in Belgium Sample Clauses

in Belgium. (i) with respect to taxes due at source on income credited or payable on or after January 1 of the year next following the year in which the notice of termination is given; (ii) with respect to other taxes charged on income of taxable periods beginning on or after January 1 of the year next following the year in which the notice of termination is given;
in Belgium. (i) with respect to taxes due at source on income credited or payable on or after January 1 of the year next following the year in which the Agreement entered into force; (ii) with respect to other taxes charged on income of taxable periods beginning on or after January 1 of the year next following the year in which the Agreement entered into force;
in Belgium. (i) the individual income tax (impôt des personnes physiques - personenbelasting); (ii) the corporate income tax (impôt des sociétés - vennootschapsbelasting); (iii) the income tax on legal entities (impôt des personnes xxxxxxx - rechtspersonenbelasting); (iv) the income tax on non-residents (impôt des non-résidents - belasting der niet- verblijfhouders); (v) the special levy assimilated to the individual income tax (cotisation spéciale assimilée à l'impôt des personnes physiques - met de personenbelasting gelijkgestelde bijzondere heffing), including the prepayments, the surcharges on these taxes and prepayments, and the supplements to the individual income tax (hereinafter referred to as "Belgian tax").
in Belgium. (i) in respect of taxes due at source on income credited or payable on or after the first day of January in the calendar year immediately following that in which the instruments of ratification have been exchanged; (ii) in respect of taxes other than taxes due at source, on income of any accounting period ending on or after the 31st day of December in the calender year in which the instruments of ratification have been exchanged;
in Belgium in respect of taxes due at source on income credited or payable on or after 1 January 2004 ; - in respect of other taxes charged on income of taxable periods beginning on or after 1 January 2004 ; - in respect of taxes on capital charged on elements of capital existing on or after 1 January 2004.
in Belgium. (i) in respect of taxes due at source on income credited or payable on or after 1st January in the calendar year immediately following that in which the notice of termination is given; (ii) in respect of taxes other than taxes due at source, on income of any taxable period beginning on or after 1st January in the calendar year immediately following that in which the notice of termination is given. In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorised thereto, have signed this Agreement. Done in duplicate at Brussels, this twentieth day of November 1989 in the English language.
in Belgium. (a) as respects all tax due at source normally credited or payable after the 31st December of the calendar year next following that in which the notice is given; (b) as respects all tax other than tax due at source on income of any accounting period ending on or after the 31st December of the calendar year next following that in which such notice is given;
in Belgium. (i) the individual income tax; (ii) the corporate income tax; (iii) the tax on legal persons; (iv) the income tax on non-residents; (v) the special duty equated with individual income tax; (vi) the additional crisis payment, including the prepayments, the surcharges on these taxes and prepayments, and the supplements to the individual income tax (hereinafter referred to as "Belgian tax").
in Belgium. (i) in respect of taxes due at source on income credited or payable on or after the 1st day of January in the calendar year in which the Convention enters into force; (ii) in respect of taxes other than taxes due at source, on income of any taxable period beginning on or after the 1st day of January in the calendar year in which the Convention enters into force.
in Belgium. (i) in respect of all tax due at source on income credited or payable on or after the first day of January of the calendar year next following the calendar year in which the notice of termination is given; (ii) in respect of all tax other than tax due at source on income derived during any taxable period ending on or after the thirty-first day of December of the calendar year next following the calendar year in which the notice of termination is given. In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed the present Agreement. Done in duplicate at Brussels, this 26th day of April one thousand nine hundred and ninety-three, in the Hindi, English, French and Dutch languages, all four texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail. FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDIA: ... FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE KINGDOM OF BELGIUM: