employment in the inverse order of layoffs when they are needed again, provided they are physically qualified and possess sufficient training and experience to perform the duties of the available work. The City shall give laid off employees ten (10) days notice of its intention to rehire. The employees shall within ten (10) days period notify the City of their intention to, or not to, return to the employ of the City, and shall report to work no later than fifteen (15) days from receipt of said notice to rehire. If an employee fails to notify the City within the ten (10) calendar day period of his/her intentions to return to work, or fails to report to work within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of notice, he/she shall be considered permanently severed from the employ of the City. At the time of a layoff the City shall provide all laid off employees with a complete physical examination. At the time of rehire, the City may require a physical examination prior to the employee's return to duty, and it is expressly understood that any employee found physically unfit to return to duty may be refused re-employment and removed from the employment list. The City shall not be obligated to rehire laid off employees who have been laid off for five (5) or more consecutive calendar years, beginning from the date of layoff.

  • What Forms of Distribution Are Available from a Xxxxxxxxx Education Savings Account Distributions may be made as a lump sum of the entire account, or distributions of a portion of the account may be made as requested.

  • Reduction in Scope of the Project 16.6.1 If the Concessionaire shall have failed to complete any Construction Works on account of Force Majeure or for reasons solely attributable to the Authority, the Authority may, in its discretion, require the Concessionaire to pay 80% (eighty percent) of the sum saved therefrom, and upon such payment to the Authority, the obligations of the Concessionaire in respect of such works shall be deemed to have been fulfilled. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that in the event such reduction in Scope of the Project causes or will cause a reduction in net after-tax return of the Concessionaire, the Parties shall meet, as soon as reasonably practical, and agree on a full or partial waiver of the aforesaid payment of 80% (eighty per cent) so as to place the Concessionaire in the same financial position as it would have enjoyed had there been no reduction in Scope of the Project. It is further agreed that the liability of the Authority under this Clause 16.6 shall not extend beyond waiver of the aforesaid 80% (eighty per cent). It is also agreed that in the event of a dispute, the Dispute Resolution Procedure shall apply.

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