REDUCTION IN STAFF. 15.1 Procedure According to provisions of Missouri Statute 168.124, the Board of Education may place on leave of absence as many teachers as necessary because of decrease in enrollment, school district reorganization, or financial conditions. Whenever the Board anticipates a reduction in teaching staff, the superintendent or his/her designee will notify the officials of the Association concerning the anticipated reduction in the teaching staff. A meeting between the Association officials and the superintendent or his/her designee will be scheduled for purposes of discussing the proposed reduction in staff within two weeks (2) following the above notification. Individual teachers will not be contacted prior to the above meeting. In placing teachers on leave, the Board shall be governed by the following provisions:
a. Teachers placed on leave of absence as herein provided shall be considered to be on "unrequested leave of absence."
b. Seniority for the purposes of this reduction shall be defined as continuous full-time, complete years of employment in the school district. Authorized leaves of absence shall not be considered interruptions in service. Seniority date shall be the date of Board approval of the teacher's initial contract with the district. A district-wide seniority list including all areas of certification for each teacher shall be established and kept current. (Definition of official hire date: The most recent uninterrupted continuous full-time employment as a teacher.)
c. No permanent teacher shall be placed on unrequested leave of absence while probationary teachers are retained in positions for which a permanent teacher is certified.
d. Permanent teachers shall be retained on the basis of merit and qualification. The following criteria will be used to determine merit and qualifications for the purpose of reduction in staff.
1. Educational placement on the salary schedule.
2. Areas of permanent certification.
3. Activities beyond the teaching contract.
4. Related teaching experience.
5. Effectiveness in the field or at the grade level. If one or more teachers are determined to have equal merit and qualifications, those teachers shall be ranked in order of seniority as defined in b., with the more senior teacher to be considered more meritorious and qualified.
REDUCTION IN STAFF. A. No new teachers shall be hired in subject areas before teachers who are laid off from other subject areas who may be highly qualified and meet effectiveness ratings established in the administrative guidelines, are recalled or decline the opening. The following language will be recommended to the Board by both parties to be adopted as an administrative Policy:
1. Temporary personnel
2. Probationary teachers according to seniority and tiebreaker number and certification
3. Tenure teachers according to seniority and certification. The Board of Education shall decide the number of teachers to be laid off. The layoff will only occur through a complete year or seniority break on the teacher seniority list. In special layoff situations due to a discontinuation of a particular program offering, or to allow for maximum reemployment whereby certification is limited to an individual teacher only, that teacher may be laid off individually to avoid a major disruption to the overall education program. Prior to the slotting meeting, the Board will provide the Association with a list of positions for the coming year. Teachers who are placed on layoff status because of a necessary reduction in personnel shall be notified sixty (60) calendar days prior to the end of the school year. At other times, teachers shall receive twenty (20) school days' notice, or in lieu of said notice, they shall receive twenty (20) days' pay. See Letter of Agreement #15.
B. Recall to vacancies shall be based on seniority in reverse order of layoffs according to the slotting procedures contained in the document entitled Slotting Procedures for L'Anse Creuse Public Schools. At the request of either party, said procedure will be reviewed and necessary changes may be made by the mutual agreement of both parties.
C. Teachers are encouraged to be cognizant of the employment and educational trends relative to their skills. It is realized that up to fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the end of the current school year, in order to allow for maximum reemployment of laid- off teachers for the upcoming school year, involuntary assignments or transfers of non- released teachers may be necessary.
D. In the event of a decision by the Board of Education to close a school or schools, the following procedure shall be utilized:
1. By May 10, the teachers in the buildings to be closed will displace the least senior teachers in the school district according to seniority and certification by building and/or dep...
REDUCTION IN STAFF. A. If the Board shall determine that it is necessary to decrease the number of tenured faculty employed by the Board or to discontinue or reduce some particular type of teaching service or program, written notice of honorable dismissal and the reason for dismissal shall be given to all affected faculty members and the Union by personal service or by certified mail, and as required by law. In such instances, the Board shall first terminate non-tenured faculty members who are in the affected areas(s) prior to terminating any tenured faculty so involved. If feasible, prior to the Board taking action to honorably dismiss a tenured faculty member, the appropriate Vice President or designee and Xxxx shall meet with the affected faculty member and his/her Union representative to provide notice of the recommended reduction action.
B. If tenured faculty must be affected, all such honorable dismissals shall be in inverse order to the number of years of continuous full-time service to the College as a faculty member. A list called the “Seniority List for Reduction in Staff” shall be compiled and posted annually on the Intranet by February 1 of each year by the administration. Such list shall show the number of years of continuous service for each tenured faculty position by academic discipline and the rank of each tenured faculty member. The use of the “Seniority List for Reduction in Staff” shall be strictly limited in that it shall only be appropriate and applicable to matters pertaining to reduction in staff. Periods of leaves of absence shall not be deemed to interrupt continuous service, but any period of leave for which advancement on the salary schedule is not granted shall not be included in the years of service. Tenured faculty members on leave of absence at the time a reduction of staff is effectuated shall be treated no differently than other faculty members. If the number of years of service are the same, the selecting of the tenured faculty member(s) to be affected shall be within the discretion of the Board. Should a faculty member desire to be listed as qualified to teach in a discipline/department outside of his/her primary discipline for purposes of the annual “Seniority List for Reduction in Staff”, he/she shall submit a written request as set forth in Article 39 of this Agreement by November 1 of each academic year to the appropriate division xxxx. The division xxxx has thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the faculty member’s request to deter...
REDUCTION IN STAFF. In the event it is necessary, due to lack of work or lack of funds, to have a reduction in staff, the Board of Education shall determine which positions are to be retained. In implementing a reduction in staff, the Board of Education shall follow this procedure:
1. The Board and/or administration shall advise the Association that reduction in staff is necessary.
2. A hiring freeze shall be imposed.
3. Losses through normal attrition (retirement, resignation, or a position otherwise vacated) shall, insofar as is practical, not be replaced. Support employees declared to be excess in a building in a given department shall be transferred, when qualified, to fill vacancies in other buildings within their department or another department.
4. Certified employees in support positions shall be laid off from support positions.
5. Student employees shall be laid off.
6. Probationary employees shall be laid off.
7. Seniority shall determine any further reduction in force within a department.
REDUCTION IN STAFF. Definition: The term, "seniority", as used in this Agreement, shall mean the longevity with the District based on continuous, full time, contractual employment commencing with the signing of a Conditional Offer of Employment Form by the Member with the Xxxxx School District. Beginning with the Members hired for the 1999-2000 school year, in cases of the same signing date, the date and time when the member was conditionally offered his/her job by the Assistant Superintendent/Personnel will determine seniority status. Seniority shall not be broken, nor shall it continue to accrue when a person is on authorized leave or on layoff. Members shall be required to update their certification no later than June 30th of each year. When due to declining student enrollment in a given program area and/or the District, school closure, or financial shortfall it becomes necessary to reduce the number of Members in a given program area or to eliminate or consolidate positions, the Board shall follow the procedure listed below:
A. Normal attrition throughout the District. In the event that a Member's position has been shown to be in excess, said Member shall be transferred to a vacant position within the school system for which he/she is certified.
B. If normal attrition does not sufficiently reduce the certified staff, the TLE score shall be the primary consideration in the reduction process. lf TLE scores are the same, the following items shall be considered in the reduction process in the order they are listed:
1. Probationary Members shall be released before career Members who are legally qualified to hold positions currently held by Probationary Members.
2. Seniority in the District;
3. Length of service in current assignment;
4. Academic and professional preparation beyond minimum certification requirements; and
5. Total number of years teaching experience. The prime consideration in executing the reduction in force using the criteria listed above is to assure the retention of fully qualified Members to replace and perform all the needed duties of the terminated Members. The Board shall follow the requirements of the continuing contract law in terminating Members in order to reduce staff. However, if a Member whose position has been eliminated refuses the offer of a position for which he/she qualifies, he/she shall be dismissed.
REDUCTION IN STAFF. 2.1 In the event the Board of Trustees determines that it is necessary to reduce staff, the procedures below shall determine the order in which the staff shall be reduced.
REDUCTION IN STAFF. 5.3.1 An employee whose position is abolished or who is displaced from his position must displace, within two (2) working days, any full-time junior employee in his local seniority group or, within five (5) working days, any full-time junior employee in his district or region for which he is qualified. An employee who fails to comply with said time limit shall not have the right to return to service by displacing a junior employee.
5.3.2 Except as otherwise provided in Article 5.3.1, a permanent employee who is unable to hold a position in his local seniority group may displace a junior employee in any of the local seniority groups on his seniority District, if qualified.
5.3.3 Except as otherwise provided in Article 5.3.1, a permanent employee who is unable to hold a position by exercising seniority as provided in Article 5.3.1
REDUCTION IN STAFF. 22.501 If it is necessary for causes as provided in Education Code Section 44955 to reduce the staff of permanent employees, all procedures and protections provided for in the Education Code will be followed and provided. The Superintendent will consult with the appropriate employee organizations prior to recommending any "reduction in staff" to the Board so that employees who may be affected can be informed regarding the causes and the consequences of the decision.
REDUCTION IN STAFF. In the event a reduction in staff is necessary because of decreasing student enrollment in the District, discontinuance or substantial reduction of a particular service, unanticipated shortages of revenue following budget adoption, or of school consolidation, the following retention preference criteria shall apply for all positions with the exception of Preparation Time Specialists: [a] Retention preference shall be given to all classified employees, at the school or department in the position classification where a reduction in staff is necessary, who have received no formal disciplinary action (including written warnings and/or unpaid disciplinary suspension) within the last twelve (12) months. [b] Retention preference shall thereafter be given to employees whose performance is deemed effective. Effective in this section shall mean that no “ineffective” ratings were indicated on the most recent Classified Summative Evaluation. [c] Retention preference shall thereafter be given to employees who have received no formal disciplinary action (including written warnings, and/or unpaid disciplinary suspension) within the last three (3) years. [d] Retention preference shall thereafter be given to employees who are non- provisional. [e] Finally, retention preference shall thereafter be based on the school or department’s needs as determined by the principal or director. Factors to be considered include the employees’ job skills, training, and experience as they pertain to the job description for the designated position classification.
a. Regular Contract Teacher
1) Seniority except as noted below, within the Madison Metropolitan School District is established by the total years of continuous service as a teacher in the District under regular contract with such calculation commencing with the first day for which compensation was paid to the teacher by the District followed by continuous service. An approved leave of absence, for up to two (2) years, shall not constitute a break in seniority. A layoff for up to three (3) years shall not constitute a break in seniority. When a teacher notifies the District, pursuant to Section IV-O-4-e that he/she wishes to remain on the recall list and is thereafter recalled, he/she shall retain his/her original seniority date.
2) For teachers employed prior to 5/24/77, seniority shall be established by the total years of continuous service as a teacher in the District with such calculation commencing as of the first (1st) day taught followed by continuous service. An approved leave of absence, for up to two (2) years, shall not constitute a break in seniority. A layoff for up to three (3) years shall not constitute a break in seniority.
3) For teachers employed prior to 8/1/76, seniority shall be established as of the first (1st) day taught while employed by the District. A teacher, who was initially employed prior to 8/1/76 and who resigned his/her employment with the District, but who is subsequently reemployed after 10/16/78, shall have his/her seniority commence with the first day for which compensation was paid to said teacher by the District followed by continuous service. An approved leave of absence, for up to two (2) years, shall not constitute a break in seniority. A layoff for up to three (3) years shall not constitute a break in seniority. If a teacher is reemployed before 10/16/78 his/her seniority shall be established as of the first (1st) day taught while employed by the District.
b. Seniority for school nurses shall be established as of the first day worked while employed by the District, followed by continuous service. An approved leave of absence for up to two (2) years shall not constitute a break in seniority. A layoff for up to three (3) years shall not constitute a break in seniority. The seniority date for any school nurse who was previously employed as a nurse by the City of Madison and was assigned to work within the Madison Metropolitan School District shall have his/her seniority established within the District as ...