INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS. Architect will review each submittal and will not return it, or will return it if it does not comply with requirements. Architect will forward each submittal to appropriate party.
INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS. Informational submittals upon which the Project Designer is not expected to take responsive action may be so identified in the Contract Documents.
INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS. Submittals identified in the Contract Documents are to be submitted for information only.
INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS. Engineer will review each submittal and will not return it, or will return it if it does not comply with requirements. Engineer will forward each submittal to appropriate party.
INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS. A. Qualification Data: For the following:
1. Installer: Include copies of applicable ACI certificates.
2. Ready-mixed concrete manufacturer.
3. Testing agency: Include copies of applicable ACI certificates.
B. Material Certificates: For each of the following, signed by manufacturers:
1. Cementitious materials.
2. Admixtures.
3. Fiber reinforcement.
4. Curing compounds.
5. Floor and slab treatments.
6. Bonding agents.
INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS. A. Coordination Drawings: Area plans and details, drawn to scale, on which the following items are shown and coordinated with each other, using input from installers of the items involved:
1. Structural members to which equipment will be attached.
2. Electrical service.
3. Communications service, including wireless communications equipment.
B. Qualification Data: For [Installer] [factory-authorized service representative].
INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS. A. General: Prepare and submit Informational Submittals required by other Specification Sections.
INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS. A. Field quality-control reports.
INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS. A. Product Certificates: For each type of meter and gage.
INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS. A. Qualification Data: For professional engineer and testing agency responsible for testing nonconcrete handholes and boxes.