GENERAL TERMS AND AGREEMENTS. I am fully informed to my satisfaction about the 45 DAY EXPERIMENT. I willingly choose to participate in the 45 DAY EXPERIMENT at this time. I understand that the 45 DAY EXPERIMENT is an experiential education course, based on research conducted on Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience (PNSE), which may or may not result in personal growth. My decision to participate in this course is a personal decision. I have not been made any promises or warranties that I will receive any benefits or specific results from my participation in this course. I understand that the 45 DAY EXPERIMENT is a practice-based educational course, and that my full and enthusiastic compliance and participation is important. I further understand that any instructions given to me during this course are for me personally and may not be appropriate for others.
GENERAL TERMS AND AGREEMENTS. I am fully informed to my satisfaction about the 10 DAY AWAKENING CHALLENGE PROGRAM. I willingly choose to participate in the 10 DAY AWAKENING CHALLENGE PROGRAM at this time. I understand that the 10 DAY AWAKENING CHALLENGE PROGRAM is an experiential education course, based on research conducted on Persistent Non Symbolic Experience (PNSE), which may or may not result in personal growth. My decision to participate in this course is a personal decision. I have not been made any promises or warranties that I will receive any benefits or specific results from my participation in this course. I understand that the 10 DAY AWAKENING CHALLENGE PROGRAM is a practice-based educational course, and that my full and enthusiastic compliance and participation is important. I further understand that any instructions given to me during this course are for me personally and may not be appropriate for others.
GENERAL TERMS AND AGREEMENTS. I am fully informed to my satisfaction about the LAYERS AND LOCATIONS MASTERY PROGRAM. I willingly choose to participate in the LAYERS AND LOCATIONS MASTERY PROGRAM at this time. I understand that the LAYERS AND LOCATIONS MASTERY PROGRAM is an experiential education course, based on research conducted on Persistent Non Symbolic Experience (PNSE), which may or may not result in personal growth. My decision to participate in this course is a personal decision. I have not been made any promises or warranties that I will receive any benefits or specific results from my participation in this course. I understand that the LAYERS AND LOCATIONS MASTERY PROGRAM is a practice-based educational course, and that my full and enthusiastic compliance and participation is important. I further understand that any instructions given to me during this course are for me personally and may not be appropriate for others.
GENERAL TERMS AND AGREEMENTS. I am fully informed to my satisfaction about the NEXT LEVEL CHALLENGE. I willingly choose to participate in the NEXT LEVEL CHALLENGE at this time. I understand that the NEXT LEVEL CHALLENGE is an experiential education course, based on research conducted on higher levels of consciousness (HLC), which may or may not result in personal growth. My decision to participate in this course is a personal decision. I have not been made any promises or warranties that I will receive any benefits or specific results from my participation in this course. I understand that the NEXT LEVEL CHALLENGE is a practice-based educational course, and that my full and enthusiastic compliance and participation is important. I further understand that any instructions given to me during this course are for me personally and may not be appropriate for others.
GENERAL TERMS AND AGREEMENTS. I am fully informed to my satisfaction about the THRIVING IN FUNDAMENTAL WELLBEING PROGRAM. I willingly choose to participate in the THRIVING IN FUNDAMENTAL WELLBEING PROGRAM at this time. I understand that the THRIVING IN FUNDAMENTAL WELLBEING PROGRAM is an experiential education course, based on research conducted on Persistent Non Symbolic Experience (PNSE), which may or may not result in personal growth. My decision to participate in this course is a personal decision. I have not been made any promises or warranties that I will receive any benefits or specific results from my participation in this course. I understand that the THRIVING IN FUNDAMENTAL WELLBEING PROGRAM is a practice-based educational course, and that my full and enthusiastic compliance and participation is important. I further understand that any instructions given to me during this course are for me personally and may not be appropriate for others.
GENERAL TERMS AND AGREEMENTS. I am fully informed to my satisfaction about the EXPLORERS COURSE. I willingly choose to participate in the EXPLORERS COURSE at this time. I understand that the EXPLORERS COURSE is an experiential education course, based on research conducted on Persistent Non Symbolic Experience (PNSE), which may or may not result in personal growth. My decision to participate in this course is a personal decision. I have not been made any promises or warranties that I will receive any benefits or specific results from my participation in this course. I understand that the EXPLORERS COURSE is a practice-based educational course, and that my full and enthusiastic compliance and participation is important. I further understand that any instructions given to me during this course are for me personally and may not be appropriate for others.
GENERAL TERMS AND AGREEMENTS. I am fully informed to my satisfaction about the FINDERS COURSE. I willingly choose to participate in the FINDERS COURSE at this time. I understand that the FINDERS COURSE is an experiential education course, based on research conducted on Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience (PNSE), which may or may not result in personal growth. My decision to participate in this course is a personal decision. I have not been made any promises or warranties that I will receive any benefits or specific results from my participation in this course. I understand that the FINDERS COURSE is a practice-based educational course, and that my full and enthusiastic compliance and participation is important. I further understand that any instructions given to me during this course are for me personally and may not be appropriate for others.
GENERAL TERMS AND AGREEMENTS. I am fully informed to my satisfaction about the FINDERS COURSE PROTOCOL. I willingly choose to participate in the FREE WORKSHOP to learn how to structure and create my own FINDERS COURSE PROTOCOL at this time. I understand that the FREE WORKSHOP is an experiential education course, based on research conducted on Persistent Non Symbolic Experience (PNSE), which may or may not result in personal growth. My decision to participate in the FREE WORKSHOP and use the FINDERS COURSE PROTOCOL is a personal decision. I have not been made any promises or warranties that I will receive any benefits or specific results from my participation in this course. I understand that the FINDERS COURSE PROTOCOL is practice-based, and that my full and enthusiastic compliance and participation is important. I further understand that any instructions given to me during this course are for me personally and may not be appropriate for others.
GENERAL TERMS AND AGREEMENTS. I am fully informed to my satisfaction about the JUNE 2022 XXXXXX PRIVATE MEDITATION AND COACHING RETREAT PROGRAM. I willingly choose to participate in the JUNE 2022 XXXXXX PRIVATE MEDITATION AND COACHING RETREAT PROGRAM at this time. I understand that the JUNE 2022 XXXXXX PRIVATE MEDITATION AND COACHING RETREAT PROGRAM is an experiential education course, based on research conducted on Persistent Non Symbolic Experience (PNSE), which may or may not result in personal growth. My decision to participate in this course is a personal decision. I have not been made any promises or warranties that I will receive any benefits or specific results from my participation in this course. I understand that the JUNE 2022 XXXXXX PRIVATE MEDITATION AND COACHING RETREAT PROGRAM is a practice-based educational course, and that my full and enthusiastic compliance and participation is important. I further understand that any instructions given to me during this course are for me personally and may not be appropriate for others.
GENERAL TERMS AND AGREEMENTS. I am fully informed to my satisfaction about the EXEMPLAR PROGRAM. I willingly choose to participate in the EXEMPLAR PROGRAM at this time. I understand that the EXEMPLAR PROGRAM is an experiential education program, based on research conducted on Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience (PNSE), which may or may not result in personal growth. My decision to participate in this program is a personal decision. I have not been made any promises or warranties that I will receive any benefits or specific results from my participation in this program. I understand that the EXEMPLAR PROGRAM is a practice-based educational program, and that my full and enthusiastic compliance and participation is important. I further understand that any instructions given to me during this program are for me personally and may not be appropriate for others.