Examples of Presentation Currency in a sentence
Presentation Currency The Company's presentation currency and functional currency is the Canadian dollar ("$").
Functional and Presentation Currency The functional currency of an entity is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates.
Functional and Presentation Currency The Canadian dollar is the functional and presentation currency for the Partnership.
Functional and Presentation Currency These consolidated financial statements are presented in Australian dollars, which is the Company’s functional currency.
Subject to Article4.1(i)(ii), if a Reporting Group Entity incurs a cost for a transaction in a currency other than the F1 Team’s Presentation Currency, the F1 Team may choose to make an adjustment in the calculation of Relevant Costs to reflect the difference between such cost retranslated into the F1 Team’s Presentation Currency using the Applicable Rate, and the value at which those costs were recorded on initial recognition within Total Costs of the Reporting Group.
If an F1 Team chooses to make such an adjustment, it must be made for all costs within Total Costs of the Reporting Group that have been transacted in all currencies other than the F1 Team’s Presentation Currency, unless any such costs have otherwise been excluded from Total Costs of the Reporting Group pursuant to Article 3.
Functional and Presentation Currency These financial statements are presented in Canadian dollars, which is the Company’s functional currency.
Where an F1 Team has a Presentation Currency other than US Dollars, the Cost Cap for that F1 Team shall be converted from US Dollars into that F1 Team’s Presentation Currency at the Initial Applicable Rate.
Functional and Presentation Currency These Financial Statements are presented in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, which is the functional currency of the parent and its subsidiaries.
Functional and Presentation Currency These consolidated financial statements are presented in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted, which is the functional currency of the parent and its subsidiaries.