Inclusion of Actual NHBET Cash Payment in Revenue Requirement Sample Clauses

Inclusion of Actual NHBET Cash Payment in Revenue Requirement. The Settling Parties recognize that recent changes in Federal tax laws will result in a more rapid than anticipated exhaustion of available Net Operating Loss (NOL) carry-forwards that are used to offset current taxable income. As a result, PAC may be subject to actual cash costs related to Federal income taxes prior to its next fully promulgated rate proceeding. Additionally, PAC currently incurs actual cash payments relative to both the corporate Business Profits Tax (BPT) and Business Enterprise Tax (BET) assessed by the State of New Hampshire
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Inclusion of Actual NHBET Cash Payment in Revenue Requirement. As stated in the pre-filed testimony of Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxx (Xxxxx 40), recent changes occurring to Federal tax laws will result in a more rapid than anticipated exhaustion of available Net Operating Loss (NOL) carryforwards that are used to offset current taxable income. As a result, PWW may be subject to actual cash costs related to Federal Income Taxes prior to its next fully promulgated rate proceeding. Additionally, the Company currently incurs actual cash payments relative to both the corporate Business Profits Tax (BPT) and Business Enterprise Tax (BET) assessed by the State of New Hampshire (NH), regardless of its NOL carryforward position. In its original filing, PWW requested the inclusion of the actual cash costs incurred for Federal income taxes and NH business taxes in the OERR component of its allowed revenues in this and future permanent rate cases. The purpose of which would be to have the necessary cash available from rates to pay these annual obligations. The Company’s pro forma test year in this proceeding, however, only reflects PWW’s actual cash payment relative to the NHBET in the amount of $103,249 but does not include cash payments relative to either the NHBPT or Federal income taxes. underlying trailing 5-year average data used in that determination shall be inclusive of the data pertaining to the potential “atypical” year. As such, the Settling Parties agree and recommend the Commission approve that the actual cash cost of taxes for the NHBET should be included as an MOERR component of PWW’s overall revenue requirement in this and future rate proceedings. The Settling Parties further agree that consideration of the inclusion of any actual cash outlays associated with the NHBPT and Federal income taxes in the Company’s revenue requirement should be deferred to PWW’s next rate proceeding.

Related to Inclusion of Actual NHBET Cash Payment in Revenue Requirement

  • How Are Contributions to a Xxxx XXX Reported for Federal Tax Purposes You must file Form 5329 with the IRS to report and remit any penalties or excise taxes. In addition, certain contribution and distribution information must be reported to the IRS on Form 8606 (as an attachment to your federal income tax return.)

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  • Unobligated and Unearned Funds and Allowable Costs In accordance with Section 215.971, Florida Statutes, the Grantee shall refund to the State of Florida any balance of unobligated funds which has been advanced or paid to the Grantee. In addition, funds paid in excess of the amount to which the recipient is entitled under the terms and conditions of the agreement must be refunded to the state agency. Further, the recipient may expend funds only for allowable costs resulting from obligations incurred during the specified agreement period. Expenditures of state financial assistance must be in compliance with the laws, rules, and regulations applicable to expenditures of State funds, including, but not limited to, the Reference Guide for State Expenditures.

  • Are My Contributions to a Traditional IRA Tax Deductible Although you may make a contribution to a Traditional IRA within the limitations described above, all or a portion of your contribution may be nondeductible. No deduction is allowed for a rollover contribution (including a “direct rollover”) or transfer. For “regular” contributions, the taxability of your contribution depends upon your tax filing status, whether you (and in some cases your spouse) are an “active participant” in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, and your income level. An employer-sponsored retirement plan includes any of the following types of retirement plans: • a qualified pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plan established in accordance with IRC 401(a) or 401(k); • a Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP) (IRC 408(k)); • a deferred compensation plan maintained by a governmental unit or agency; • tax-sheltered annuities and custodial accounts (IRC 403(b) and 403(b)(7)); • a qualified annuity plan under IRC Section 403(a); or • a Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small Employers (SIMPLE Plan). Generally, you are considered an “active participant” in a defined contribution plan if an employer contribution or forfeiture was credited to your account during the year. You are considered an “active participant” in a defined benefit plan if you are eligible to participate in a plan, even though you elect not to participate. You are also treated as an “active participant” if you make a voluntary or mandatory contribution to any type of plan, even if your employer makes no contribution to the plan. If you are not married (including a taxpayer filing under the “head of household” status), the following rules apply: • If you are not an “active participant” in an employer- sponsored retirement plan, you may make a contribution to a Traditional IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3). • If you are single and you are an “active participant” in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, you may make a fully deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3), but then the deductibility limits of a contribution are related to your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) as follows: Year Eligible to Make a Deductible Contribution if AGI is Less Than or Equal to: Eligible to Make a Partially Deductible Contribution if AGI is Between: Not Eligible to Make a Deductible Contribution if AGI is Over: 2020 $65,000 $65,000 - $75,000 $75,000 2021 & After - subject to COLA increases $66,000 $66,000 - $76,000 $76,000 If you are married, the following rules apply: • If you and your spouse file a joint tax return and neither you nor your spouse is an “active participant” in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, you and your spouse may make a fully deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3). • If you and your spouse file a joint tax return and both you and your spouse are “active participants” in employer- sponsored retirement plans, you and your spouse may make fully deductible contributions to a Traditional IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3), but then the deductibility limits of a contribution are as follows: Year Eligible to Make a Deductible Contribution if AGI is Less Than or Equal to: Eligible to Make a Partially Deductible Contribution if AGI is Between: Not Eligible to Make a Deductible Contribution if AGI is Over: 2020 $104,000 $104,000 - $124,000 $124,000 2021 & After - subject to COLA increases $105,000 $105,000 - $125,000 $125,000 • If you and your spouse file a joint tax return and only one of you is an “active participant” in an employer- sponsored retirement plan, special rules apply. If your spouse is the “active participant,” a fully deductible contribution can be made to your IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3) if your combined modified adjusted gross income does not exceed $196,000 in 2020 or $198,000 in 2021. If your combined modified adjusted gross income is between $196,000 and $206,000 in 2020, or $198,000 and $208,000 in 2021, your deduction will be limited as described below. If your combined modified adjusted gross income exceeds $206,000 in 2020 or $208,000 in 2021, your contribution will not be deductible. Your spouse, as an “active participant” in an employer- sponsored retirement plan, may make a fully deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA if your combined modified adjusted gross income does not exceed the amounts listed in the table above. Conversely, if you are an “active” participant” and your spouse is not, a contribution to your Traditional IRA will be deductible if your combined modified adjusted gross income does not exceed the amounts listed above. • If you are married and file a separate return, and neither you nor your spouse is an “active participant” in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, you may make a fully deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA (up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3). If you are married, filing separately, and either you or your spouse is an “active participant” in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, you may not make a fully deductible contribution to a Traditional IRA. Please note that the deduction limits are not the same as the contribution limits. You can contribute to your Traditional IRA in any amount up to the contribution limits detailed in Section 3. The amount of your contribution that is deductible for federal income tax purposes is based upon the rules described in this section. If you (or where applicable, your spouse) are an “active participant” in an employer- sponsored retirement plan, you can refer to IRS Publication 590-A: Figuring Your Modified AGI and Figuring Your Reduced IRA Deduction to calculate whether your contribution will be fully or partially deductible. Even if your income exceeds the limits described above, you may make a contribution to your IRA up to the contribution limitations described in Section 3. To the extent that your contribution exceeds the deductible limits, it will be nondeductible. However, earnings on all IRA contributions are tax deferred until distribution. You must designate on your federal income tax return the amount of your Traditional IRA contribution that is nondeductible and provide certain additional information concerning nondeductible contributions. Overstating the amount of nondeductible contributions will generally subject you to a penalty of $100 for each overstatement.

  • Entitlements Upon Return to Work (a) An employee who returns to work after the expiration of maternity, parental or pre-adoption leaves shall retain the seniority the employee had accumulated prior to commencing the leave and shall be credited with seniority for the period of time covered by the leave.

  • The OCN, From XXX, and Invoice Number will control the invoice sequencing The From XXX will be used to identify to <<customer_name>> which BellSouth XXX is sending the message. BellSouth and <<customer_name>> will use the invoice sequencing to control data exchange. BellSouth will be notified of sequence failures identified by <<customer_name>> and resend the data as appropriate. THE DATA WILL BE PACKED USING ATIS EMI RECORDS.

  • How Are Distributions from a Xxxx XXX Taxed for Federal Income Tax Purposes Amounts distributed to you are generally excludable from your gross income if they (i) are paid after you attain age 59½, (ii) are made to your beneficiary after your death, (iii) are attributable to your becoming disabled, (iv) subject to various limits, the distribution is used to purchase a first home or, in limited cases, a second or subsequent home for you, your spouse, or you or your spouse’s grandchild or ancestor, or (v) are rolled over to another Xxxx XXX. Regardless of the foregoing, if you or your beneficiary receives a distribution within the five-taxable-year period starting with the beginning of the year to which your initial contribution to your Xxxx XXX applies, the earnings on your account are includable in taxable income. In addition, if you roll over (convert) funds to your Xxxx XXX from another individual retirement plan (such as a Traditional IRA or another Xxxx XXX into which amounts were rolled from a Traditional IRA), the portion of a distribution attributable to rolled-over amounts which exceeds the amounts taxed in connection with the conversion to a Xxxx XXX is includable in income (and subject to penalty tax) if it is distributed prior to the end of the five-tax-year period beginning with the start of the tax year during which the rollover occurred. An amount taxed in connection with a rollover is subject to a 10% penalty tax if it is distributed before the end of the five-tax-year period. As noted above, the five-year holding period requirement is measured from the beginning of the five-taxable-year period beginning with the first taxable year for which you (or your spouse) made a contribution to a Xxxx XXX on your behalf. Previously, the law required that a separate five-year holding period apply to regular Xxxx XXX contributions and to amounts contributed to a Xxxx XXX as a result of the rollover or conversion of a Traditional IRA. Even though the holding period requirement has been simplified, it may still be advisable to keep regular Xxxx XXX contributions and rollover/ conversion Xxxx XXX contributions in separate accounts. This is because amounts withdrawn from a rollover/conversion Xxxx XXX within five years of the rollover/conversion may be subject to a 10% penalty tax. As noted above, a distribution from a Xxxx XXX that complies with all of the distribution and holding period requirements is excludable from your gross income. If you receive a distribution from a Xxxx XXX that does not comply with these rules, the part of the distribution that constitutes a return of your contributions will not be included in your taxable income, and the portion that represents earnings will be includable in your income. For this purpose, certain ordering rules apply. Amounts distributed to you are treated as coming first from your non-deductible contributions. The next portion of a distribution is treated as coming from amounts which have been rolled over (converted) from any non-Xxxx IRAs in the order such amounts were rolled over. Any remaining amounts (including all earnings) are distributed last. Any portion of your distribution which does not meet the criteria for exclusion from gross income may also be subject to a 10% penalty tax. Note that to the extent a distribution would be taxable to you, neither you nor anyone else can qualify for capital gains treatment for amounts distributed from your account. Similarly, you are not entitled to the special five- or ten- year averaging rule for lump-sum distributions that may be available to persons receiving distributions from certain other types of retirement plans. Rather, the taxable portion of any distribution is taxed to you as ordinary income. Your Xxxx XXX is not subject to taxes on excess distributions or on excess amounts remaining in your account as of your date of death. You must indicate on your distribution request whether federal income taxes should be withheld on a distribution from a Xxxx XXX. If you do not make a withholding election, we will not withhold federal or state income tax. Note that, for federal tax purposes (for example, for purposes of applying the ordering rules described above), Xxxx IRAs are considered separately from Traditional IRAs.

  • Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions (a) The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency.

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