Examples of Lane Closure in a sentence
No Lane Closure that restricts or interferes with traffic shall be allowed from 12:00 PM (noon) on the day preceding to 12:00 AM (midnight) on the day after the regional event and holiday schedule dates set forth in Section of the CMA General Conditions.
For each Lane Closure, a determination shall be made of the applicable hourly Lane Rental Charge using the amounts shown on Table 8-2.
Lane Closures are only allowed during Off-Peak Periods if the Lane Closure is requested by DB Contractor and approved by TxDOT in its sole discretion.
If DB Contractor fails to properly identify and timely address the hazard mitigation for a Category 1 Defect as described in Section 9.4.5 of the CMA Specification, then notwithstanding that the affected travel lane(s) remain open to traffic TxDOT shall have the right to assess a Lane Rental Charge for a Lane Closure for the relevant travel lane until the hazard to Users has been mitigated.
The deduction from each monthly payment for Maintenance Services as set forth in Section 8.2 of the CMA General Conditions shall be the sum during the prior month for each Lane Closure of the applicable hourly Lane Rental Charge multiplied by the number of lanes closed multiplied by the number of hours the Lane Closure was in effect.