Generators and Utilities Sample Clauses
Generators and Utilities a. In-kind repair or replacement, or minor upgrades, elevation, and/or installation of generators, HVAC systems, and similar equipment provided activities occur within previously disturbed soils and any roof mounted equipment is not visible from the ground level.
Generators and Utilities a. In-kind repair or in-kind replacement, or minor upgrades, elevation, and/or installation of generators, HVAC system and similar equipment as long as they are placed or located where not highly visible from the street and activities substantially conforms to the original footprint.
Generators and Utilities a. In-kind repair or replacement, or minor upgrades, elevation, and/or installation of generators, HVAC systems, and similar equipment provided that activities occur within previously disturbed soils and/or any roof mounted equipment is not visible from the ground level.
b. Underground cable replacements of any length when the replacement cable is placed within three feet of the same trench as an existing or failed cable except when in proximity (one-hundred (100) meters or three-hundred (300) feet) to a known archeological site.
c. Replacement of power poles in pre-existing locations is allowed including increase in the pole diameter. Relocation or construction of new poles are allowed in (1) urban or suburban settings between the edge of roadway and the sidewalk, and (2) rural settings along roadway shoulders.
d. New construction of a single pole overhead line is permissible when the auguring, pole placement, and line placement is conducted from within the previously disturbed public or private right-of-ways, or when the lines will not pass within or through any areas known or has the potential to contain human remains, archeological resources, or any other historic properties except when in close proximity (one-hundred (100) meters or three-hundred (300) feet) to a known archaeological site or within the view shed of historic districts listed or eligible for listing on the National Register.
e. Replacement, relocation or installation of solar panels on the roof of buildings less than forty-five (45) years of age, except when located within a historic district.
f. Directional boring for replacement or installation of new service lines and related appurtenances, where ground disturbance would involve no greater than ten (10) square foot excavation units for directional boring equipment to be placed. These units would be placed in areas for directional drill to begin and end where needed to complete boring.
Generators and Utilities a. In-kind repair or replacement, or minor upgrades, elevation, or installation of generators, HVAC systems, and similar equipment provided activities occur within previously disturbed soils and any roof mounted equipment is not visible from the ground level. This allowance only applies to buildings/structures less than 45 years in age and that are not within, adjacent to, or in the viewshed of a historic district or a Mississippi Landmark.
Generators and Utilities. 1435
1436 1. In-kind repair or replacement, or minor upgrades elevation, and/or installation of 1437 generators, HVAC systems, and similar equipment provided activities occur within 1438 previously disturbed soils and any roof mounted equipment is not visible from the 1439 ground level. 1440
1441 C. Communication Equipment/Systems and Towers
1. Acquisition, installation, or operation of communication and security equipment/systems that use existing distribution systems, facilities, or existing infrastructure right-of-way.
2. The collocation of communication and security equipment on existing towers and buildings/structures less than 45 year in age, provided that the work does not increase existing tower height or footprint by more than 10% and occurs within previously disturbed soils.
3. Enhancement, repair or replacement of existing communication towers and antenna structures provided the work does not increase existing tower height or footprint by more than 10%and occurs within previously disturbed soils.
4. Installation of new temporary (not to exceed 12 months) communications towers and antenna structures provided that the work occurs does not require modification of buildings/structures older than 45 years and occurs within previously disturbed soils.
5. Installation of new communication towers, less than 200 feet tall, in previously developed urban complexes when the work does not require modification of buildings/structures older than 45 years, occurs within previously disturbed soils and is not within 500 feet of the boundaries of a historic property.
Generators and Utilities. In-kind repair or replacement, or minor upgrades, elevation, and/or installation of generators, HVAC systems, and similar equipment provided activities occur within previously disturbed soils and any roof mounted equipment is not visible from the ground level. Acquisition, installation, or operation of communication and security equipment/systems that use existing distribution systems, facilities, or existing infrastructure right-of-way. The collocation of communication and security equipment on existing towers and buildings/structures less than 45 year in age, provided that the work does not increase existing tower height or footprint by more than 10% and occurs within previously disturbed soils. Enhancement, repair or replacement of existing communication towers and antenna structures provided the work does not increase existing tower height or footprint by more than 10% and occurs within previously disturbed soils. Installation of new temporary (not to exceed 12 months) communications towers and antenna structures provided that the work occurs does not require modification of buildings/structures 45 years or older and occurs within previously disturbed soils. Installation of new communication towers, less than 200 feet tall, in previously developed urban complexes when the work does not require modification of buildings/structures 45 years or older, occurs within previously disturbed soil, and is not within 500 feet of the boundaries of a historic property. WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND CONTROLS, when proposed activities substantially conform to the original footprint and/or performed in previously disturbed soils, including the area where the activity is staged. In-kind repairs or replacement to canal systems and associated elements.
Generators and Utilities a. In-kind repair or replacement, or minor upgrades, elevation, and/or installation of generators, HVAC systems, and similar equipment provided that activities occur within previously disturbed soils and/or any roof mounted equipment is not visible from the ground level.
b. Repair of metal utilitarian structures to house or protect utilities, such as pump house and electrical transformer houses, as well as related elements, such as oil tanks and exposed pipelines, except when located within a historic district.
c. Underground cable replacements of any length when the replacement cable is placed within three feet of the same trench as an existing or failed cable except when in proximity (100 meters or 300 feet) to a known archeological sit
d. Replacement of power poles in pre-existing locations is allowed including increase in the pole diameter. Relocation or construction of new poles are allowed in (1) urban or suburban settings between the edge of roadway and the sidewalk, (2) rural settings along roadway shoulders, and (3) in off-road alignment settings in the existing utility corridor except when in close proximity (100 meters or 300 feet) to a known archaeological site or within the view shed of historic districts listed or eligible for listing on the National Register.
e. New construction of a single pole overhead line is permissible when the auguring, pole placement, and line placement is conducted from within the previously disturbed public or private right-of-ways, or when the lines will not pass within or through any areas known or suspected to contain human remains, archeological resources, or any other historic properties except when in close proximity (100 meters or 300 feet) to a known archaeological site or within the view shed of historic districts listed or eligible for listing on the National Register.
Generators and Utilities a. In-kind repair or in-kind replacement, or minor upgrades, elevation, and/or installation of generators, HVAC systems, and similar equipment provided activities occur within previously disturbed soils and any roof mounted equipment is not visible from the ground level.
b. Repair of metal utilitarian structures to house or protect utilities, such as pump house and electrical transformer houses, as well as related elements, such as oil tanks and exposed pipelines, except when located within a historic district.
c. Underground cable replacements of any length when the replacement cable is placed within three feet of the same trench as an existing or failed cable except when in proximity (100 meters or 300 feet) to a known archeological site.
d. Replacement of power poles in pre-existing locations is allowed including increase in the pole diameter if the pole is of the same form. Relocation or construction of new poles are allowed in urban or suburban settings between the edge of roadway and the sidewalk, The Allowance is not applicable when in proximity (100 meters or 300 feet) to a known archaeological site or within the view shed of historic districts listed or eligible for listing on the National Register.
e. Replacement, relocation, or installation of solar panels on the roofs of building less than 45 years of age.
f. Directional boring for replacement service lines and related appurtenances, where ground disturbance would involve no greater than 10 square foot excavation units for directional boring equipment to be placed. These units would be placed in areas for directional drill to begin and end or where needed to complete boring. The boring will not be conducted within or through any areas known or suspected to contain human remains, archeological resources, or any other historic properties except when in proximity (100 meters or 300 feet) to a known archaeological site or within the view shed of historic districts listed or eligible for listing on the National Register
Generators and Utilities. 1677
1678 a. In-kind repair or replacement, or minor upgrades, elevation, and/or installation of 1679 generators, HVAC systems, and similar equipment provided activities occur within 1680 previously disturbed soils and any roof mounted equipment is not visible from the 1681 public right of way. 1682
Generators and Utilities a. In-kind repair or replacement, or minor upgrades, elevation, and/or installation of generators, HVAC systems, and similar equipment provided that activities occur within previously disturbed soils and/or any roof mounted equipment is not visible from the ground level.
b. Underground cable replacements of any length when the replacement cable is placed within three feet of the same trench as an existing or failed cable except when in proximity (two hundred [200] meters or six hundred fifty [650] feet) to a known archeological site.
c. Replacement of power poles in pre-existing locations, including increase in the pole diameter. Relocation or construction of new poles are allowed in:
i. urban or suburban settings between the edge of roadway and the sidewalk, or
ii. rural settings along roadway shoulders.
d. New construction of a single pole overhead line is permissible when the auguring, pole placement, and line placement is conducted from within the previously disturbed public or private right-of-ways, or when the lines will not pass within or through any areas known or has the potential to contain human remains, archeological resources, or any other historic properties except when in close proximity (two hundred [200] meters or six hundred fifty [650] feet) to a known archaeological site or within the view shed of historic districts listed or eligible for listing on the National Register.
e. Directional boring for replacement or installation of new service lines and related appurtenances, where ground disturbance would involve no greater than ten (10) square foot excavation units for directional boring equipment to be placed. These units would be placed in areas for directional drill to begin and end where needed to complete boring.