Examples of Test year in a sentence
We adopt, subject to the continued usage of the one-way balancing account, SDG&E’s full request of $23.715 million for vegetation management in Test year 2004.
Test year gascollateral postings have been averaged over the 12-month test year from January through December 2008, and an interest rate is then applied to the average to be consistent with the method adopted by the Commission in Docket Nos.
Test year depreciation expense was not recorded in the general ledger, but was reflected in the 2016 Annual Report.
Test year revenues will be based on the test year forecasted sales and customer estimates.
Test year gas collateral postings have been averaged over the 12-month test year from January through December 2008, and an interest rate is then applied to the average to be consistent with the method adopted by the Commission in Docket Nos.