Analytics 1.1. IFS may track and analyze the usage of the IFS Offering for purposes of determining usage made of the IFS Offering, for the purposes of security, to assist customers, and for improving the Software and Services and the user experience in using such Software and Services. For example, IFS may use this information to help customers derive more value from the Software and Services, to understand and analyze trends, or to track which features are used most often in order to improve the Software and Services. IFS may share anonymous usage data with its service providers for the purpose of helping in such tracking, analysis and improvements. Additionally, IFS may share such anonymous usage data on an aggregate basis in the normal course of operating their business; for example, IFS may share information publicly to show trends about the general use of its software and services. TERMS - SERVICES
Computers All computers, hardware, software, computer upgrades and maintenance in connection therewith shall be at Owner's expense.
Sports related devices, services and medications used to affect performance primarily in sports- related activities; all expenses related to physical conditioning programs such as athletic training, bodybuilding, exercise, fitness, flexibility, and diversion or general motivation.
Bus Drivers A. The Board agrees to pay bus drivers their regular rate per hour for driving in excess of four (4) hours per day on their regular route. The Board agrees to pay bus drivers their regular rate while transporting students on another regular route during an emergency situation. B. The Board agrees to pay bus drivers $15.00 per hour for field trips. Field trips will be paid from the point where students are picked up to the point students are returned or the point when the driver returns to the pick-up location. C. The terms "field trips," "special trips," and "extra trips" shall henceforth be known as field trips. All non-walking field trips which are sponsored by the District, have been approved by the Superintendent, and are accompanied by an advisor/teacher shall be offered to regular drivers before they are offered to substitutes. Dropped trips or trips that arise within twenty-four (24) hours of the scheduled departure time can be filled with the first available driver. D. Each bus driver shall be paid for all time that is spent on their bus including deadhead, breakdown, maintenance time, layover time, and random drug and alcohol testing. E. All drivers may take their regularly assigned bus on short trips, however, longer trips shall be assigned at the discretion of the Transportation Department. F. The Board agrees to pay the cost up to thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for costs incurred to any bus driver for physical, eye tests, or abstracts. G. At the beginning of each new school year, field trips shall be offered on a rotating basis from a driver rotation list, beginning with the most senior driver on the list. A bus driver who cancels a trip (non-emergency cancellation as determined by the supervisor) with less than forty-eight (48) hours notice shall miss their turn on the next two trip rotations. Drivers may elect to remove themselves from consideration for extra trips. If removed, drivers will remain so for the designated period of time that trips are bid or they may elect to remove themselves for the entire school year. H. The Board agrees to supply each bus with a broom and window cleaner, for the proper inside and outside cleaning of the bus. I. Mid-day preschool routes shall be offered, bid, and paid as part of drivers’ regular routes. J. All bus routes shall be bid with the most senior driver appointed, providing it is not excessive cost to the Board. K. If a driver takes a field trip he/she will only be deducted the actual morning or evening time from regular route. L. Nine (9) or more students shall be considered a field trip to be transported in a van, mini bus or regular bus, excluding trips by the multiple impaired students, History Day, Science Olympiad, Mock Trial, Vision Unit, commercial buses sponsored by a non- Board entity for football state playoffs, and all other regional and State sports events. M. The Board shall make available to all bus drivers a copy of the State Manual to assist drivers in passing the required written examination. N. The Board shall provide inservice education for all regular drivers employed the effective date of this Agreement to assist drivers in passing the required written examination. O. All bus drivers shall be required to meet all licensing requirements of the State of Ohio to be employed or to remain in the employment of the District. P. All bus drivers shall pass any drug testing requirements established by the Ohio Department of Education, Ohio State Laws, and/or Federal Law governing the commercial licensing of all bus drivers. The cost of said required testing shall be borne by the Board. Q. The Board shall reimburse up to $44.75, once every (4) years, the cost of renewal of the Commercial Driver's License fee, upon submission of a fee receipt. R. The drivers who were grandfathered to drive their buses to and from home on their current routes as of 2001-2002 will remain grandfathered as long as they are drivers for the District, and remain on the same routes. All new drivers shall be subject to the approval of the Transportation Supervisor and Superintendent on taking buses home. (See paragraph J.) In the event a bus driver authorized to take his/her bus home, including the grandfathered drivers, moves from his/her present residence, the Transportation Supervisor and Superintendent shall determine whether the driver will be permitted to continue to drive his/her bus home. (See paragraph J.) S. Bus drivers who are required to plug bus heaters in at their residences shall be paid $1.50 per plug-in. T. The Board will pay for the cost of mandatory training to meet certification requirements.
Generelt A. Apple Inc. (“Apple”) giver hermed licenstager licens til at bruge Apple-softwaren, evt. tredjepartssoftware, dokumentation, , grænseflader, indhold, skrifter og evt. data, som følger med denne licens, uanset om de er præinstalleret på Apple-hardware, forefindes på disk, som ROM (Read Only Memory), på andet medie eller i anden form (under et kaldet “Apple-softwaren”) i henhold til betingelserne i denne licensaftale. Apple og/eller Apples licensgivere bevarer ejendomsretten til selve Apple-softwaren og forbeholder sig alle de rettigheder, som ikke udtrykkeligt er givet til licenstager. B. Apple vil efter eget valg evt. frigive fremtidige opgraderinger eller opdateringer til Apple-softwaren til licenstagers computer fra Apple. Evt. opgraderinger og opdateringer inkluderer ikke nødvendigvis alle de eksisterende softwarefunktioner eller nye funktioner, som Apple frigiver til nyere modeller af computere fra Apple. Licenstagers rettigheder i henhold til denne licens omfatter alle de softwareopgraderinger eller -opdateringer leveret af Apple til Apple-softwareproduktet, medmindre opgraderingerne eller opdateringerne indeholder en separat licens, i hvilket fald licenstager erklærer sig indforstået med, at betingelserne i den licens er gældende for sådanne opgraderinger eller opdateringer.
Games The Private Party shall not be entitled to introduce any arcade type amusement or gaming machines into the Restaurant Facility without the prior written approval of SANParks.
Moonlighting Employment as a physician in a professional capacity outside of what is outlined in this Agreement, whether temporary special medical activity (“TSMA”) or external moonlighting, must be approved in writing, in advance, by the Departmental Chair, Program Director and Director of Graduate Medical Education (or designee). Even if approved, professional and general liability insurance as outlined in Section 5.4 is not provided to Trainee engaged in external moonlighting. Trainee acknowledges he or she has the responsibility to obtain insurance for such engagement. TSMA and external moonlighting must be included and reported as part of Trainee's hours spent on clinical experience and education. Trainee shall not be required to engage in any outside work.
Cell Phones The College follows the State’s Cell Phone Policy. Employees who receive cell phones from the College shall also abide by this Policy. The College shall provide the Policy to any employee who is given a cell phone. Employees are responsible for the cost of all personal calls. While the College anticipates some incidental personal use of cell phones, it is also expected that such use is infrequent.
Cellular Phone Executive is eligible to receive one cellular telephone issued through the Employer's corporate account for use on the Employer's business. The phone will remain the property of the Employer and must be returned upon termination of Executive's employment with the Employer.
Mobility The ability to move indoors from room to room on level surfaces at the normal place of residence.