Finding and Resolution of Adverse Effects a. If WSDOT determines an undertaking may have an adverse effect on historic properties, it will initiate further consultation with the SHPO, interested Indian tribes, and other consulting parties that may be identified, to resolve the adverse effects in accordance with § 800.6. WSDOT on behalf of FHWA shall consult with SHPO and other consulting parties to develop and evaluate alternatives or mitigation that could avoid, minimize, or mitigate adverse effects of the undertaking to historic properties. Such alternatives or mitigation will be settled upon in a Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement executed by FHWA, WSDOT, and SHPO. FHWA will ensure the Section 106 review process is completed, including notification of the ACHP, in accordance with 36 CFR 800.6(a). If the ACHP chooses to participate in consultation it must also be a signatory to the MOA.
Finding and Resolution of Adverse Effects a. If, in consultation with SHPO, WSDOT determines an undertaking may have an adverse effect on historic properties, it will initiate further consultation with the SHPO, interested Indian tribes, and other consulting parties that may be identified, to resolve the adverse effects in accordance with § 800.6. WSDOT on behalf of FHWA shall consult with SHPO and other consulting parties to develop and evaluate alternatives or mitigation that could avoid, minimize, or mitigate adverse effects of the undertaking to historic properties. Such alternatives or mitigation will be settled upon in a Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement executed by