Immediate Cash Payment. In case of non-payment, Securitas may condition the continued performance of the Services on immediate cash payment for Services already rendered (whether or not invoiced) and/or for Services to be rendered.
Immediate Cash Payment. In case of non-payment, Securitas may condition the continued performance of the Services on immediate cash payment for Services already rendered (whether or not invoiced) and/or for Services to be rendered.
8.1. The Customer shall keep keys in lock boxes in close connection to the Site unless the Agreement includes key keeping by Securitas in accordance with the Securitas applicable price list.
8.2. By agreement on key keeping with Securitas, the keys will be kept in accordance with Securitas established routines. Keys are destroyed unless collected by the Customer within three months following expiry or termination of the agreement.
8.3. The Customer hereby grants Securitas access through a locksmith engaged at the Customer’s expense, in case the Customer has provided wrong or incomplete keys.