Evaluate Alternatives. The Utility Engineer shall evaluate alternatives in the adjustment of utilities balancing the needs of both the State and the Utility.
Evaluate Alternatives. The Utility Coordinator will evaluate relocation plans and consider alternatives in the adjustment of utilities that balances the needs of both the County and the Utility.
Evaluate Alternatives. The Utility Engineer shall evaluate alternatives in the adjustment of utilities balancing the needs of both the State and the Utility. DocuSign Envelope ID: 82ABE615-A8AB-4523-B50C-6FA5DBECD719
Evaluate Alternatives i. Add potential stream corridor enhancements to the HEC-RAS model using District’s enhancement hierarchy, considering multiple objectives in enhancement schemes. Analyze hydraulic results against existing hydraulic conditions. Determine threshold flow hydraulics at critical sections to estimate the upper limit of runoff that could be directed toward the stream corridor based on comparing existing to post-enhancement unit stream power, velocities, and/or shear stress.
Evaluate Alternatives. The Consultant will identify evaluation criteria to be used in selecting a preferred alternative. The criteria will be incorporated into a matrix that can account for both qualitative and quantitative data. The criteria will be developed based on public, stakeholder, and agency input and findings from the existing conditions review that is weighted based on the level of importance to each interest group. An additional field review is budgeted to ground truth assumptions about the alignment alternatives is anticipated as part of this task. The evaluation will also incorporate elements of an environmental red flag review, including: • Flooding concerns based on the readily available floodplain data • Topographic challenges • Threatened and Endangered Species considerations • Historical and Cultural Resources • Possible impacts to waters of the United States, including wetlands (Section 404) The initial results of the alternatives evaluation will be reviewed and revised with client team and stakeholders. Feedback from the evaluation analysis will be incorporated into the analysis and results updated and represented in the plan final report.
Evaluate Alternatives. Using the land use alternatives generated during Task 4.D, Mintier Harnish will prepare an Alternatives Report that clearly communicates the potential implications of each alternative to support informed decision-making. For each policy alternative, Mintier Harnish will identify the issues for which there is clear policy choice and direction, as well as issues where policy choice and direction is not as clear. We will complete a quantitative comparative assessment of each alternative to assess population, housing, and employment projections based on buildout. The Alternatives Report will include maps and descriptions for land use and circulation alternatives as well as key policy options. As part this effort, we will prepare assumptions to quantify impacts and assess relative merits and disadvantages of each alternative. This will include: Land Use, Population, and Employment. Evaluation of impacts on population, jobs/housing balance, and other factors of concern. Economics and Fiscal Implications. Evaluation of impacts on General Fund revenues with the costs of providing General Fund services to identify the fiscal implications of various growth patterns/scenarios (e.g., amount and type of new development) and level of public service standards (e.g., new public facilities, public safety goals) based on an evaluation of the City’s budget documents, interviews with service providers (e.g., Police, Fire, Public Works), and established budget forecasting techniques. Mintier Harnish will develop a static fiscal impact model to compare General Fund revenues and costs for up to three Land Use Alternatives.
Evaluate Alternatives. Goal: In order to prioritize strategies (and combination of strategies) to focus on those that provide the greatest community and environmental benefits, the goal of this task is to provide a consistent approach to compare the menu of strategies developed in Task 11. The most successful adaptation strategies are those that can provide additional benefits over and above preventing climate change impacts to the City’s infrastructure and services. Where a large investment needs to be made, it can be beneficial for the strategy to provide co-benefits immediately to the jurisdiction and population that it is serving. This can help secure funding, political will, and community buy-in. In this task, the AECOM team will refine a subset of recommended strategies from Task 11 to advance the understanding of strategy feasibility and prioritization. Individual strategies will be grouped into design alternatives and evaluated using criteria that span a range of categories to aid in the understanding of trade-offs and co-benefits associated with each alternative. The evaluation criteria will be developed in collaboration with the City with input from the identified regional stakeholders. We plan to draw from our prior experience and established evaluation methods to select project appropriate categories and criteria in partnership with stakeholders and the community to include their goals and values in the selected strategies. Based on our prior experience, evaluation criteria would likely include: engineering and construction feasibility, ecological impacts and benefits, public access impacts and benefits, benefits and costs, operations and maintenance. Findings of the analysis will be used to select cost-effective strategies that provide continuous climate hazard protection and increase the City’s resilience, while maximizing co-benefits where possible. The strategies that perform favorably across the suite of criteria will be considered for inclusion in the final Adaptation Plan (Tasks 13 and 14).
Evaluate Alternatives. 2.5 Prepare concept sketches and develop specification notes for review and approval by Client. Enter here any additional Conceptual Design Sub-Consultant Services or references to them in documents such as Requests for Proposals, Terms of Reference, or Statements of Requirements. Attach additional pages if required. A-3 Sub-Consultant Preliminary Design Services Description of Sub-Consultant Services Yes No If all Preliminary Design Services are EXCLUDED, check this box: If Preliminary Design Services are INCLUDED, identify them by completing the following:
Evaluate Alternatives. We will develop alternatives relating to sewer alignment and chamber configuration to meet the design parameters for each significant element of the project. We will engage City operations, engineering and administrative staff in a workshop to review and evaluate each of the alternatives and criteria they satisfy. The final design will be based on the project alternatives selected at this meeting.
Evaluate Alternatives. The consultant will evaluate the supply alternatives developed in Task 2, including the following activities.