Functional currency. The Corporation’s functional currency is the United States of America dollar (U.S. Dollar), the legal tender in circulation in Ecuador. The amounts in the notes to the financial statements are expressed in thousands of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified.
Functional currency. The functional currency of the Issuer for the purposes of section 17(4) of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 is sterling.
Functional currency. An entity's functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment in which it operates, normally that is the currency of the environment in which it primarily generates and expends cash. Management's judgment is essential to determine the functional currency by assessing various indicators, such as cash flows, sales price and market, expenses, financing and intercompany transactions and arrangements. The functional currency of the Company, the Company's subsidiaries and VIEs is the Renminbi ("RMB"), the official currency in the PRC. Transactions denominated in currencies other than RMB are translated into RMB at the exchange rates quoted by the People's Bank of China (the "PBOC") prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Gains and losses resulting from foreign currency transactions are included in the consolidated statements of operations. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into RMB using the applicable exchange rates quoted by the PBOC at the applicable balance sheet dates. Such exchange gains or losses are separately presented in the accompanying consolidated statements of operations.
Functional currency. The “Functional Currency” under this Agreement will be Dollars. Except as the Parties otherwise mutually agree, for billing and reporting, the Gross Sales, deductions from Net Sales, Net Sales, [***] and other deductions related to the calculation of Net Sales and [***] will all be converted into Dollars as of the last day of the month using the official average rate of exchange for the purchase of Dollars with local currency in each applicable country within the Territory where sales have been made. In the event in one or more countries in the Territory de facto or de jure restrictions or prohibitions are imposed to accessing the purchase of Dollars with local currency by Distributor´s Affiliates or Sublicensees’ impeding those Distributor´s Affiliates or Sublicensees to transfer in Dollars all monies owed to Distributor for subsequent payment by Distributor to Coherus as provided hereunder (and only while such restriction or prohibition is in force), such average rate of exchange shall be the average rate of exchange quoted in a free exchange market where Dollars may be purchased with the affected local currency (i.e. as an example [***], or [***]).
Functional currency. The majority of transactions are in Canadian dollars and therefore the reporting and functional currency of the Company is the Canadian dollar.
Functional currency. Items included in the financial statements of each of the group’s entities are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (‘the functional currency’). The contractual basis consolidated financial statements are presented in U.S. Dollars, which is the Company’s functional and presentation currency.
Functional currency. Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries is computing its taxable amount in a currency other than euros on the basis of article 7, paragraph 5 of the Dutch Corporate Income Tax Axx 0000.
Functional currency. The Company and its subsidiary’s functional and reporting currency as determined by management, is the Canadian dollar. June 30, 2015 with comparative figures for the twelve month period ending Dec 31, 2014 (Unaudited)
Functional currency. The Company measures foreign currency transactions in its functional currency. In determining its functional currency, judgment is required to determine the currency that mainly influences sales prices for goods and services and of the country whose competitive forces and regulations mainly determines the sales price of the goods and services. The functional currency of the Company are determined based on the management’s assessment of the economic environment in which the entity operate and the entity’s process of determining sales prices. Based on the economic substance of the underlying circumstances relevant to the Company, the functional currency of the Company has been determined to be the HK$.