Importer. If known, provide the importer’s name, address, e-mail address and telephone number.
Importer. Provide, if known, the importer’s name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. The address of the importer shall be in a CPTPP country.
Importer. Provide, if known, the importer’s name, address, e-mail address, and telephone number. The address of the importer shall be in a Party’s territory.
Importer. Applies to the customs authority for import permits, including the commercial import invoice, the Single Customs Declaration and other documents that prove the legality of the product being imported, regarding both public health restrictions and tariff and non‑tariff regulations, including CITES certificates when applicable. Implements mechanisms of due diligence to verify the legality of the timber product being purchased.
Importer. All the EQUIPMENT (both hardware and software) imported based upon this AGREEMENT shall be conducted under DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) as referred to in Incoterm 2000. Therefore, it is agreed by the Parties hereto that: (i) the Party who acts as the importer shall be CONTRACTOR; and (ii) CONTRACTOR shall use its Import Licence or (Agent's) Master List in conducting custom clearance of the EQUIPMENT from Custom Authority.
Importer. Importer shall mean the party that, once all necessary approvals and licenses are obtained from the appropriate Ministries, holds the Xxxxxx and is primarily responsible for maintaining and complying with all such approvals and licenses. For purposes of this Agreement, Importer is understood to be Distributor.
Importer. A foreign buyer that enters into a Firm Export Sales Contract with an Exporter or with an Intervening Purchaser for the sale of the U.S. Agri- cultural Commodities to be shipped from the United States to the destina- tion country or region under the Pay- ment Guarantee.
Importer. All the imported Goods including software under this Contract shall be conducted under DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) as referred to in Incoterm 2000. Therefore, it is agreed by the Parties hereto that : (i) the Party who acts as the importer shall be CONTRACTOR; and (ii) CONTRACTOR shall use its Import Licence or (Agent's) Master List in conducting custom clearance of the Goods from Custom Authority; (iii) All the cost of material import to Indonesia shall be responsible by CONTRACTOR.
Importer. Importer m e a n s a n i m - po r t e r loc a t ed, a n d r eq u i r ed un de r t h i s p a r t t o m a i n t a i n r eco r ds r eg a r xx x x x x - po r t a t io n s of a good, i n t h e U n i t ed S t a t es, Ca n a d a o r Mexico.
Importer. Importer means an importer located, and required under this part to maintain records regarding importations of a good, in the United States, Canada or Mexico. (j) Intermediate material. Intermediate material means an “intermediate material” as defined in the appendix to this part. (k) Marking Rules. Marking Rules means the “NAFTA Marking Rules” as defined in § 134.1(j) of this chapter.