Section 106 definition

Section 106 means the section of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, Public Law 89-665, which requires the federal agency head with jurisdiction over a federal undertaking or federally licensed undertaking to take into account the effects of the agency’s undertakings on properties included in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places and, prior to approval of an undertaking, to afford the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation a reasonable opportunity to comment on the undertaking. The regulations of 36 CFR Part 800, September 21, 1986, define the process used by an agency to meet these responsibilities and the role of the state historic preservation officer in review and comment on these undertakings.
Section 106 means the section of the Act that requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of the undertakings that the agencies carry out, fund, license, permit or approve on historic properties and afford the Advisory Council a reasonable opportunity to comment. The regulations of 36 CFR Part 800 define the process used by an agency to meet these responsibilities and the role of the state historic preservation officer in review and comment on these undertakings.
Section 106 means Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations Part 800). Section 106 requires Federal agencies to consider the effects of their actions on historic properties and seek comments from an independent reviewing agency, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. The purpose of Section 106 is to avoid unnecessary harm to historic properties from Federal actions. (See Section V. CHF Grants Program Requirements and Important Points, Section 106 and NEPA Compliance.)

Examples of Section 106 in a sentence

  • Will assist the awarding agency in assuring compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. §470), EO 11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. §§469a-1 et seq.).

  • We will also obtain concurrence from the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (MDAH) that the proposed project is in compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.

  • When applying for funds to construct communication towers Sub-Recipients must submit evidence that the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) Section 106 review process has been completed and submit all documentation resulting from that review to GPD prior to submitting materials for EHP review.

  • The fee is payable from allocations or grants which have been made to Borrower under Section 106 of the Act (including program income derived therefrom) or from other sources, but is only payable from Guaranteed Loan Funds if the fee is deducted from the Advance.

  • In the event that the Programmatic Agreement is terminated, the FCC shall ad- vise its licensees and tower owner and man- agement companies of the termination and of the need to comply with any applicable Section 106 requirements on a case-by-case basis for collocation activities.

More Definitions of Section 106

Section 106 means section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. “Self-Remediation Terms” has the meaning given to that term in Clause 1. “SSCRF” means HMG’s social sector ACM cladding remediation fund.
Section 106 means the section of the National Historic Preservation Act that requires each federal agency, and, by extension, any state agency, municipality or other entity using federal money or applying for a federal permit or license for a particular undertaking, to take into account the effects of its actions on historic properties. On the Internet at:
Section 106 means Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, 54 U.S.C. 306108.
Section 106 means Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, 16 U.S.C. §470f.
Section 106 means Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (54 U.S.C. 306108) and its implementing regulations at 36 CFR Part 800.
Section 106 means the section of the NHPA that requires each federal agency, and, by extension, any state agency, municipality or other entity using federal money or
Section 106 means the section of the Act that requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of the undertakings that the agencies carry out, fund, license, permit or approve on historic properties and afford the