Generating Unit. A device for the production of electricity.
Generating Unit. An electric generator and its associated plan and apparatus whose electrical output is capable of being separately identified and metered. A Generating Unit may be an individual unit or a group of units with a common connection point and meter.
Generating Unit. Any combination of physically connected generators, reactors, boilers, combustion turbines, and other prime movers operated together to produce electric power. When a single facility is electrically interconnected to the utility utilizing a single meter, but represents multiple Generating Units of the same renewable generating technology and fuel type, such facility may be registered and reported as a single Generating Unit within WREGIS.
Generating Unit. “Generating Unit” shall mean the generating unit(s) at the PTIDs indicated in Attachment A hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and any load buses associated with those generating unit(s) for the purpose of providing station power, as indicated in Attachment A. Attachment A may be amended from time to time as mutually agreed among the parties.
Generating Unit. 4 --------------- 2.10 Hour.......................................................4 ---- 2.11 Month......................................................4 ----- 2.12 Network Integration Transmission Service...................4 ---------------------------------------- 2.13 Open Access Transmission Tariff............................4 ------------------------------- 2.14 Point-to-Point Transmission Service........................4 ----------------------------------- 2.15 PUCT.......................................................5 ---- 2.16 Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch Service..
Generating Unit. 5 2.20 Hour...................................................... 6 2.21
Generating Unit. The concept of the generating unit is of central importance in connection with the prequalification criteria and other provisions. A generating unit is a system definable according to certain criteria such as a power plant or a consumer group for the feed-in and feed-out of active and reactive energy. According to the concept underlying this framework agreement, the provision and supply of secondary control power must be carried out through a portfolio (bundling of generating units) consisting of at least one generating unit. Generating units may also be temporarily grouped together to form a portfolio. Each generating unit may be assigned to precisely one power plant operator (PPO). If control power or control energy is to be supplied with a generating unit, it must first be proved that the generating unit meets the technical operating conditions for the supply of the corresponding control energy product in accordance with the prequalification conditions.
Generating Unit. A complete system of ANPP for generating electricity, including without limitation the nuclear steam supply system and its containment, resident Fuel Assemblies, the turbine‑generator, all auxiliary structures, system facilities and equipment necessary for or useful in the operation of the unit and any structures, systems, facilities and equipment shared with any other Generating Unit at the Nuclear Plant Site, such as the radioactive waste treatment systems, fire protection systems, water supply and treatment systems, all as more specifically described in Appendix A attached hereto and as revised from time to time.
Generating Unit. A generating unit is a system that can be defined according to particular criteria, such as a power plant or consumer group for the feed-in and feed-out of active and reactive energy. According to the concept underlying this Framework Agreement, the provision and supply of tertiary control energy must be carried out by a portfolio (bundling of generating units) that consists of at least one generating unit. Generating units can also simply be grouped temporarily in a portfolio. Every generating unit must meet the pre-qualification conditions.
Generating Unit. An individual electric generator and its associated plant and apparatus whose electrical output is capable of being separately identified and metered or a Physical Scheduling Plant that, in either case, is: Issued by: Xxxxx Xxxxx, Senior Regulatory Counsel Issued on: March 23, 2001 Effective: January 1, 2001 (a) located within the ISO Control Area; CALIFORNIA INDEPENDENT SYSTEM OPERATOR CORPORATION FERC ELECTRIC TARIFF NO. 7 FIRST REPLACEMENT TRANSMISSION CONTROL AGREEMENT Original Sheet No. 178 (b) connected to the ISO Controlled Grid, either directly or via interconnected transmission, or distribution facilities; and