Medical Expenses 1. Employees exposed to hazardous physical, biological, or chemical agents shall be provided, at no cost to the employee, with medical examinations or evaluations required by VOSHA regulations. If there are no specific VOSHA regulations or standards for the agent in question, recommendations of the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health or other generally recognized expert organization shall be used, as determined by the Commissioner of Health. 2. Employees determined by the Health Department to be at substantial risk for exposure to contagious diseases shall be provided appropriate vaccines. Groups at risk will be defined by the Vermont Department of Health. If no guidelines have been published by the Department of Health, the guidelines published by the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia will apply. Vaccines and/or appropriate medical examinations will be provided at no cost to the employee according to applicable guidelines. 3. Any Department wishing to implement a Medical Monitoring Program on or after July 1, 1990, shall do so by conferring with the Health Department, and the Department of Human Resources. Prior to implementation, the Department of Human Resources shall notify VSEA. The parties shall meet within ten (10) days (unless mutually extended) after a request for negotiations by either party and thereafter on a regular basis for a period not exceeding forty-five (45) calendar days, after which the State may implement the program, whether or not the parties have bargained to genuine impasse. The VSEA shall retain all statutory impasse procedure rights as may be lawfully available to VSEA during the life of this Agreement, provided, however, the State at any time may withdraw its proposed medical monitoring program or terminate without further bargaining a medical monitoring program previously implemented, in which case, such retained statutory impasse procedure rights are extinguished.
Incidental Expenses Except as expressly provided in an applicable Work Order, those expenses that Contractor incurs in performing the Services (e.g., travel and lodging, document reproduction and shipping, and long distance telephone) shall be included in Contractor’s rates. Accordingly, Contractor’s expenses are not separately reimbursable by LAUSD unless, on a case-by-case basis, LAUSD has agreed in advance and in writing to reimburse Contractor for particular expenses.
FUNERAL EXPENSES The City shall expend a sum of money not to exceed $30,000 for funeral expenses to the heirs of any Unit member who dies while on active duty from injuries incurred while performing his/her job or who dies as a direct cause of such injuries. This amount includes any amount already available for this purpose in accordance with California State Labor Code Section 4701.
Professional Expenses Each calendar year during the Employment Term, the Company agrees to reimburse the Executive for up to $10,000 of reasonable professional expenses (i.e., accounting, financial planning, estate planning expenses) incurred by the Executive during such year for personal advice rendered to the Executive.
Interview Expenses An in-service applicant for a posted position who is not on leave of absence without pay and who has been called for a panel interview shall be granted leave of absence with base pay and shall have their authorized expenses paid. An employee granted leave under this section shall notify their supervisor as soon as they are notified of their requirement to appear for an interview.