Energy Efficiency The contractor shall comply with all mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in the energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (Pub.L. 94-163) for the State in which the work under this contract is performed.
FIPPA The HSP acknowledges that the LHIN is bound by FIPPA and that any information provided to the LHIN in connection with this Agreement may be subject to disclosure in accordance with FIPPA.
Coronavirus-Related Distributions (CRDs If you qualify, you may withdraw up to $100,000 in aggregate from your IRAs and eligible retirement plans as a CRD, without paying the 10 percent early distribution penalty tax. You are a qualified individual if you (or your spouse or dependent) is diagnosed with the COVID-19 disease or the SARS-CoV-2 virus in an approved test; or if you have experienced adverse financial consequences as a result of being quarantined, being furloughed or laid off or having work hours reduced due to such virus or disease, being unable to work due to lack of child care due to such virus or disease, closing or reduced hours of a business owned or operated by you due to such virus or disease, or other factors as determined by the IRS. A CRD must be made on or after January 1, 2020, and before December 31, 2020. CRDs will be taxed ratably over a three-year period, unless you elect otherwise, and may be repaid over three years beginning with the day following the day a CRD is made. Repayments may be made to an eligible retirement plan or IRA. An eligible retirement plan is defined as a qualified retirement plan, 403(a) annuity, 403(b) tax-sheltered annuity, 457(b) eligible governmental deferred compensation plan, or an IRA. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE
DUŠEVNÍ VLASTNICTVÍ Poskytovatel a Hlavní zkoušející uznávají a souhlasí, že Zadavatel bude mít výhradní vlastnická práva ke všem Studijním údajům, vylepšením, na vývoj, k objevům, vynálezům, know-how and other rights (whether or not patentable), created, developed, and/or reduced to practice as a result of or in connection with the conduct of the Study and/or the use of the Study Drug or the Confidential Information, together with all intellectual property rights relating thereto (“Intellectual Property”). The Institution and the Investigator shall promptly disclose in writing to PSI and the Sponsor all Intellectual Property made by the Institution, the Investigator and/or the Study Personnel. At the Sponsor's request, the Institution and the Investigator shall cause all rights titles and interests in and to any such Intellectual Property to be assigned to the Sponsor without additional compensation and provide reasonable assistance to obtain patents, including causing the execution of any invention assignment or other documents. dílům, know-how a dalším právům (ať už patentovatelným či nikoli), vytvoieným, vyvinutým, a/nebo uvedeným do praxe v důsledku nebo v souvislosti s prováděním Studie, a/nebo používáním Studijního léku nebo Důvěrných informací společně s právy duševního vlastnictví s nimi souvisejícími (dále jen „Duševní vlastnictví“). Poskytovatel a Hlavní zkoušející budou neprodleně písemně informovat PSI a Zadavatele o veškerém Duševním vlastnictví vytvoieném Poskytovatelem, Hlavním zkoušejícím a/nebo Studijním personálem. Na žádost Zadavatele zajistí Poskytovatel a Hlavní zkoušející pievod veškerých práv a zájmů týkajících se Duševního vlastnictví na Zadavatele bez další odměny a poskytnou piiměienou součinnost k získání patentu včetně zajištění podpisu dokumentů k pievodu objevu nebo jiných dokumentů.
CLASS SIZE/STAFFING LEVELS The board will make every effort to limit FDK/Grade 1 split grades where feasible. APPENDIX A – RETIREMENT GRATUITIES