Sublicense to Use the Scudder Trademarks As exclusive licensee of the rights to use anx xxxxxcense the use of the "Scudder," "Scudder Investments" and "Scudder, Stevens & Clark, Inx." xxxdemaxxx (xxgether, the "Scuddex Xxxxx"), xxx xerexx xxant the Trust a nonexclusive right xxx xxxlicense to use (i) the "Scudder" name and mark as part of the Trust's name (the "Fund Namx"), xxd (ii) the Scudder Marks in connection with the Trust's investment products xxx xxxvices, in each case only for so long as this Agreement, any other investment management agreement between you or any organization which shall have succeeded to your business as investment manager ("your Successor") and the Trust, or any extension, renewal or amendment hereof or thereof remains in effect, and only for so long as you are a licensee of the Scudder Marks, provided however, that you agree to use your best xxxxxxx to maintain your license to use and sublicense the Scudder Marks. The Trust agrees that it shall have no right to suxxxxxxxe or assign rights to use the Scudder Marks, shall acquire no interest in the Scudder Marks othxx xxxx the rights granted herein, that all of txx Xxxxt's uses of the Scudder Marks shall inure to the benefit of Scudder Trust Company xx xxxer and licensor of the Scudder Marks (xxx "Xrademark Owner"), and that the Trust shall nxx xxxxlenge the validity of the Scudder Marks or the Trademark Owner's ownership thereof. The Truxx xxxxher agrees that all services and products it offers in connection with the Scudder Marks shall meet commercially reasonable standards of duaxxxx, xs may be determined by you or the Trademark Owner from time to time, provided that you acknowledge that the services and products the Trust rendered during the one-year period preceding the date of this Agreement are acceptable. At your reasonable request, the Trust shall cooperate with you and the Trademark Owner and shall execute and deliver any and all documents necessary to maintain and protect (including but not limited to in connection with any trademark infringement action) the Scudder Marks and/or enter the Trust as a registered user thereof. Xx xxch time as this Agreement or any other investment management agreement shall no longer be in effect between you (or your Successor) and the Trust, or you no longer are a licensee of the Scudder Marks, the Trust shall (to the extent that, and as soon ax, xx xawfully can) cease to use the Fund Name or any other name indicating that it is advised by, managed by or otherwise connected with you (or your Successor) or the Trademark Owner. In no event shall the Trust use the Scudder Marks or any other name or mark confusingly similar therexx (xxxluding, but not limited to, any name or mark that includes the name "Scudder") if this Agreement or any other investment advisory agrexxxxx xetween you (or your Successor) and the Fund is terminated.
Xxxxx of License Georgia Institute of Technology shall grant the Student a limited, nonexclusive, nontransferable and revocable license to use and occupy an assigned space in a Georgia Institute of Technology facility in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract (the “License”). The parties to this Contract do not intend that an estate, a tenancy, or any other interest in property should pass from Georgia Institute of Technology to Student. Instead, it is the intention of the parties that the relationship between Georgia Institute of Technology and Student be that of licensor and licensee and the sole right of Student to use the assigned space as a living unit shall be based upon the License granted in this Contract.
License Terms This license is for one full Semester. It cannot be cancelled or terminated except under the conditions cited in this license.
License for Txdot Logo Use DocuSign Envelope ID: A2C96816-AFCF-4B6A-9B51-D8FCE6C6223E DocuSign Envelope ID: 81600B2C-53E9-4E39-BA73-002AB2A7A001
Publicity and Use of Trademarks or Service Marks 34.1 A Party, its Affiliates, and their respective contractors and Agents, shall not use the other Party’s trademarks, service marks, logos or other proprietary trade dress, in connection with the sale of products or services, or in any advertising, press releases, publicity matters or other promotional materials, unless the other Party has given its written consent for such use, which consent the other Party may grant or withhold in its sole discretion. 34.2 Neither Party may imply any direct or indirect affiliation with or sponsorship or endorsement of it or its services or products by the other Party. 34.3 Any violation of this Section 34 shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement.
Xxxxx of License; Limitations The Engineer is granted a limited revocable non-exclusive license to use the registered TxDOT trademark logo (TxDOT Flying “T”) on any deliverables prepared under this contract that are the property of the State. The Engineer may not make any use of the registered TxDOT trademark logo on any other materials or documents unless it first submits that request in writing to the State and receives approval for the proposed use. The Engineer agrees that it shall not alter, modify, dilute, or otherwise misuse the registered TxDOT trademark logo or bring it into disrepute.
Patent Marking LICENSEE shall xxxx all Licensed Products made, used or sold under the terms of this Agreement, or their containers, in accordance with the applicable patent marking laws.
Use of Trademarks Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, Sponsor hereby represents and warrants that it has the power and authority to grant, and does hereby grant to Show Management a non-exclusive, nontrans- ferable, royalty-free, worldwide license to reproduce and display all logos, trademarks, trade names and similar identifying material relating to Sponsor (the ”Sponsor Marks”) solely in connection with the promotion, marketing and distribution of the parties in accordance with the terms hereof, provided, however, that Show Management shall, other than as specifically provided for in this Agreement, not make any specific use of any Sponsor Mark without first submitting a sample of such use to Spon- sor and obtaining its prior consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The foregoing license shall terminate upon the effective date of expiration of this Agreement.
Use of Trademark In the case that the Subscriber provides a telecommunication service to an Subscriber’s Customer pursuant to Section 8.1, if the Subscriber desires to use SORACOM’s trademark, the Subscriber shall obtain SORACOM’s consent in writing to do so before using SORACOM’s trademark, and shall comply with any other conditions relating to the use of SORACOM’s trademark specified by SORACOM separately.
Exclusive Negotiations The State will not bargain collectively or meet with any employee organization other than MSEA-SEIU with reference to terms and conditions of employment of employees covered by this Agreement. If any such organizations request meetings they will be advised by the State to transmit their requests concerning terms and conditions of employment to MSEA-SEIU.