Evaluate Alternatives. The Utility Engineer shall evaluate alternatives in the adjustment of utilities balancing the needs of both the State and the Utility.
Evaluate Alternatives. The Utility Coordinator will evaluate relocation plans and consider alternatives in the adjustment of utilities that balances the needs of both the County and the Utility.
Evaluate Alternatives. The Utility Engineer shall evaluate alternatives in the adjustment of utilities balancing the needs of both the State and the Utility. DocuSign Envelope ID: 82ABE615-A8AB-4523-B50C-6FA5DBECD719
Evaluate Alternatives. The Consultant will identify evaluation criteria to be used in selecting a preferred alternative. The criteria will be incorporated into a matrix that can account for both qualitative and quantitative data. The criteria will be developed based on public, stakeholder, and agency input and findings from the existing conditions review that is weighted based on the level of importance to each interest group. An additional field review is budgeted to ground truth assumptions about the alignment alternatives is anticipated as part of this task. The evaluation will also incorporate elements of an environmental red flag review, including: • Flooding concerns based on the readily available floodplain data • Topographic challenges • Threatened and Endangered Species considerations • Historical and Cultural Resources • Possible impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands (Section 404) The initial results of the alternatives evaluation will be reviewed and revised with client team and stakeholders. Feedback from the evaluation analysis will be incorporated into the analysis and results updated and represented in the plan final report.
Evaluate Alternatives. We will develop alternatives relating to sewer alignment and chamber configuration to meet the design parameters for each significant element of the project. We will engage City operations, engineering and administrative staff in a workshop to review and evaluate each of the alternatives and criteria they satisfy. The final design will be based on the project alternatives selected at this meeting.
Evaluate Alternatives. Goal: In order to prioritize strategies (and combination of strategies) to focus on those that provide the greatest community and environmental benefits, the goal of this task is to provide a consistent approach to compare the menu of strategies developed in Task 11.
Evaluate Alternatives. Using the land use alternatives generated during Task 4.D, Mintier Harnish will prepare an Alternatives Report that clearly communicates the potential implications of each alternative to support informed decision-making. For each policy alternative, Mintier Harnish will identify the issues for which there is clear policy choice and direction, as well as issues where policy choice and direction is not as clear. We will complete a quantitative comparative assessment of each alternative to assess population, housing, and employment projections based on buildout. The Alternatives Report will include maps and descriptions for land use and circulation alternatives as well as key policy options. As part this effort, we will prepare assumptions to quantify impacts and assess relative merits and disadvantages of each alternative. This will include:
Evaluate Alternatives. The consultant will evaluate the supply alternatives developed in Task 2, including the following activities.
Evaluate Alternatives. Prepare concept sketches and develop specification notes for review and approval by Client. Enter here any additional Conceptual Design Sub-Consultant Services or references to them in documents such as Requests for Proposals, Terms of Reference, or Statements of Requirements. Attach additional pages if required. If all Preliminary Design Services are EXCLUDED, check this box: If Preliminary Design Services are INCLUDED, identify them by completing the following:
Evaluate Alternatives. After the potential alternatives have been identified for specific design elements we will recommend an approach to meet the objectives. We will perform a detailed evaluation of each technology alternative needed to adequately assess the process implications and will prepare an opinion of probable cost for each alternative. We will evaluate and confirm the best technology for each application. We will also evaluate the physical configuration and structural modifications required to meet process objectives, hydraulic constraints, and system reliability. Our evaluation will consider factors related to the implementation of each of the potential options including performance expectations, process reliability, integration with WRRF operations, and construction sequencing to minimize service interruption. We will identify and rank these factors with input from City staff to establish the criteria for the evaluation of alternatives. All alternatives will be screened for any critical issues that could eliminate them from further consideration. Issues such as equipment operation and maintenance requirements will be considered. We will engage the entire team (City WRRF, engineering and administrative staff, and Tetra Tech staff) in this process. We will complete the following sub-tasks to evaluate the alternatives: • Alternatives for WAS Thickeners • Alternatives for Dewatering • Pilot Testing of Thickening and Dewatering Equipment • Biodigestion Testing to Validate Performance Assumptions • Scum Handling Considerations • Site Visits and Manufacturers Presentations • Economic Analysis Details of these sub-tasks are: Upon the City’s request we will evaluate Volute Screw Thickening as a potential newer thickening technology that competes with GBT and RDT WAS thickening equipment. The evaluation will compare (at a minimum) performance, capital cost, operation and maintenance cost, wash water usage, ease of operation, ease of maintenance, longevity, space requirements and use of existing infrastructure. We will prepare a present worth comparison between Screw Press, Belt Filter Press and Centrifuge technology. This economic analysis will include capital cost, operating cost, ease of operation, ease of maintenance, repair frequency and longevity. We will analyze the level of operator attention required for each process. We will conduct three (3) workshops with City staff to validate the understanding of specific equipment requirements as well as reliability expectations...