For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Sample Clauses

For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. ICBMs of the RS-16 type -- Four reentry vehicles; • ICBMs of the RS-18 type -- Six reentry ve- hicles; • ICBMs of the RS-20 type -- Ten reentry ve- hicles; • SLBMs of the RSM-50 type -- Seven reen- try vehicles. Common Understanding. Minuteman III ICBMs of the United States of America have been deployed with no more than three reentry vehicles. During the term of the Treaty, the United States of America has no plans to and will not flight-test or deploy missiles of this type with more than three reentry vehicles. Second Agreed Statement. During the flight-testing of any ICBM, SLBM, or ASBM after May 1, 1979, the number of procedures for releasing or for dis- pensing may not exceed the maximum number of reentry vehicles established for missiles of corre- sponding types as provided for in paragraphs 10, 11, 12, and 13 of Article IV of the Treaty. In this Agreed Statement "procedures for releasing or for dispens- ing" are understood to mean maneuvers of a missile associated with targeting and releasing or dispensing its reentry vehicles to aim points, whether or not a reentry vehicle is actually released or dispensed. Pro- cedures for releasing anti-missile defense penetration aids will not be considered to be procedures for re- leasing or for dispensing a reentry vehicle so long as the procedures for releasing anti-missile defense penetration aids differ from those for releasing or for dispensing reentry vehicles. Third Agreed Statement. Each Party undertakes: Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes TSALT II-9
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For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The Delegation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has the honour to state—in connection with the signature of the Regional Agreement Concerning the Use by the Broadcasting Service of Frequencies in the Medium Frequency Bands in Regions 1 and 3 and in the Low Frequency Bands in Region 1 and referring to the indication of frequencies of stations operated in Berlin (West) – that it will take note of these provisions only to the extent as they are in accordance with the Quadripartite Agreement of 3 September 1971.
For the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. ICBMs of the RS-16 type -- Four reentry vehicles; • ICBMs of the RS-18 type -- Six reentry vehicles; • ICBMs of the RS-20 type -- Ten reentry vehicles; • SLBMs of the RSM-50 type -- Seven reentry vehicles. Second Agreed Statement. During the flight-testing of any ICBM, SLBM, or ASBM after May 1, 1979 the number of procedures for releasing or for dispensing may not exceed the maximum number of reentry vehicles established for missiles of corresponding types as provided for in paragraphs 10, 11, 12, and 13 of Article IV of the Treaty. In this Agreed Statement "procedures for releasing or dispensing" are understood to mean maneuvers of a missile associated with targeting and releasing or dispensing its reentry vehicles to aim points, whether or not a reentry vehicle is actually released or dispensed. Procedures for releasing anti-missile defense penetration aids will not be considered to be procedures for releasing or for dispensing a reentry vehicle so long as the procedures for releasing anti-missile defense penetration aids differ from those for releasing or for dispensing reentry vehicles.

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