Required Procurement Procedures for Obtaining Goods and Services The Grantee shall provide maximum open competition when procuring goods and services related to the grant- assisted project in accordance with Section 287.057, Florida Statutes.
Loop Testing/Trouble Reporting Telepak Networks will be responsible for testing and isolating troubles on the Loops. Telepak Networks must test and isolate trouble to the BellSouth portion of a designed/non-designed unbundled Loop (e.g., UVL-SL2, UCL-D, UVL-SL1, UCL-ND, etc.) before reporting repair to the UNE Customer Wholesale Interconnection Network Services (CWINS) Center. Upon request from BellSouth at the time of the trouble report, Telepak Networks will be required to provide the results of the Telepak Networks test which indicate a problem on the BellSouth provided Loop. Once Telepak Networks has isolated a trouble to the BellSouth provided Loop, and had issued a trouble report to BellSouth on the Loop, BellSouth will take the actions necessary to repair the Loop if a trouble actually exists. BellSouth will repair these Loops in the same time frames that BellSouth repairs similarly situated Loops to its End Users. If Telepak Networks reports a trouble on a non-designed or designed Loop and no trouble actually exists, BellSouth will charge Telepak Networks for any dispatching and testing (both inside and outside the CO) required by BellSouth in order to confirm the Loop’s working status. In the event BellSouth must dispatch to the end-user’s location more than once due to incorrect or incomplete information provided by Telepak Networks (e.g., incomplete address, incorrect contact name/number, etc.), BellSouth will xxxx Xxxxxxx Networks for each additional dispatch required to repair the circuit due to the incorrect/incomplete information provided. BellSouth will assess the applicable Trouble Determination rates from BellSouth’s FCC or state tariffs.
Deviation from Grievance Procedure The Employer agrees that, after a grievance has been discussed at Step 2 of the grievance procedure the Employer or his representatives shall not initiate any discussion or negotiations with respect to the grievance, either directly or indirectly with the aggrieved employee without the consent of the xxxxxxx or the Union.
000 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7. 100 It is agreed that it is the spirit and intent of this Agreement to adjust grievances promptly. All grievances, including discharge for just cause, but not those pertaining to jurisdictional disputes that may arise on any work covered by this Agreement, must be initiated within fifteen (15) working days of the incident by either the employee in Step I or the Local Union in Step II and shall be handled in the following manner:
Money Market Fund Compliance Testing and Reporting Services Subject to the authorization and direction of the Trust and, in each case where appropriate, the review and comment by the Trust’s independent accountants and legal counsel, and in accordance with procedures that may be established from time to time between the Trust and the Administrator, the Administrator will:
Minimum Shipping Requirements for TIPS Sales Vendor shall ship, deliver, or provide ordered goods and services within a commercially reasonable time after acceptance of the order. If a delay in delivery is anticipated, Vendor shall notify the TIPS Member as to why delivery is delayed and provide an updated estimated time for completion. The TIPS Member may cancel the order if the delay is not commercially acceptable or not consistent with the Supplemental Agreement applicable to the order.
Site Selection 5.1.1 If the parties have not designated the street address of the Franchised Location on Exhibit A on the Effective Date, Franchisee shall identify, submit and obtain Franchisor’s prior written approval of the Franchised Location meeting the requirements of this Agreement prior to entering a lease or sublease for the Franchised Location. Franchisee shall provide Franchisor all information required by Franchisor, as determined by Franchisor in Franchisor’s sole determination, necessary for Franchisor to evaluate the Franchised Location. Franchisor shall have ten (10) business days to review Franchisee’s written site proposal for the Franchised Location and notify Franchisee of its approval or disapproval in writing. Franchisor’s failure to respond within ten (10) business days shall signify Franchisor’s disapproval of the site. Franchisor shall not unreasonably withhold Franchisor’s approval of a proposed site for the Franchised Location. 5.1.2 Franchisee must have a site for the Franchised Location approved by Franchisor, receive the opening notice from Franchisor described in Section 5.4 below, and open Franchisee’s Franchised Business for business within six (6) months from the Effective Date, except as otherwise provided in Section 5.1.3 All matters related in any way to Franchisee’s site are Franchisee’s sole responsibility, regardless of any assistance Franchisor may choose to provide. Franchisee is responsible for obtaining any architectural and engineering services required for Franchisee’s facility and for ensuring its compliance with local law. Neither Franchisor, nor any other person or company associated with Franchisor shall have any liability for any site‐related matter. Xxxxxxxxxx agrees not to make any claims against Franchisor and/or any of Franchisor’s affiliates or associates with regard to such matters. 5.1.4 If Franchisor makes a loan to Franchisee for (i) Franchisee’s purchase of the franchise for the Franchised Business; (ii) the remodeling of the Franchised Location; (iii) the transfer of any interest in this franchise or this Agreement; or (iv) any other purpose; Franchisee shall open (or re‐open, as the case may be), the Franchised Business for business within sixty (60) days from the loan origination date.
System for Award Management (XXX) Requirement Alongside a signed copy of this Agreement, Grantee will provide Florida Housing with a proof of registration and Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) number. Grantee will continue to maintain an active XXX registration with current information at all times during which it has an active award under this Agreement.
Formal Grievance Procedure 1. In the event that a complaint cannot be resolved informally, the parties shall pursue the first step in the formal grievance procedure before making any application for arbitration, unless the College and the AAUP agree in writing to alter the procedure or waive one or more of the steps by proceeding directly to arbitration. 2. Upon written request of the AAUP Contract Compliance Officer, the College shall submit any requested documents in its possession which may be necessary for investigation of the grievance. The College shall deliver such documents as soon as is reasonably possible, but no later than seven (7) days after receipt of a written request. 3. Internal Steps in the Procedure a. Step One: The Director of Human Resources (1) Within thirty (30) days of when the AAUP learns of, or in the exercise of reasonable diligence should have learned of, an alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement, the AAUP shall submit to the Director of Human Resources a completed Faculty Grievance Form or a dated, signed, written description of the grievance, clearly labeled "grievance" containing substantially the same information as provided for on the Faculty Grievance Form. (2) Within eight (8) days of receipt of the written grievance, the Director of Human Resources shall convene a meeting to discuss the grievance. Such meeting shall include the grievant(s) and/or the designated representative(s) of the AAUP and shall be scheduled at a time which is mutually convenient to the parties. (3) The Director of Human Resources shall attempt to determine the facts pertaining to the grievance and shall notify the grievant and the AAUP in writing of his/her decision within eight (8) days in a Grievance Disposition Form or in a document containing substantially the same information as contained in a Grievance Disposition Form, which shall include written details of the reasons which support the decision. (4) Within eight (8) days after receipt of the disposition of the Director of Human Resources, the AAUP may appeal the decision in writing to the College Grievance Officer, by submitting a Grievance Disposition Reaction Form or a document containing substantially the same information as contained in a Grievance Disposition Reaction Form. (5) By agreement, the parties may decide to advance the grievance to step two of the procedure, or to appeal directly to arbitration at step D(4) of this article.
POST ONLINE PUBLIC AUCTION PROCEDURES 4.1. Successful E-bidders shall and undertake to sign the Memorandum of Sale at the office of the Auctioneer within 3 working days from the date of auction, failing which the deposit paid will be forfeited to the Assignee bank and the sale will be deemed cancelled/terminated and the property may be put up again for subsequent auction without further notice to the said E-Bidders. The Auctioneer shall send the Memorandum of Sale for stamping and thereafter forward the same together with the required deposit paid under Clause 2.4 above and the differential sum paid under this clause (if any) to the Assignee bank. 4.2. Any successful E-bidder who is unable to attend to sign the Memorandum of Sale at the Auctioneer's office may do so by authorising another person to sign the same of his/her behalf by inserting the particulars of the authorised person and furnishing a copy of his/her identity card and also a Letter of Authorisation for this purpose. 4.3. In the event that there is inconsistency between the personal details and the documents uploaded in the PAH Website and the actual documents produced by the successful bidder, the Auctioneer shall have the right to refuse the successful bidder from signing the Memorandum of Sale and may at its discretion cancel the sale and proceed to put up property up for a new auction and the deposit paid shall be forfeited. 4.4. The Memorandum of Sale upon being signed by the Auctioneer, Solicitor for the Assignee bank and the successful Bidder/Authorised agent shall be conclusive evidence of the sale of the property to the successful bidder.