FOREST CLOSURE. 1. During periods of dangerous fire conditions, no person may enter or be upon those forest lands designated by public proclamation by the governor of the state of Montana as areas of dangerous fire hazard except under written permit issued by a recognized agency. 2. Permits to enter upon such areas during the closure may be issued by the recognized agency upon a showing of real need by the applicant. Permits may be issued to those persons having actual residence as a permanent or principal place of abode in the forest lands designated or to persons engaged in non-fire hazardous employment. 3. However, no permit may be required of persons engaged in either firefighting, fire prevention, or law enforcement who are engaged in official business.


  • PLANT CLOSURE 29.01 In the event the Company closes the plant at the Cambridge location as a result of the loss of business or a discontinuation of all operations, severance pay will be calculated at one (1) week’s regular pay per year of service. The severance payment, so calculated, is inclusive of any severance payment required by the Ontario Employment Standards Act (Revised 2000). This agreement is not applicable to a sale of the business or if the closure is occasioned by a labour dispute.